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Author Topic: Crafters Guild Completed  (Read 34689 times)
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« Reply #30 on: October 01, 2010, 04:18:16 pm »

This idea is pretty ingenious...everyone with negative comments above are making a HUGE oversight here...

This armor is not meant to replace the tiered armor in my understanding.  Although arguable someone with enough cash could indeed pay there way to good armor, it doesn't take away the fact that you have to still use the regular armor for flagging, etc.

The whole point of this armor is two-fold...tradeable and useable at level 1. 

Useable at level 1 means some uber rich person could essentially drop 10million and twink a level 1 with t2 armor.  Of course RoA comes to mind...no more need for 3.0druid/shaman buff bots really.  But also you don't have to worry about having some half naked alt chasing you thru qvic because you PLed them so quickly they couldn't get armor...

Tradeable is another HUGE deal.  You can twink, pass around, sell, etc, etc, etc.  Guild buys a set for a warrior to help thru some tiers, when that warrior gets better armor you get hand me downs....the investment there pays for potentially multiple characters, not just one, AND you can sell it and get a return on the investment.  Think of buying a house instead of renting, you get something on the backend of the deal---that is HUGE!!!

Possibilities are really endless here with tradeable armor wearable at level 1 that is on par with tiered armor.  The only thing that is going to kill this is pricing...hard to guess what "price is right" (ha!), but time will tell...

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« Reply #31 on: October 01, 2010, 05:02:01 pm »

The problem with this entire system is, the price. Even if you are a brand new guild with tons of plat sitting around, it would be cheaper to pay someone to run whatever person through the content and you would get a LOT more for the price.

Qvic Full run someone was offering 250kpp last night. That would be 15 bosses including 3.0 flag (tokens) and whatever armor drops, which can be shared with the rest of your "guildies" (boxes).

250kpp makes 2 pieces of tradeable qvic armor and that's it.

Good idea , bad pricing platform, yes plat is easy to farm, but I don't believe this armor will help anyone progress at all. 50k per piece of qvic armor would be a lot closer to manageable for a "new" guild and add 50k extra each tier so T2 would be 500k total but the mats for T2 only would be 200kpp.

Posts: 34

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« Reply #32 on: October 02, 2010, 12:29:47 pm »

Useable at level 1 means some uber rich person could essentially drop 10million and twink a level 1 with t2 armor.  Of course RoA comes to mind...no more need for 3.0druid/shaman buff bots really.  But also you don't have to worry about having some half naked alt chasing you thru qvic because you PLed them so quickly they couldn't get armor...

This armor would mean no need for t3 shaman, but still need the regen and ds from druid.  And at some point, maybe RoA 10 or so?  Dont need t3 shaman either until you get to the point you cant wear the RoA at level 1.  The people who have enough to buy this armor are probably already done with RoA, probably have access to t3 druid/shaman, and if not, it's cheaper to pay someone to RoA them than spend a million plat for one piece.  But then, what to do once RoA is done?

I like the idea and the quickness of it's implementation but I agree that it needs some tweaks.  I understand that we don't want some newbie to be able to easily get into the tiered armor so everyone doesnt end up having them, but I think the cost repels everyone. 

Do you have to have t1 crafted before you can wear t2 crafted?  If not, then maybe that could be part of it.. Maybe lower prices, make them NOT tradeable, make it so in order to wear a higher armor you have to have the lower version, and also, make it so, for example, you can turn in combinations of non-crafted and crafted to get the next upgrade.  like turn in a t1 crafted bp, t2 ore, t2 BP mold and you get a t2 crafted BP.  And maybe a way to turn a crafted into a non crafted of same tier..  Of course it has to be hard and costly so people didnt just bypass bosses in place of crafting and then questing that crafted into non-crafted.  And make it so the quest to do so has to be done by the person who is getting the non-crafted armor. 
Posts: 17

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« Reply #33 on: October 04, 2010, 05:07:07 pm »

Damn 1.3 million plat for a 4k hp bp... thats the t2 equivalent bp

my pally's t2 is 10k hp, 6k difference? i was expecting a lot less...

whats the t3/t4 bp before i spend another million? fuck...
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« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2010, 12:40:35 am »

so whats up with the recipe book? is crafted guild completed or not? or its still undergoing modification?
EZ Server GM
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« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2010, 09:59:37 am »

so whats up with the recipe book? is crafted guild completed or not? or its still undergoing modification?

under contruction lol. Hail NPC for info for now. Need time to make.

Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2010, 10:01:13 am »

Damn 1.3 million plat for a 4k hp bp... thats the t2 equivalent bp

my pally's t2 is 10k hp, 6k difference? i was expecting a lot less...

whats the t3/t4 bp before i spend another million? fuck...

I think the last armor is 9k hp.

For some classes it'll be higher, and for some it'll be lower, then their single class suit, cause classes each got different HP on their single classes, but this TRADEABLE and wearable at level 1 armor is an ALL/ALL armor. This is not intended to replace your no-drop single class armor. Its ment for twinking your alts in advance.


Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #37 on: October 28, 2010, 11:50:25 am »

I has a question good sir.  Could you think about maybe allowing the icestrike augment to be placed on a rangers bow?  I see now that it is useable by a ranger but its only primary and secondary.  Thanks for listening boss.

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« Reply #38 on: October 29, 2010, 02:25:10 am »

What Gnaughty said...
Go Rangers Smiley

« Reply #39 on: October 29, 2010, 07:07:54 am »

I'm pretty sure that is what the new 3.5 and 4.0 arrows were meant for.
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« Reply #40 on: February 16, 2011, 03:17:00 am »

has this been updated yet?
new stats on this gear or somewhere a list of crafted gear?

EZ Server GM
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« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2011, 07:52:05 am »

Ninjastrike Updated - Added Range Slot allowed

Ranger Epic Bows 3.0 - 4.0 Updated - All 4 types changed to 8 type slots. The 4.0 has 3 of these slots.

Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2011, 06:30:10 pm »

Noticed today that with SoF+ clients the Ninjastrike augs have the same restrictions on them that the Mossys do. {ie 1 hand blunt, 1 hand slash, & Hand to Hand only}  Would be nice it those could be fixed so that people with those client can use them without having to load Titanium.  Wink

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« Reply #43 on: July 25, 2011, 12:29:05 pm »

Hi Hunter -- how much of the crafted armor has been made now (at the various levels)? (Digging up this thread in the hopes for an answer to that question.)

My guess is not very much, since I can only think of a few markets for the armor.

One would be RoAers / twinkers. Since the value of plat on EZ represents RL time, if it takes much much longer to farm the plat for a set of armor that provides the same HP as a shaman 3.0 buff than it does to simply level a shaman to 70 and get the 3.0 (about 10 hours?), then there should be essentially zero market for the suit of armor. If I take the benchmark of plat earning to be about 1 hour in Velks to get 100k pp, then if a suit of armor giving the equivalent of a shm 3.0 buff costs more than ~1 million plat, an efficient market should have everyone making shamen. Smiley

Another would be people who might want such armor in order to advance through content completely solo (no guild, no pugs, no asking for help from upper tier players). The idea being: farm cash for crafted armor and augs until you can tackle whatever tier you're on. The problem is that service costs are essentially non-existant on EZ -- you can always /ooc for help and almost always receive it (esp. at the lower tiers). So in an efficient market, everyone should be going for the low-cost help services rather than the high-cost suits of armor.

Finally, I could imagine someone wanting to start a "business" of renting out suits of armor. The problem is that the startup costs are extremely high and they would have unbeatable competition in the form of Foreign Legion sitting in Nexus casting shm 4.0 buff on everyone for free. Smiley This could only work if they were (a) able to charge enough to recover their startup costs in a few months and (b) they could keep their fees low enough to be competitive with shaman buff services. Currently, it seems impossible to do this, since one-time shaman buffs can be obtained from other players for free, and permanent shaman 3.0 buffs can be obtained in about 10 hours (or the equivalent of about 1 millioin plat).

So I am really curious about how much of this armor is out there! Smiley
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #44 on: July 26, 2011, 12:29:05 am »

Most likely very few due to the cost and rarity of resources needed to make them. As for shaman competition you can have both the armor and the buff. As for the business, anyone who does anything like that ever is just asking to be stolen from and laughed at.

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