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Author Topic: Weapon Graphics  (Read 12210 times)
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« on: August 30, 2010, 10:14:55 pm »

 Just curious,is there a way you could implement weapon molds,or something along those lines, of some kind to drag and drop onto the weapon to change the graphics? You know you cant please everyone,no matter what you wind up picking.

 Maybe 3-5 different ones that drop of NPC,maybe even tradable to stimulate the economy.  Maybe even a blade/hilt combo. That way ya have to have 2 drops,that match each other to complete the conversion. Or just something along those lines..or is that to 'live' like?

 Or if most drops are in game already,get the weapon you want to use the graphics of,and do drag/drop or turn in to a NPC to change it.

 This may be a tedious thing,I dont know..just throwing out suggestion.
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« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2010, 10:32:12 pm »

I definitly like that idea, if hunter could get that to work somehow that would be pretty cool.
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« Reply #2 on: August 31, 2010, 08:53:50 pm »

That means there would need to be a copy of every weapon to represent every weapon model.  Kind of time intensive and pointless.

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« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2010, 09:30:39 pm »

I figured it could be NPC turn in that checked class/slot/weapon type, to make sure you could use it, then an ID swap for graphics. Or even something along the lines of the aug pool,but I'm no coder,so I dunno
« Last Edit: August 31, 2010, 09:33:56 pm by Nindalf » Logged
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« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2010, 11:13:11 pm »

I figured it could be NPC turn in that checked class/slot/weapon type, to make sure you could use it, then an ID swap for graphics. Or even something along the lines of the aug pool,but I'm no coder,so I dunno

That would still require unique weapon id's so that you could have the same weapon with multiple graphics.

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« Reply #5 on: September 02, 2010, 01:26:19 am »

 I figured it could be made a variable.

 Player customization has always been one of EQ's weak points,everyone looks the same at high end lvls. I mean sure we got dye,but thats it. IMO this would be an awesome and totally unique addition to EZ Server.
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« Reply #6 on: September 02, 2010, 01:29:41 am »

Hrmm.....about the only way I could see it being done would be to essential copy weapon ids, and then possibly have a vendor you could swap them out with for different versions. Even so, this would be a pretty tedious task to go and change each one and make it look good. But if you just threw some randomization into it, that could make things interesting. We'd have staffs looking like daggers :-P
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« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2010, 07:39:16 am »

@Lored. You're right. There is a way to send a packet to force the graphic in a person's hand to change, however as i recall swinging with that new graphic forces the old one to reappear. Not to mention there's no way to change what graphic each client sees, the graphic in your hand is the graphic in your hand and there's no way around that.

However even with your option (having two epics with the exact same stats and different graphics) you would still be back to the issue of Titanium not being able to see the SoD graphics, it doesn't truly solve anything. What it boils down to honestly is either use SoD or stick with Craptanium and it's limited resources. =/

@Nindalf. I'm sorry to say this (and am actually preparing for a couple flame posts in response with people trying blatantly to suck up to Hunter but meh, i'm not trollin' it's a legit opinion so whatever) EZ server is really the only place with that problem =/

On Live (and several EQEmu servers for that matter) there are various different items and weapons all with different stats, appearances etc usuable by certain classes and obtained by things such as group content, solo content, raid content, quests, direct mob drops (both common and rare) etc allowing people to equip differently based upon ability, stats, class, luck etc. Where as on EZ you only have a select few items post-Qvic, some slots are ignored entirely (range, primary.) and epics can be dual wielded which causes people to all get 2 of their epics and run around with the same damn graphics in both hands, which tbh is one reason why you couldn't Dual wield epics or repeat the quests on Live...

This is why i laughed when Jydyta claimed Yellowbird was his clone, of course he's your clone, everyone is EVERYONE's clone. That's the only way to play on EZ server >.<

Blood of the Akkadian
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« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2010, 07:57:40 am »

No Dany.. lack of characterization is EVERYWHERE.

in EVERY MMO. Tell me an MMO where there truly is a deep, huge variety of characters with different talents/looks/abilities/feel.

None of them are, really. Some better than others, and, MOST are better than EQ1.

To get true class customization on this server would need to make the world/content about 10x bigger with that many more options. And that's not the case for obvious reasons. And you would still see some of the items repeated a lot regardless, and the same look.

honestly, the biggest reason why people all look the same isnt weapons or armor, its the lame-ass models that all were based off of the same base model.
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« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2010, 08:05:24 am »

Plus there is a serious deficit of different armor/robe textures.  Possibly 10 total per race?  That leaves us with only color as a true customization option.  Blame Sony...

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« Reply #10 on: September 02, 2010, 08:19:53 am »

No Dany.. lack of characterization is EVERYWHERE.

in EVERY MMO. Tell me an MMO where there truly is a deep, huge variety of characters with different talents/looks/abilities/feel.

None of them are, really. Some better than others, and, MOST are better than EQ1.

To get true class customization on this server would need to make the world/content about 10x bigger with that many more options. And that's not the case for obvious reasons. And you would still see some of the items repeated a lot regardless, and the same look.

honestly, the biggest reason why people all look the same isnt weapons or armor, its the lame-ass models that all were based off of the same base model.

Actually it is. Did i say Live was perfect? No. As a matter of fact let's play a game. Point out to me exactly where in my post i said Live's customization was perfect. Do it and you win a cookie.

Nothing is perfect. But the lack of itemization here , which was the topic of this post (models aside),  doesn't help and it makes it much worse here on EZ than Live etc.

Blood of the Akkadian
Chane Laforet
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« Reply #11 on: September 02, 2010, 08:53:24 am »

So what exactly would your solution be then Dany? Obviously with there being different 'grades' of equip, such as raid, group, quest, etc on live, that gives them an option of what to get, but here on EZ Server, everything is classified as RAID post BoT anyways, so I think it makes perfect sense that there is only RAID gear on the server. To do otherwise would basically call for a total re haul of the servers content to co-exist with the newly created 'group' gear or whatever you seem to be poking at, or if Hunter was to add something in the middle, it would make the upgrades basically useless (look at LDON, i never even got that gear on my first char lol). So maybe it would add more variety (that is the point people are trying to make, no?) but it would just be so much stupid and mindless work for so little gain other than offering 'variety'.

With the server being so old now, any changes to be made with current content could go ahead and totally mess up some things, such as making it too trivial, or too much harder, and everyone new/old will complain that it wasn't the way it was before when everything was possible. (talking about stats now) Of course I would love to see some of the focus effects/ac/clicks/procs changed on some of the items, but personally I don't see why it should be tampered with if it currently works fine.

But say Hunter was to add new items in the middle of... Tacvi and PoD, to make that a bit easier and add more variety to the items available.. But then it would come down to, Is this new zones gear needed to progress PoD gear? Such as the combine or Quest requiring the tier before. If yes, people will complain that there is too much of a grind required just to progress in gear and that everyone had it easier where they could get their PoD gear right after Tacvi. If no, then people will just say screw it, the gear isn't a requirement to progress and just a stepping stone for those who might need it, and will just get thrown away anyways once they do get PoD. Which will in turn, just bring on a new set of clones.

Or lastly lets say suddenly there is a huge list of different sets of items people could try for with different stats, zones, all that stuff... People will figure out which is easiest to farm, and has the best stats that make it possible to move on to the new level and just go with that 1 set, and the common question will become, "which zone should I go to after I have my PoT gear?" (assuming the new gear is within PoT level and Qvic) and people will say, skip blah, blah and blah and go straight for blah. Because again, where will you put these new items, making them... (umm can't think of the word im working off no sleep in a couple days..) wanted... lol and worth the time getting them, without breaking old content.

The only way that I can see this ever working out is if T5 and on have choices like these, optional zones to get different types of gear to offer more customization for the characters within those levels.

And about the weapon graphics issue... I personally have no problem with them, 99% of the time you only glance at you weapon as you're swing, and since most people are boxing they don't even get that glance since they're looking at a certain few boxes. Yes looking pretty is nice, but really, EQ isn't a fashion show. The server is what it is, I kinda wish people would stop trying to change that :/

*Chances are this makes absolutely no sense is 500% off topic and everything in this thread totally went over my head and I shall blame that on lack of sleep. In the mean time I'm going to go get some caffeine and re-read this post another time to laugh at myself.. maybe*

тнє тнαηαтσѕ ιηѕтιηcт
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« Reply #12 on: September 02, 2010, 11:02:13 am »

1. I was not hinting at anything. I was stating an opinion. I do not know Hunter, i am not friends with Hunter, i have no say on the server, etc. I was simply speaking my mind.

2. That's a misconception that adding in that content would throw the server out of whack, it only would do that if you did it wrong. Adding random items is doing it wrong. Adding quests with items on par with current items and adding a little more detail is doing it right. As for the extra effort, one should assume he made a server for it to be quality and fun correct? Quality takes effort.

3. The "detail is not Everquest" thing is false. "Detail" is not only Everquest but any game on any console ever, and for that matter it applies to everything in life. A good example is the abominations in LDoN 6. Lol sorry i mean "amominations". That's a VERY simple fix. in fact here:
UPDATE npc_types set name = an_abomination where name = an_amomination
^^ 2 seconds. Run it in Navicat or add a ";" to the end and run it in notepad. Done. Yet that issue has been brought up as far back as the old forums and never been addressed (granted i haven't been on in a couple months he may have finally changed it but seeing as how it's been that way forever i honestly doubt it... but i could be wrong. Someone go there and tell me Tongue)
Believe it or not people, be it directly or subconsciously, take note of things like that. The more tiny details are overlooked the worse of an impression you put on people. No one would quit over that tiny error alone of course (if they did it's called "/ragequit") however it can make the server look bad if things like that are built up and never addressed. Sometimes you DO have to go back to early content and work on/fix it. Sony is still working on stuff from Classic to this day. Once content is released don't ever expect it to be 100% done, no matter how much it was tested.

tl;dr i'm not requesting anything. People that know me should know by now that i make my opinions known no matter how i may be viewed for them but i never expect them to change anything. It's been said before, this is Hunter's server and he may do with it as he pleases and if it wasn't a good server it wouldn't have this population, that doesn't mean it doesn't have things that could be fixed though.

Blood of the Akkadian
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« Reply #13 on: September 02, 2010, 11:39:30 am »

Chane, no one is trying to change anything, we are just stating opinions and ideas, and if hunter wants to take our ideas into account if he makes changes to weapon graphics, or any other issue for that matter, cool, if not, thats fine too, like zomgDanyelle said, its hunters server, so we arent trying to change anything, we are just stating opinions (i would think thats one of the reasons for these forums) . And if you dont care for the weapon graphics the way they are, thats cool, you have a right to your opinion too. But i just see people on these forums to tell us to stop posting about weapon graphics, thats like telling us we're not suppose to have an opinion on the matter.
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« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2010, 11:41:14 am »

The only argument you really have dany is

Live has better personalization for peoples characters than here.

and thats because they're a handful of expansions and content ahead of us.

Uniqueness can get a little better than it is, but with EQ1 as the EMU, its always going to suck
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