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Author Topic: EZ Server Rules  (Read 309329 times)
Posts: 25

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« Reply #90 on: May 27, 2010, 03:19:01 pm »

I agree, the rule is stated very clearly.  There is no ninja looting.  But people are still interpreting this the way they wish or ignoring this as you wish to phrase it.  This is obvious as to the amount of publicity this topic has received.

I just think going around with the ban stick is an extreme solution.  If a puppy pees in the house, you shouldn't beat it.  You tell him/her, "NO", and you take it outside and show it where to pee.  Then give it praise when it does the right thing.

There seems like there should be easier solutions with less headache for both the players involved (on both sides) and Hunter.

I have enjoyed debating this topic with you guys, I like to discuss problems and potential solutions.  But I have spent far too long of my work day on this, so I am going to fade back into the EZserver shadows and let everybody play as they choose. 
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« Reply #91 on: May 27, 2010, 05:55:04 pm »

Can't believe this thread is still going, hunter even made it clear in a post
« Reply #92 on: May 28, 2010, 02:45:12 am »

It's simple.

If you did not kill the mob, or you cannot get permission from the person who *did* kill the mob, regardless of how long is left on the corpse timer, then LEAVE IT ALONE.

If people cannot understand that simple (and it is simple) concept, then they deserve to be banned.

Should not matter if it is a trash mob, or a boss - you didn't kill it?  You don't get to loot it.
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« Reply #93 on: May 28, 2010, 10:16:33 am »

This rule is as black and white as a speed limit sign.
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« Reply #94 on: June 11, 2010, 07:18:26 pm »

This rule is as black and white as a speed limit sign.
LOL can't tell if you're being ironic here or not.
Yeah clear as speed limits... that not one single driver obeys, and nobody gets a ticket for going only 5-10 over.

IMO common sense should prevail here (like speed limits, 5-10 over, ok.. 60mph in a school zone = ticket).  If it's newbish gear off trash mobs in Dulak or BoT or even Time, and they are killing dozens of mobs at once (lol "no trains" another rule everyone ignores) and not even bothering to loot the coin (ie they didn't even check the mobs once) before running off to kill 2 dozen more.. I think it's safe to assume they don't want the loot.  If it's high-end "tier" stuff that's a different story, and NOBODY should be sitting there like a vulture clicking corpses as soon as they hit the floor when it's obvious the people who killed it may want the loot.

« Reply #95 on: June 11, 2010, 07:28:18 pm »

That's part of the problem I think.
People assuming.

Rules state if you didn't kill it, don't loot it without permission.

Just because others break rules, doesn't mean you should.

It really is that simple.
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« Reply #96 on: June 17, 2010, 02:29:06 am »

Begging is at an all time high, and too little tiki's. thats all i can say cuz this server rocks and I love it.
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« Reply #97 on: June 17, 2010, 02:47:02 am »

ALSO, would like to say being charmed in City of Mist while RoA'ing is a splendid delight, now that zone will blind and charm. YAY
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« Reply #98 on: June 17, 2010, 03:12:12 am »

No matter which way you put it, the general player base does not view looting after the 27:30 mark as ninja looting.  

I was very surprised when after my first few hours on the server some dude went off on me for looting a corpse that was about 10 minutes from rot.  I tried talking to him about it, but he was obsessed with this no ninja looting rule that made absolutely no sense to me.  My entire 12 year old MMO experience was telling me that once a game allowed anyone to loot something, then it was fair game for anyone.

A quick visit to these forums and a little bit of searching later, and I found this thread.  Now, even if I come across a page sitting on a boss mob in a LDON and I am the only person in the zone, I will let it rot.  I know it makes zero sense to do so, but rules are rules, so I let it rot and wait for a respawn.

While I respect the rules Hunter has put out on this issue, and now abide by them to the T, I still want to remind everyone that the entire "Unless you kill it, DONT LOOT!  Even if the game lets you do so!" is not common knowledge.  I have never heard anything like this in my life and if newbs are going to get banned for looting an NPC in Dulak that is about to rot, then this rule should take precedence over everything else in the server /motd.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 03:13:58 am by Consumer » Logged
« Reply #99 on: June 17, 2010, 03:16:00 am »

I suggested something similar, along the lines of "Read the rules on the forum".......
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« Reply #100 on: June 20, 2010, 01:01:28 pm »

No matter which way you put it, the general player base does not view looting after the 27:30 mark as ninja looting.  

I was very surprised when after my first few hours on the server some dude went off on me for looting a corpse that was about 10 minutes from rot.  I tried talking to him about it, but he was obsessed with this no ninja looting rule that made absolutely no sense to me.  My entire 12 year old MMO experience was telling me that once a game allowed anyone to loot something, then it was fair game for anyone.

A quick visit to these forums and a little bit of searching later, and I found this thread.  Now, even if I come across a page sitting on a boss mob in a LDON and I am the only person in the zone, I will let it rot.  I know it makes zero sense to do so, but rules are rules, so I let it rot and wait for a respawn.

While I respect the rules Hunter has put out on this issue, and now abide by them to the T, I still want to remind everyone that the entire "Unless you kill it, DONT LOOT!  Even if the game lets you do so!" is not common knowledge.  I have never heard anything like this in my life and if newbs are going to get banned for looting an NPC in Dulak that is about to rot, then this rule should take precedence over everything else in the server /motd.

Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #101 on: June 20, 2010, 06:06:18 pm »

The average player knows that looting something in someone else's camp spot that they did not kill is ninja looter. Of course your average ninja looter is going to disagree with that. To say that the average player does not know this is being extremely naive.

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« Reply #102 on: June 20, 2010, 09:17:57 pm »

Took me long enough but I finally decided to start using the forum. LOL.
After reading through 7 pages of mostly Ninja Looting arguements, I have to say I agree with Hunter. If you didn't kill it, don't loot it. Period. End of discussion.
As for the earlier posts about what if someone goes LD, how are you supposed to know? That is the whole point. You don't. So: If you didn't lill it, don't loot it.
Take it from an ex-assistant GM, there are plenty of people who want to bend or turn or twist the rules to fit their situation. But if you break a rule, you face the consequences. KSing. Camping. Hunter has set the rules (and defined and worded them) as he wants thems. If you don't like them or agree with them or want to abide by them, then please go somewhere else. But don't try to justify any violation of any of his rules.

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« Reply #103 on: June 20, 2010, 09:39:44 pm »

Took me long enough but I finally decided to start using the forum. LOL.
After reading through 7 pages of mostly Ninja Looting arguements, I have to say I agree with Hunter. If you didn't kill it, don't loot it. Period. End of discussion.
As for the earlier posts about what if someone goes LD, how are you supposed to know? That is the whole point. You don't. So: If you didn't lill it, don't loot it.
Take it from an ex-assistant GM, there are plenty of people who want to bend or turn or twist the rules to fit their situation. But if you break a rule, you face the consequences. KSing. Camping. Hunter has set the rules (and defined and worded them) as he wants thems. If you don't like them or agree with them or want to abide by them, then please go somewhere else. But don't try to justify any violation of any of his rules.

First post is top notch.

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EZ Server GM
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EZ Server GM

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« Reply #104 on: July 23, 2010, 06:17:10 pm »

Updated the rules. Read them so you don't get banned.

Hunter - EZ Server GM
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