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Author Topic: Anger IV Augs  (Read 12498 times)
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« on: September 10, 2010, 10:27:39 am »

As I have spent enough time in PoD to finally get my non-tanking warriors their Anger Augs, I have noticed that they are pulling agro when I believe they shouldnt.

I have had my warrior with 2 Anger IV augs pull agro from my Main Tank who has 4 anger IV Augs and I spam Right Click his Epic. Without fail Agro will be drawn to the secondary warrior around 40% of T2 bosses (this is probably coincidence). I finally gave up and just gave my second warrior full Aug V's but am sad to see the loss of DPS.

Am I Ignorant of some mechanic of agro that is causing the second warrior to draw agro? Has anyone else seen this? Is there a way around it without losing so much DPS?

Jr. Member
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« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2010, 10:43:03 am »

Are you pulling both of the warriors off the named to attack the adds that pop on the T2 bosses or are you leaving the DPS warrior on the named while your main warrior tanks the adds?
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« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2010, 10:59:45 am »

I pull everyone off to kill the adds.

Let me give you another example that I tested out. On a handfull of bosses I did not attack the boss with my DPS warrior untill I had killed 2 adds. So the boss was at about 75% when I first attacked with my DPS warrior. He still pulled agro by the end of the fight.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2010, 11:19:21 am »

Ok, if you are pulling them both off to kill the adds when they pop, I can see it being only a few seconds where the secondary warrior is attacking the named before it engages the add the primary warrior is on. The 125K aggro on the proc can make it that the secondary warrior is slowly gaining hate while the target switching is taking place. I have no doubt you are doing it as fast as you can, but even 2 seconds is enough to have that secondary warrior get 500K hate additionally on the boss.

I only mention this because I really had no idea how often I proc until I was in LDoN and I was fighting close to the NPC that takes you to the next level, and I saw the flood of resist messages, from cyclone blade, and anger, and I can see how easy it is to get ahead of someone.

Its just a thought, im really grasping at straws to figure out what could be the cause. I know the epics have the 18% aggro mod, by chance is your main warrior or the secondary one using the warrior only belt that comes from Qvic, it has a 20% aggro mod on it.

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« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2010, 11:39:47 am »

Not to sound crazy, but has anyone ever thought there might be an agro cap?  Like once you hit a certain point it just resets or goes negative.

Are you using taunt?  I remember in old school EQ if you taunted a mob you already had agro on, and it worked (taunt working? Lol) it would lower your agro to the second highest person +1. 

Just throwing some stuff out there.

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« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2010, 12:02:21 pm »

As I have spent enough time in PoD to finally get my non-tanking warriors their Anger Augs, I have noticed that they are pulling agro when I believe they shouldnt.

I have had my warrior with 2 Anger IV augs pull agro from my Main Tank who has 4 anger IV Augs and I spam Right Click his Epic. Without fail Agro will be drawn to the secondary warrior around 40% of T2 bosses (this is probably coincidence). I finally gave up and just gave my second warrior full Aug V's but am sad to see the loss of DPS.

Am I Ignorant of some mechanic of agro that is causing the second warrior to draw agro? Has anyone else seen this? Is there a way around it without losing so much DPS?

I had this EXACT issue with my 3 warriors. I did have the qvic anger belt on my main tank and he still consistently lost agro on bosses. If my main warrior had all 4 anger IV's in, and 2nd warrior had HALF anger IV's it still happens.

The anger cap theory seems to have merit. If there is a 32000 cap on anger and mobs have a secondary behavior of targeting those with less AC, it would explain the secondary warriors stealing agro.

My solution, btw, is to put anger V's on all your warriors. Lose about 2kdps per warrior doing that, but until they are evenly geared it's the only way to keep those extra warriors alive. I now have 3 full T2 warriors in my group, so they can pass agro back and forth all they want. My group heals and pally keep them up just fine.

In fact, it is very efficient to heal them when there is adds in T2 boss fights. The adds randomly hit someone different than the main tank and I can take down Kronos without ever hitting stonewall.

Hang in there Mayo.

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« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2010, 12:27:01 pm »

My guess was in tune with an agro cap as well - was just wondering if anyone did know the exact mechanics.

It looks like ill just have to take the DPS loss - which makes me sad since ive heard when breaking into T3 it could take 45 minutes to kill the bosses.

Thanks for the input fellas - im at least glad to find out it is a problem experienced by others - Im not going crazy after all!

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« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2010, 12:29:47 pm »


I'm just now breaking into T3 with a single group of 6. It's taking me about 30-35 mins a kill or so.

I'm getting really a good look at the bosses.. haha

BTW .. Prince of Darkness.. meh punk sucka

edit.. 6 grouping just to get a feel for things.. Plan to have more teams up soon i.e. more live people..

edit2.. T3 bosses seem to be a lot easier then Shadow.. I'm have such a pain with him.. 33% is farthest I got when suddenly he decided to amp his output up.(just bad RNG for damage really was worse case)
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 12:33:00 pm by Fugitive » Logged

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We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
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« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2010, 03:10:21 pm »

edit2.. T3 bosses seem to be a lot easier then Shadow.. I'm have such a pain with him.. 33% is farthest I got when suddenly he decided to amp his output up.(just bad RNG for damage really was worse case)

Yep, there is that nearly direct graphical proportion of time to a rare RNG instance occuring.


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« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2010, 08:13:16 pm »

Looking at the code it would appear that hate is a signed 32 bit number.  This means that if you somehow generate over 2.14 billion hate in a fight it could go negative and make you the least hated.

Taunt puts you on top of the list by 2-4 times your level if successful.  So, not enough of a lead to stay ahead of someone that is generating more hate than you.

People that are sitting or are below 20% hp can be considered higher on the list than they naturally are.

If the mob is rooted the closest person is the target, not the most hated.

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« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2010, 08:57:02 pm »

It would take 17120 right clicks to hit 2.14 billion agro.

That's not including the 20% belt, which drops the right clicks to 14266.

Not sure how much or how fast threat builds via auto attacks and anger IV damage (I assume the proc is 125000 unmodified threat too).

If you right clicked once per second it would take 238 minutes to hit 2.14 billion agro with right clicks only.

I guess the agro cap is possible but unless auto attack/procs are a lot more threat than I'm thinking, it would still be unlikely.

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« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2010, 10:19:18 pm »

Damage seems to be pretty much 1:1 as far as hate goes.  It does seem unlikely that it is overflowing the number.  I think the only way to know for sure is with the #hatelist command.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2010, 09:36:30 am »

With the Anger IV augs, their spell is a two slot component, one is the direct 125K of hate, and the second is the 1,500 damage, which is separate and creates its own 1500 hate as well.

I agree though, I dont think people are wrapping around their hate score. As stated there are a number of additional things that can and do override the hate list.

I would love to be able to watch the hate list of a mob during an extended fight, just to observe if there are any huge spikes, or people making big jumps up and down on the list.
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« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2010, 01:57:59 pm »

Are you using distance?  Everything else being roughly equal, mobs will attack players who are closer, even when not rooted.

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« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2010, 02:37:26 pm »

Are you using distance?  Everything else being roughly equal, mobs will attack players who are closer, even when not rooted.

No they don't.  Even if agro is equal the person who has threat won't lose it until he is passed, not tied.

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