EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: Hunter on September 11, 2013, 03:57:24 am

Title: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 11, 2013, 03:57:24 am
Updated the Ultimate Weapon and Shield of the Ages recipes. The recipe book as been updated as well to view these changes.

I recently checked the database, and there are 121 players with Ultimate Weapons of various ranks. That is a lot more than I intended. Originally wanted around only 5-10% of players have them.

I expect some major butt hurting from the new recipe requirements. I know some will probably quit, and others will say the custom zones require them to survive.

The majority of our custom tiers was created when there was no Ultimate Weapons available. With the right group and other ranked gear, you can still advance through custom zones. There are more items than just the Ultimate Weapons that have lots of hp and damage to it. These Ultimate Weapons do make zones trivial, and should be a lot more rare.

Recipe book will explain the new requirements.

Essence of Platinum can be acquired by giving the Essence Trader npc in Crafters Guild 10 million Platinum.

Essence of Norrath was the Ancient Shield mold that got renamed and new icon.

Created Ancient Shield Template for free on Crafter Merchant to be used instead of the old Quested Mold.

Hopefully that helps in any confusion on the new essences and mold.

Rampage and AoE Rampage has been removed from the npcs so it would be worth doing this quest now on your dps alts as well. So hopefully removing rampage gives the feeling of things more balances out with this change too.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Raygan on September 11, 2013, 04:18:20 am
121 players with Ultimate Weapons of various ranks. That is a lot more than I intended. Originally wanted around only 5-10% of players have them.

Seriously?!  You made something game changing and didn't expect that everyone would stop what they were doing and do everything they could to obtain one?

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 11, 2013, 04:26:59 am
I expected everyone to want one, and try for one, but didn't expect that many people would succeed. Need to learn never under estimate the players.

Its not exactly game changing, its game breaking. Needs to be super rare, and super reward for those that are the most hardcore of hardcore players.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Duluum on September 11, 2013, 05:15:25 am
As a compensation, newbs will have the right to say "you had it easy with SoA an UW" to old timers ... for a change :)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 11, 2013, 05:21:54 am
Actually, the old timers progressed through Qvic - T4 without any UW available to them.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Natedog on September 11, 2013, 05:29:35 am
Actually, the old timers progressed through Qvic - T4 without any UW available to them.

He meant on obtaining the items not progressing through the content.

The Essence of Norrath is a pretty neat idea though.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Dinadas on September 11, 2013, 05:39:22 am
My only concern is I can't get frozen shadow to work, which now will be required.

Is it a custom file I missed, can it be added to the server file pack?

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 11, 2013, 05:41:36 am
Yes you can download the zone files.

Also you can sell/trade those essences too.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Dinadas on September 11, 2013, 05:44:16 am
Where are those zone files, hunter? Server pack doesn't have ToFs.

And 2nd question

The essence of norrath is the old mold right? That got eaten when we made the original shield, is a new one now required for every rank up?

Or does it get recycled, and if we already started SoA we just farm another mold(now EoN)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Natedog on September 11, 2013, 05:45:24 am
You can get the Frozenshadow zone file from a Live copy of Everquest or from the titanium version as described in this post. :)


Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Danish on September 11, 2013, 05:58:03 am

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: red2 on September 11, 2013, 05:59:42 am
So what floor drops the essence of frozen shadow? If it is just "random" i was on floor 3 long enough to get 7 toons 1500 resists., and saw no essence drop. I  assume it is from somewhere crazy like floor 7 only.

Let me get this straight, everyone who has high UW say 8/9 is spared the trouble. But, those of us still working them up, now have to spend 10million, make a shield mold, and get a frozen shadow essence to add a rank.

/auc wtb: ess frozenshadow .. i guess..

after thinking about this some i like the idea. People in qvic/tacvi gear first time through probably should not be wielding a UW. making it 7.5M more per rank + the SoA mold will just be a an extra week of farming. But will severely slow or prohibit people below t5. which i think is the goal ( or atleast part of it).

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 11, 2013, 06:05:29 am
You forgot the SLS requirements.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Duluum on September 11, 2013, 06:21:58 am
And some middle timers grinded qvic-T4 without it too, were saving stuff for it, maybe had the mats to get a lvl or two of UW and/or SoA before today's change.
That's life ...

However, I can agree for UW, but SoA ... change is really violent for something far less game-breaking than UW ; why not using the essence of norrath every 5 lvls ? That would also match with the tiers/gaps of mitigation.

Anyhow, dura lex sed lex, EZ still a nice place to play :)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Dinadas on September 11, 2013, 06:35:55 am
What if shield is changed to 9 ranks

2 stage combine

5 essences + 5 tier metals = shield upgrade #

Shield upgrade # + SLS + EoN + Previous Shield = new shield

Get a bigger boost for almost the same requirements(only thing less would be EoN)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Poker-ecaf on September 11, 2013, 06:58:29 am
then have fun by farmin 40-45x EoN !!! EoN = all 10 Ores ... that is really heavy !!!

EoN on all first new things are okay = 9 EoN's that would be fair maybe 20hours xtra of farmin

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: zefirus on September 11, 2013, 08:25:19 am
I do not understand why you change the quest for an item that over 100 people have already. That just rewards those who did it an penalizes those who have not due to time etc.. And really hurts those who have so much time invested in farming.

The pros just change the item to be in-line with the quest difficulty. In other words, just leave everything and tone down the item. Since you do not need jt, it will still be superior but perhaps only bend the game instead of breaking it.

The hardcore long term players all have uw 9 so the only affected are your younger population.

Not sure why the soa change.. Seemed fine

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Kruciel on September 11, 2013, 08:26:20 am
Requiring ToFS essence for every rank of UW is pretty hilarious, seeing as how you basically need UW rank 8 or above just to get past the trap on the floor, or full ToV gear now possibly with the hp change could do it? Also, out of the 15 kills or so on Tserrina I have I've seen Svartmane one time. For those that don't know, after killing the final boss of ToFS, a second boss has the chance to spawn named Svartmane up on floor 7 at the end of the hidden bat tunnel. Each of these named take about 25 minutes to die no matter what kind of gear you have, and require a UW to kill since they're immune to magic. So making a boss literally require to UW to get to and kill, to make UW? I don't even intend on killing her again because that's about 15 hours for one essence as it is, that only a few players can obtain.  :-\ This is kinda stupid. I wouldn't sell my tofs essence for even the price of a UW1 or 2 as painful as it was to obtain with the 22-23 minute stonewall on both bosses now making it completely obnoxious and a boring waste of time.

And this is a rant from someone who's already done with everything. This didn't just make UW "hard" for new people, it will be impossible unless there's a new source of ToFS essence which I doubt will happen. Also, I did all of UW1-UW5 in a single double loot weekend and farmed the other 4 ranks within almost a month and a half. There is nothing even remotely hard about the grind other than the gods' essences. 45 EoNs for SOA is interesting as well, but nowhere near the timesink that 9 ToFS essences would be. I still don't see anyone killing her without a very high UW, because as I said before, she's immune to magic and procs. UW melee damage is literally the only thing that can hit Tserrina / Svartmane.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Peign on September 11, 2013, 08:49:22 am
Having to do the Essence of Norrath (SoA Mold) for every rank of SoA seems a bit extreme.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Dimur on September 11, 2013, 09:13:33 am
She isn't immune to magic or procs, she just has very high resists.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Premador on September 11, 2013, 09:41:12 am
EoN not that big of a deal, takes some work but not bad. EoP=Suks but whatever.
Problem with UW is that someone that was in qvic could get UW1. That alone was enough to trivialize content in front of them, so then Tacvi essences were easy, .......
I saw a few people put in crazy time with T3/T4 gear and get UW8, only roadblock for UW9 was T6 flag, but with T4gear and UW8 T5 was trivial for them.
Realistically UW's should be gear based to some extent. Use a zone item(whatever that is that hateborne used in his spell recipes available only in zone and no-drop) so at least the UW's are tiered. A t4 geared player should not be able to have a UW8.
Maybe even have it so that any UW5+ requires UC2+ somehow, maybe as some sort of flag from the UC2 quest, before you can do the turn ins.

UW1 need T1 item
UW2 need T2 item
UW3 Need T3 item
UW4 Need T4 item
UW5 Need T5 item
UW6 Need T6 item
UW7 Need T7 item
UW8 Need T8 Item
UW9 Need T9 item

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: zefirus on September 11, 2013, 09:47:10 am
Not a bad idea...no drop item off a tier boss so like anguish has a boss that can drop a no drop mat.... That way you cannot uw past your flag

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Premador on September 11, 2013, 09:50:28 am
UW should be something u earn after you've been through the tiers, it shouldnt rocket you through them before you've done them.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Expletus on September 11, 2013, 09:52:18 am
OR a level requirement since you need the level to get into that zone in addition to a boss drop. What you did doesn't seem logical. You just throwing out some random tweaks that really caters to high end players.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hulkpunch on September 11, 2013, 10:02:45 am
Woogie's idea about 2 stage combines is really solid and so is Premador's idea about UC2 flagging for UW combine eligibility. Kruciel has a good point about TOFS.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Nexxel on September 11, 2013, 10:04:36 am
Im not gona BI%ch or moan about anything thats a time sink. If thats it, so be it.

But as some have said above, the Ess of TOFS, for UW of any rank, youve basically made it all but imposible to get without already having one due to only one mob in the entire game being the only drop for it.

One mob, in the whole game, who is a rare spawn, off the kill of the boss mob, in Tofs.

Not time sink. Road block.  :-\

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Expletus on September 11, 2013, 10:06:04 am
Impossible for others...

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Nexxel on September 11, 2013, 10:10:23 am
Having to do the Essence of Norrath (SoA Mold) for every rank of SoA seems a bit extreme.

Hell, when i did my sheild i thought this was the way it had to be done. Couldnt get rank 2 to work because i had too much in the combine.

Yea a time sink, but if thats it, so be it. Not to mention unless Hunter has changed it the Ess of norath/Old sheild mold was sellable.

Another things for new players to farm, sell, sls style.

I can deal with it,

and no, i dont have a max sheild, far from it, so ill be along side anyone doing this as well..

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: monelyn on September 11, 2013, 10:27:41 am
Add level requirement and revert. Easy day, easy fix.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Kruciel on September 11, 2013, 11:06:07 am
She isn't immune to magic or procs, she just has very high resists.

I've had 3 characters twist dispel on her for over an hour to try and drop stonewall. You don't even get a resist message. All you see is "target is unaffected" I'm not really sure the point of your post, but I have never seen an dps Aug, UW proc, or uw click land on her. I've seen anger 5 hit her and occasionally ia3, but that's it.

small edit: I'm not really sure why players with UW1-4 would be included in this demographic from the original post either. Those aren't even better than your standard epics just from the anger Aug damage via UC or UC2. Hell I wasn't even happy with the dps of my own UW until I upgraded it to rank 7 and obtained the t7 bp.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Drep on September 11, 2013, 11:10:01 am
Yay! another change after all the heavy hitters get their stuff, screw everyone else.  lol

may as well take out the pvp zones now too since no one without a uw will ever be able to get anything in there without getting smashed by one of the uw players.  more credits/loot for the heavy hitters!

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Gilthanas on September 11, 2013, 11:21:07 am
Can anyone please post a sample recipe for a SoA and UW upgrade for those of us at work right now?

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Chunka on September 11, 2013, 11:39:20 am
SoA is same as before, but add Essence of Norath (all the ores used for the SoA mold), for new SoA recipe (per level).

UW recipe is same as before, minus the vendor magical blue diamond ore, but add essence of plat (10 mil) and ToFS essence. Also for UW SLS went from 4 to 5.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Gilthanas on September 11, 2013, 12:02:26 pm
SoA is same as before, but add Essence of Norath (all the ores used for the SoA mold), for new SoA recipe (per level).

UW recipe is same as before, minus the vendor magical blue diamond ore, but add essence of plat (10 mil) and ToFS essence. Also for UW SLS went from 4 to 5.


Gonna pass on SoA upgrades for a long time. It isn't maxed out, but it has the highest parry % and stonewall available to me. That mold quest is the worst! Less fun than farming points in LDoN 4  back in the day even.

Feel very sorry for people who have to farm SoA from scratch now.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Expletus on September 11, 2013, 12:10:53 pm
It would make sense to make it required for every 5th combine because you are moving up an essence class. Every single combine is horrible change.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Gilthanas on September 11, 2013, 12:15:07 pm
It would make sense to make it required for every 5th combine because you are moving up an essence class. Every single combine is horrible change.

Yeah, that's a great idea. Make the level ups that increases stonewall and parry % a 'hell level'.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Dimur on September 11, 2013, 12:16:43 pm
She isn't immune to magic or procs, she just has very high resists.
I'm not really sure the point of your post, but I have never seen an dps Aug, UW proc, or uw click land on her.

The point of the post is that you stated that she is totally immune to any type of magic, I'm simply pointing out the fact that she's not immune and just has very high resists.  If I get bored enough today to go spawn her, I can post a screenshot of strikes landing on her if you like.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Expletus on September 11, 2013, 02:02:21 pm
The overall point is unless you shave an uw you will be hitting her for an hour... thus making an uw req. AND you can't get it without essences from a mob clone.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Kruciel on September 11, 2013, 02:27:42 pm
Right and the point of mine was stating she isn't going to die to a non UW wielding party. Even if 1 in 50 procs land on her, you aren't going to have a cleric or paladin meleeing her for heal procs. They'd each die 20 times over before getting a heal off from her multiple rampages. I'd actually be impressed if you managed to keep a group of melee dps alive in melee range aside from the warrior. I'm not sure I could pull it off, but even if I could it wouldn't be worth the hassle. Her high resists basically put my warrior doing 98% of the damage anyhow. Furthermore, svartmane is even harder to pull off, being that he is tethered to the large trap he spawns on top of. I was fighting him an inch away from it the whole 20 minutes. You get multiple trash respawns hitting you in the back because the fight takes so long. So you have to maneuver around to reposition the bat to kill it while not getting hit in the back, all the while worried about not pulling svartmane too far from said trap and resetting him.  I accidentally tapped the trap once while trying to pull this off, causing my stonewall to be dispelled, taking 1,000,000 damage from the trap and getting quadded by the bat for another 1,500,000 damage. I don't see any non-UW party doing this.

I'm not sure if those reading my posts are seeing me come off as a QQing faggot but that's not the case. Truth is, there are only about 10 people that can provide honest feedback on this change. Truth be told I couldn't care less, I already finished my UW and SoA and t8 and had tons of fun doing it. I don't really have the drive to roa farm like fugi, xigg, dimur, and Danish so I'm kinda taking a break for now.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hulkpunch on September 11, 2013, 02:32:30 pm
rampage was removed poop butt

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Gilthanas on September 11, 2013, 02:40:10 pm
Maybe Hunter wants us to band together to kill the ToFS boss rather than do everything solo. Almost every MMO has a weapon that requires a bunch of people to work together to gear one player. Like the original epics in EQ or the legendary weapons in WoW.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 11, 2013, 03:10:13 pm
Maybe Hunter wants us to band together to kill the ToFS boss rather than do everything solo. Almost every MMO has a weapon that requires a bunch of people to work together to gear one player. Like the original epics in EQ or the legendary weapons in WoW.

Highly doubt this, Hunter has seen what happens when you get everyone from the server, or large amounts from the server over to one zone to kill one boss. It is a huge lag fest. The point is just to make it rare.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: WatchYouDie on September 11, 2013, 03:22:05 pm
I see the need to make the UW more diffucult but i am not here to arguee that fact. However, the SoA has been on the server for over a year and adding another requirement per rank is over accessive. Hunter you were just talking the other day about how WoT is making you grind out and you now know how it feels. Take this into consideration you just added an extra hour  per rank for an item that already times time as is adding this much more time after a year of being on the server is beyond ridiciouls. I agree every 5 ranks would add a bit more time involded.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Raygan on September 11, 2013, 04:16:31 pm
Essence of Frozen Shadow needs to be a rare drop off any tier named in ToFS if this is the route you are going to go or else it is going to short dick everyone starting this quest....I agree that maybe making UW tier based as the best bet to fix...but hey nice way to gather community opinion before rolling out a major change! Here is your gold star.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fjord on September 11, 2013, 04:19:33 pm
My favorite way of making things "rarer" is just to cut the drop rate, but put it in an accessible area and make the combines no-drop.

Farming charms in LDoN "sucked" and made UC's pretty damn hard to come by not because of the difficulty of the mobs, but because of the rarity of the drop. On the upswing though, when you finally got one after two hours of a bad streak, it was like hitting the freaking lottery; I still get a tinge of excitement when I see the sorc charm icon.

UWs probably fired off the way they did because they were very progression based and made from droppable components. Couple that with how easy plat is to come by these days and UWs are extremely feasible if you can find people willing to sell the components. UCs used to be rare because they were optional and farming them did not contribute at all to your progression (unless you're working on your 2.0). Furthermore, components were all no-drop. You really had to go back and just grind it out if you wanted it, hoping it would make it easier to break new content.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: zefirus on September 11, 2013, 04:22:47 pm
Lol essence no drop... Problem solved for the uw... Perhaps creates a few though for other things

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 11, 2013, 04:47:47 pm
but hey nice way to gather community opinion before rolling out a major change! Here is your gold star.

Haha.. run your own server with your leadership style. Attacking Hunter like that gets you no where trust me.

I still vote for removing UWs completly and I have many so /tongue...

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 11, 2013, 04:50:07 pm
Yay! another change after all the heavy hitters get their stuff, screw everyone else.  lol

ROFL that didn't take long...
Get over yourself and get on that treadmill

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 11, 2013, 04:52:21 pm
She isn't immune to magic or procs, she just has very high resists.
I'm not really sure the point of your post, but I have never seen an dps Aug, UW proc, or uw click land on her.

The point of the post is that you stated that she is totally immune to any type of magic, I'm simply pointing out the fact that she's not immune and just has very high resists.  If I get bored enough today to go spawn her, I can post a screenshot of strikes landing on her if you like.

BTW pretty sure Dimur was first person to kill Tserinna with < UW max think he was like 6 or 7...

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Danish on September 11, 2013, 04:58:35 pm
I found myself writing a lot of truths, but in the end deleting it all again. Cause as Fugi says, its Hunters sandbox and he can do whatever he wants, however he thinks it should be done.

Personally, I've been on my way on a break for a while now. Got a bit obsessed with the RoA - but you can only clear T6 so many times. And with the neatness of T6 exp out of the question (thanks Dimu), that just cements it :)

I'll hopefully see you guys later on, when more stuff has been implemented and the current situation has been ironed out.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Strix on September 11, 2013, 05:59:48 pm

I still vote for removing UWs completly and I have many so /tongue...


This thing has unbalanced everything.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Expletus on September 11, 2013, 06:10:38 pm
What makes a great server is input from the community... ultimately it is hunters server and his decisions however without ppl the server dies... has to be a healthy balance.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Nexxel on September 11, 2013, 06:37:25 pm
I expect a balancing as usuall. As hunter said there are gona be some people who are butthurt or mad about this just becasue, then there are people who are giving issue on certain things along with discussion on those things and why and suggestions on adjusting thisgs while still acheiving what hunter wants.

Last nite hunter mad a change and announced it ovver /ooc that any mobs up in the whole zone in t6 will cause matamura to despawn. It was brought to his attention about the ones right by him and that this may cause a problem on the last few pulls. He accnolaged, and listened.

Hunter listens to the discusions.

He will on this one as well.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Gannicus on September 11, 2013, 06:48:13 pm
Well seeming as I won't be obtaining an UW anytime soon now ; I have a lot of essences in the 30s-40s I'll be giving away for free this weekend. See you guys then

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Dinadas on September 11, 2013, 06:59:28 pm
I think why there are so many UW's is that it's a perceived benefit, even if it might not be an improvement before rank 5+

It's also a fun distraction from the treadmill and pre t5 content. And key to it all is it is obtainable from the get go.  This is a major draw and what makes EZ End game different from most.

A better solution might be, instead of Essence of Frozen Shadow, if it truly only drops off that incredibly hard mob, would be to possibly put in a task or combine that would allow you to make the essence. Maybe 10 rank 4 or 5 stones in magic box( that would be either 80 resist stones or 160 resist stones to farm per level) .


Put in 9 mobs that drop a no drop item that are all tuned to 6 or 12 man group of appropriate gear/charm/aug for that tier and can account for UW from previous tier as well.   Thinking like old war outside Thurg for 10th ring type event.  Could add a time sink here as well via tasks to make it happen.


Put an item on each vendor in the tier that costs 10 mil plat replaces the essence of Plat and can add something else maybe via a different task for the 10th item.

The key is it has to  be perceived as worth doing and obtainable or people will be butt hurt, or just see a giant wall of stuff to do before being able to start at the end game.  This was a fun alternative path , and most people took it.

The SoA change still mind boggling but if you want us to farm 45 EoN's, then make this a strict time sink.  If you want to control over tiering, put a 0 plat item on the vendors that go int he combine in lieu of essences.

Recipe could be 1 EoN, 1 tier item, 1 SLS, old shield.  Makes this a pure time sink, and frees up essences for other things.  But I still like my idea of a 2 stage combine more.  would take 9 EoN's to make a SoA 9(=45)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Raygan on September 11, 2013, 07:02:05 pm
Haha.. run your own server with your leadership style. Attacking Hunter like that gets you no where trust me.

I still vote for removing UWs completly and I have many so /tongue...

Normally, I don't say things about changes, but I will agree that the best thing to do in this situation  is to remove the UW. As I originally stated it is game changing...but to change it mid-swing w/o ANY discussion is a dick move.  If that bothers you or the server admin..oh well go troll someone else douche.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 11, 2013, 07:08:48 pm
If that bothers you or the server admin..oh well go troll someone else douche.

ROFL, pretty sure that wasn't a troll.

It was a stated fact, attacking Hunter gets you no where.

If you don't like it .... leave no one will miss you. No one will miss anyone (present self included) if they roll out. There is a lot of servers on your selection screen.

oh, and I am a douche for stating the truth what does that make you candyass?

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Raygan on September 11, 2013, 07:18:33 pm
Fugi, it's not me  being rude... you are simply  a douche...  I just hope it's an in-game persona cause an attitude like yours would get you a severe ass beating irl.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 11, 2013, 07:26:55 pm
Haha.. run your own server with your leadership style. Attacking Hunter like that gets you no where trust me.

I still vote for removing UWs completly and I have many so /tongue...

Normally, I don't say things about changes, but I will agree that the best thing to do in this situation  is to remove the UW. As I originally stated it is game changing...but to change it mid-swing w/o ANY discussion is a dick move.  If that bothers you or the server admin..oh well go troll someone else douche.

Calling someone out for trying to pull passive aggressive bs is not trolling. As a matter of fact passive aggressive is more trollish than anything because the only thing it will accomplish is getting a negative response. As for you talk of real life ass beating, I hope Hunter sees it and bans your ass. Don't talk about real life shit like that. If you can't handle an adult conversation without saying shit like that then you need to move on to Mario Cart or something.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Tankdan on September 11, 2013, 07:28:32 pm
I think Hunter should remove UW entirely.. Create a temporary quest to give a reward based on your current UW rank so that you didnt entirely waste your time.. Make a Earring of the Ages (or something familiar), and give X amount of ranks for people that have done UW based on ranking.  Let this quest be up for 2 weeks to allow ppl ample time to "sell" their UW.  Then after 2 weeks, remove UW.

If I am reading it right, making people obtain a TOFS Ess for each UW rank seems absurd and perhaps impossible for a lot of people, and will only make the people who have higher UWs richer by selling them.   I am perfectly fine with making people spending 10 million per rank, there is too much plat going around as it is, which is making things 4x more expensive than they were a year ago.

If UW is removed, there needs to be a substitute quest for other gear slots, since UW is basically the epic quest on EZ server,  There needs to be grindable items that require ess to create, Warrior epics need to do far more damage than ~900, so make progressing through the tiers more rewarding on DPS instead of UW rank, as I'm all for DPS being based on tier and not UW rank.  Make the Warrior Epic do like 500, then 1k damage, then 2k, then 4k, 8k, 12k, etc.   This is just off the top of my mind.

UW is damned if you do, damned if you don't.  Just get rid of it IMO.  

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 11, 2013, 07:31:20 pm
cause an attitude like yours would get you a severe ass beating irl.

Wow, what a way to Real Life Threaten me, no matter what you say or respond that was your intentions with that post period

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Tankdan on September 11, 2013, 07:32:18 pm
I also wanted to say, double loot is the real issue.  People like myself hoard HoH tokens, t1-t2 crystals, etc, the days before a double loot, and UW is insanely easy to obtain because of it. I've grinded all my UWs for the most part, during a double loot.

Getting rid of double loot would just make it ridiculous for people who have not started UW, especially with the new system on top of it.  

Getting rid of UW solves everything to me.   But the server would need more horizontal content to substitute the loss of UW if it were to be removed. 

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Raygan on September 11, 2013, 07:32:33 pm
As for you talk of real life ass beating, I hope Hunter sees it and bans your ass.

And once again you show what an incredible douche you are...at no time did I threaten you or say I would beat your ass...what I did say was that an attitude like yours would get you an ass beating irl...no where in that statement was it implied that I would do it...you once again show  your lack of reading comprehension...dick

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 11, 2013, 07:36:05 pm
Before last night I could farm start to finish no double loot needed a full UW without long sessions in 3 weeks (without hoh token hording or t1/t2 crystal hording)

Tankdan is right dead on on the posts he just made

and Orthanos if that's the best you can do please move on attempting pop shots cause you are mad is lame.


lack of reading comprehension
no matter what you say or respond that was your intentions with that post period

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Raygan on September 11, 2013, 07:38:25 pm
I was going to respond...but you know what...you aint worth it...you are a worthless dick, period.  You aint worth getting my blood pressure up about.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 11, 2013, 07:39:25 pm
I was going to respond...but you know what...you aint worth it...you are a worthless dick, period.  You aint worth getting my blood pressure up about.

You are retarded you responded and called me a worthless dick when you said I aint worth it..

Make up your fucking mind you ambivalent tool

Respond or don't I'm done with you

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 11, 2013, 07:51:54 pm
As for you talk of real life ass beating, I hope Hunter sees it and bans your ass.

And once again you show what an incredible douche you are...at no time did I threaten you or say I would beat your ass...what I did say was that an attitude like yours would get you an ass beating irl...no where in that statement was it implied that I would do it...you once again show  your lack of reading comprehension...dick

No I showed that I am not stupid, and you showed that you like to hide behind you passive aggressive statements. Inferring that someone is going to have their ass kicked because you don't like what they are saying but then saying, oh I didn't say I was going to kick your ass is about as shitty a passive aggressive statement you can make.

I have seen people like you before on this server and others. Your in that stage of being as much of a jerk as you can until you get banned. You'll justify it by saying you are standing up to people because you just don't care anymore when your just too stupid to realize you should just quit.

Pretty funny though, you got so mad you tried to insult Fugi's reading comprehension by quoting my statement and attributing it to him. Fail.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Peign on September 11, 2013, 07:53:16 pm
Haha.. run your own server with your leadership style. Attacking Hunter like that gets you no where trust me.

I still vote for removing UWs completly and I have many so /tongue...

Normally, I don't say things about changes, but I will agree that the best thing to do in this situation  is to remove the UW. As I originally stated it is game changing...but to change it mid-swing w/o ANY discussion is a dick move.  If that bothers you or the server admin..oh well go troll someone else douche.

If one was to go that route, might as well reset everyone to level 1.     Take all donations and credit spent and put it on the toons.      So you are now level 1, no gear but you have all the credit that you spent to make your previous toon/toons.  

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 11, 2013, 07:53:37 pm
I did all of UW1-UW5 in a single double loot weekend and farmed the other 4 ranks within almost a month and a half.

Yeah, that is way too fast and definitely not intended to be that fast.

The UW's was intended for players with 150-300 days played which most players on the leader boards has.

rampage was removed poop butt


Maybe Hunter wants us to band together to kill the ToFS boss rather than do everything solo. Almost every MMO has a weapon that requires a bunch of people to work together to gear one player. Like the original epics in EQ or the legendary weapons in WoW.

Highly doubt this, Hunter has seen what happens when you get everyone from the server, or large amounts from the server over to one zone to kill one boss. It is a huge lag fest. The point is just to make it rare.

I know we can't get 50+ players from what I saw during Halloween, or maybe we can since I reduced combat speed. Anyways, try something more than 6 characters, plus no more rampage so win.

Personally, I've been on my way on a break for a while now. Got a bit obsessed with the RoA - but you can only clear T6 so many times. And with the neatness of T6 exp out of the question (thanks Dimu), that just cements it :)

You can't put blame on 1 person for that one. This has been brought to my attention over a period of time by several people, and I finally figured a simple way to fix it, without allowing people to bypass the other bosses.

A better solution might be, instead of Essence of Frozen Shadow, if it truly only drops off that incredibly hard mob, would be to possibly put in a task or combine that would allow you to make the essence. Maybe 10 rank 4 or 5 stones in magic box( that would be either 80 resist stones or 160 resist stones to farm per level) .


Put in 9 mobs that drop a no drop item that are all tuned to 6 or 12 man group of appropriate gear/charm/aug for that tier and can account for UW from previous tier as well.   Thinking like old war outside Thurg for 10th ring type event.  Could add a time sink here as well via tasks to make it happen.

Neat idea bout using Resist Stones, but no need to use 10 rank 5's when we could just use 1 rank 10. Will have to think about it.

Also for the 9 mob idea, we already have Essence of Norrath (previously Shield Mold) that are 10 bosses across 10 zones, which the first few are super easy. This item is also tradeable so can expect to see it on the market like SLS are.

I will agree that the best thing to do in this situation  is to remove the UW

I actually did consider this, and almost did it, but instead decided to make them near impossible to obtain, like they originally were intended to be.

I think Hunter should remove UW entirely..

Yes, I got several people suggesting this, and thought about it. For now it'll be impossible to acquire quest. Another idea was to disable the whole quest, so there are limited UW's in game just like Live did to Manastone and Rubicite.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 11, 2013, 07:57:05 pm
I was going to respond...but you know what...you aint worth it...you are a worthless dick, period.  You aint worth getting my blood pressure up about.

Quoting this for future lulz before you realize how stupid this statement is and delete it.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Kruciel on September 11, 2013, 08:32:40 pm
If UW is removed, there needs to be a substitute quest for other gear slots, since UW is basically the epic quest on EZ server,  There needs to be grindable items that require ess to create, Warrior epics need to do far more damage than ~900, so make progressing through the tiers more rewarding on DPS instead of UW rank, as I'm all for DPS being based on tier and not UW rank.  Make the Warrior Epic do like 500, then 1k damage, then 2k, then 4k, 8k, 12k, etc.   This is just off the top of my mind.

UW is damned if you do, damned if you don't.  Just get rid of it IMO.  

Even though I'm very happy to have finished mine, I can't agree more with getting rid of it. There's no way you can balance new tiers around how unkillable warriors are with double the HP of the entire group and a 60% stonewall. That's my biggest fear is that nothing will be challenging and if it is you can just solo it with your warrior / cleric / druid which would be incredibly boring  :D

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 11, 2013, 08:34:46 pm
I for one agree with the changes made to UW. And no, I am not done with the UW. I still have none at lvl 9 and one of mine is at lvl 6. But that bears a statement in itself. It is easier to do a UW than it is to do a 5.0 from scratch. We are talking about an ultimate weapon, the best item in the game vs an epic that is obtained 3 tiers below the top zone. And that is not even to consider what double loot can do for you. Something had to be done to slow down the influx of these game changing breaking items. When a UW is easier to get than a 5.0 something is wrong. I think, tho this change is not popular, is good for the server over the long run.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Danish on September 12, 2013, 03:47:39 am
You can't put blame on 1 person for that one. This has been brought to my attention over a period of time by several people, and I finally figured a simple way to fix it, without allowing people to bypass the other bosses.

This was a joke. I just put the simley face in the wrong place :) I don't blame Dimur at all.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on September 12, 2013, 06:23:46 am
Wow this topic has everyone on edge now.  I have read all this and heard a lot last night in ooc.  Now, I left the game for awhile and then came back and found the UW in game and I didn't get mine for awhile after I came back.  It took me about 8 weeks of farming to get mine to UW4.  I feel that the UW4 allows me to one group most stuff.   I say that because everyone says I will need two groups in the future which I dread. SO if Hunter is worried about peeps maxxing it out then soloing content at there level, then I would suggest making the UW leveled base off the Strike Aug requirement.  That would mean a t2 could have a uw4 but not after he has farmed his T2 gear and augs.  That wouldn't bump him up drastically but would help in the next tier and allow a new players who want to take the time a reward.  I am t4 geared and t2 auged(strike IV) with UW4 and I still can not kill t3 names solo or t4 named and T5 is still a pain in the ass so the UW helps a lot but it doesn't allow me to be a god in game.  So just turn ess off on double loot and no one can have it 3days and make it Lvl requirement based on the ess. Just 2cents here.....  Cya all in game

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: ricorez on September 12, 2013, 08:13:10 am
I have just come back recently to EZ server so if something is incorrect in my statement I am sorry but I wanted to give you another perspective on this.

I do not have any UW and was looking forward to having something different to farm.

I was excited to have different things to be working on (T5, ToFS, UC, UW essences).  This makes it impossible for me to get the UW even lower ranks.

My questions for Hunter are did you not intend for people to have an UW at all or just not that high of ranks?
It seems to me the problem is people having too high of ranks (or the weapon getting too good too fast) for their Tier.
Why not put a level requirement on the weapon and/or nerf the weapons some (say 15%).

You also say that you only want 5-10% of the server to have an UW but of the 121 how many were on the same IP?

I would bet alot of the high end players have many UW throughout their characters.   It might only be 10-15% of the actual player base has them.

My last point, how will the next tiers of content be balanced?
Will you make it challenging for those with UWIX's if so what about those of us without an UW?

Current content can be handled without UW people have proved that but what happens in the future?   It seems to me that there would have to be a change in the current UW either a slight nerf to be 10% or so better than the epic associated with that tier.

Just some ideas and concerns I wanted to throw out there

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Maydaay on September 12, 2013, 08:13:32 am
Right cause 5.0 take 3 days to get, If that's to hard for you then quit...Took me months to get my UW to rank 8 with constant farming

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: ricorez on September 12, 2013, 08:20:57 am
I don't get where I put in there I was going to quit because it takes 3 days to get 5.0.

I did not want to diminish anyone's time they put into getting their UW I was just expressing my concerns for future content and how excited I was to have different things to be working on so as to not be grinding the same thing everyday.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Gilthanas on September 12, 2013, 08:40:24 am
Right cause 5.0 take 3 days to get

Not sure if srs, 5.0 takes way more than 3 days to get.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Maydaay on September 12, 2013, 08:46:35 am
I,m sure if you drag your feet threw, it could take a very long time but i just took a group threw t5 in 3 days on the 3rd day they all rocking t6 gear and one with 7.0

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Gilthanas on September 12, 2013, 08:49:22 am
I,m sure if you drag your feet threw, it could take a very long time but i just took a group threw t5 in 3 days on the 3rd day they all rocking t6 gear and one with 7.0

You're special. From all the people I've talked to in the game, the average amount of time spent in T5 from the moment they get flagged for T5 to the moment they get T6 flagged is measured in months.

Talking about people who are completely new to T5 and don't have any help, of course.

Not that this argument even matters.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Danish on September 12, 2013, 08:50:03 am
Progressing from T4 -> T5, takes a lot more than 3 days. I think Narl and I took about 3 weeks with 1-2 clears pr night.

Going back and redoing T5 after you've got a T7+ crew, 3-4 days is probably pretty accurate.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Rent Due on September 12, 2013, 10:29:33 am
lol good thing im on an extended break from the game or this would actually get my blood boiling :)

sux to be the ppl working on the quest

I vote remove the item. making it an impossible quest just proves to tick ppl off about it and make them jealous/hate/etc the ppl that have the item that they now can not obtain.

seriously, just take the stupid item out of the game and come up with a replacement quest for a new item

zero bitching, all you top players are all ready calling for removal. I don't see the problem. the item broke the game and everyone dropped everything to devote 100% effort into getting it. you really think/thought that wasn't going to happen?

don't make an item impossible to get AFTER half the server population HAS it. that always, always, always creates butt hurt and strive.

take it out, make a new "impossible quest" (btw there is no impossible quest for gamers unless the game content is actually broke or incomplete) and move on with life, seriously simple. its like a no-brainer here

then when you make your new "impossible" quest, don't be surprised when that one is pwned by your top players within a month, or weeks, or hours. players with desire, time and skill will beat your best quest with remarkable ease every time just to spite you :) gaming 101 rules, its in the handbook.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Gilthanas on September 12, 2013, 10:51:42 am
Interesting how many people are actually in favor of removing UW altogether. I too am for it because I think of epic weapon progression as the 'main plot' of this custom rpg we got here.

That's just my opinion though, I don't presume to have any influence over the direction of the server.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Kovou on September 12, 2013, 11:02:00 am
Since everyone is saying remove it remove it remove it..and hunter said he wasn't going to... I was not going to comment on this for many reasons but biggest being i am only on rank 2 on my warrior....it has helped a lot but is not needed in the slightest i got up to and thru T6 w/o it.  That said why not add one more rank to the UW and make it the UW into an aug to go into your current epic...or be able to change the UW into an aug that would go into the epics as is...like UW of every level can go into an epic but only 7.0+ that would limit them majorily

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: ricorez on September 12, 2013, 12:03:31 pm
Would it be that much work to just slightly nerf the UW?

My original thought was to put a level requirement on them and make them 10 or 20% better than the epic of that tier.

More HP a slightly better proc.

I do not thinking completely taking them out of the game is a great solution as people have stated they spent months doing this.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Tankdan on September 12, 2013, 12:05:54 pm
Just because content is doable without a UW, id still be pretty ticked off if others had it and I didn't, and earning it the way they did was virtually impossible. This thread is full of people with UW8+ saying how easy content is without UW and how long it takes them, well no sht, but your opinion doesn't really matter much, you already have it and can faceroll content.  If it's so easy why don't you put that UW in the bank for a few weeks and let us know how fun the game is without it?  I don't think locking new(ish) players from getting a UW is a very good idea the more I think about.  If anything, it just makes the server even more unfair.  There's maybe a dozen people who have cleared TOFS, and people who barely even have MQ2 installed are being asked to go and kill her? There has got to be a better way. UW1-4 is not that good, it should not require so much effort.  It just disenfranchises people from even attempting the biggest quest this server has to offer


So no I don't have a magic solution, but the current one seems horrible. 

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: red2 on September 12, 2013, 12:27:54 pm
My 2 cents, for what it is worth. i am on the fence on the nerf/remove argument.
Would like to say this though. if it is nerfed to something like 10% better than epic, i hope there will be a way to "un-combine" it so i can get my plat/sls/augs out of it.
100 essences tacvi-gods majors would aug a whole 3rd grp, with leftovers to sell.
IMHO: ranks 1-4 compared to say a warrior 4.0 makes little difference, except pulling HOH.
I just got UW6 not to long ago. if they were to go away/get nerfed i doubt i would notice it (except in hoh, would be a bit slower).
i like the idea of tier based, someone in t4 gear probably should not have a UW8. have it similar to the weapon augs, level restricted. possibly have the tier vellum as part of the combine.

over a year ago, when i was breaking into t4, it felt like for every tier, you needed the gear, epics from that tier to do it effectively. it still takes me 2 hours to clear t5 (mostly the swim-kill coral-loot part).  But, requiireing something that maybe 10-15 peopel can get , that is super rare, and only from the end of end game content seems a little bit out there.

If nothing else, if he were to go back 3-6 months, and had made 1 change to the combine, adding in the 10mill essence thing per rank, would have slowed alot of people down. people in t1 gear have a hard time farming 20,30 milling quickly.

tl:dr no real point just thoughts.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Rent Due on September 12, 2013, 12:36:32 pm

So no I don't have a magic solution, but the current one seems horrible. 

while I agree. honestly I see the solution as extremely simple. remove it.

make a new quest involving a weapon or item or whatever and make it "impossible" from the get-go.

in the 13+ years ive been gaming I have found one truth about online gaming. nothing, and I mean nothing rages gamers more than an item being put into the game, that item changing the game then the item being nerfed or made impossible or stupid hard to get for others. the item becomes a super status symbol for the gamers that have it. its a bragging rights item, a "I have and you never will" or "its old school, you weren't around back then so whatever" item.

All the gamers with the item are able to reap the benefits of having it and obtained it with ease while the newer players can only "dream" of using it or "rage" about not being able to obtain it as easily, or obtain it at all.

it furthers the gap between players. it becomes an anti-social aspect of the game's population.

story for example. When I played on live I had a friend that had a manastone. he played a cleric and seemingly NEVER ran OOM during play. I mean he was johnny on the spot with heals and never asked for pulling to cease or slow down. you could just rake the exp with him in the group. I played a ranger at the time, but I had played a cleric (another friend's account) so I knew about conserving mana, asking for slower pulls, etc. so one day I asked this friend if I could play his cleric. I was amazed at the ease of play with this item. I always thought, well im gonna get that item and put it on a cleric so I can be "cool" too! well I let time pass, etc and then the nerf came...OMG. first it quit dropping then it was confined to only old world content and then it was completely obsolete. But, the people who had the item and used it reaped great benefits from it. newer players were screwed.

same with the DE mask, remember when it was droppable and all/all? if you were an ogre warrior with one you were all that cuz back then being an ogre was great for a warrior but you couldn't position as well, with the mask you were all in

primal weapons anyone? I remember on my server the ranger BOTB was won by Wine over Durg due to the fact that Wine had a primal and it kept proc'ing over Durg whom did not have one. it was down to the wire tho, even Wine admitted that the only reason for the win  was the weapon.

Halfling mask? 7 on my server. I obtained one thru trading. I sold it for $750 RL cash lol + a boat load of plat. it set me up in game for plat for years. morally questionable? yes lol

you see the point? or no?

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: zefirus on September 12, 2013, 12:57:50 pm
I remember all of that, and I remember that even with all the uproar, soe did not reverse the decision on any of those. You did bring back memories. I played an enchanter so whatever group I was in, had mana :)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: demorgoth on September 12, 2013, 01:45:00 pm
Heya all i'd like to add my two cents in,

I've been here for about two and a half years and currently own a UW V. I believe that it should be an item which is kept in game. Lets face it it does keep the economy alive, w/o the UW the demand for sls, ess and plat would be virtually non existant like it was pre UW. Thus it is a very good thing for both a plat and essence sink which is healthy for keeping the market in some what of an equilibrium.

I do agree however that the differing UW ranks should be level based much like augs. So that you can only get a UW based on the essences of your current tier. I like the changes made to the plat requirement and essence of norrath, makes it a bit more challenging to acquire, however not impossible. But it has dramatically slowed down progression of anyone below t6.

Personally I do like the use of TOFS for the ess. However i think that it should be scaled based on the tier of UW you are trying to attain. By either adding another rare spawn to each floors named like svartmane or just making it a 3-4% drop rate from that floor. Now that would require some serious farming and would dramatically slow progression down. Plus keep checks and balances on lesser geared groups getting sick uw's as lets face it once you get past floor 3 those mobs can rip your ass apart w/o correct gear.

Imo it should be something like this:

Floor 1 - UW 1 & 2 - essence of tofs I
Floor 2 - UW 3 & 4 - essence of tofs II
Floor 3 - UW 5 - essence of tofs III
Floor 4 - UW 6 - essence of tofs IV
Floor 5 - UW 7 - essence of tofs V
Floor 6 - UW 8 - essence of tofs VI
Floor 7 - UW 9 - essence of tofs VII
Additionally for UW X you could make that essence a quest or rare drop in tov.
The alternate as was previously mentioned could be using resist stones and scaling them accordingly.

UW 1 - resist stone x
UW 2 - resist stone xi
UW 3 - resist stone xii
UW 4 - resist stone xiii
UW 5 - resist stone xiv
UW 6 - resist stone xv
UW 7 - resist stone xvi
UW 8 - resist stone xvii
UW 9 - resist stone xviii
Uw 10 - resist stone xix

Hell even make it require 2x resist stones that'll dramatically slow down progression on uw. But at the same time not make it impossible to attain. It would still be a true test of someones willingness to get the item. Plus at resist stone xix players wont be able to just ez rewards it either.

I am for the UW and believe that as many evils as it does bring, there are positives to it aswell.

With the amount of work people have put into UW's already i'd hate to see them dissapear and with the current unattainable state it isnt too fair as you can read the ones without are the strongest advocates of scrapping an item everyone else has but they can no longer attain. So maybe consider some of the suggestions i have put forward to still make it attainable but dramatically slowing the progression down!

Regards dem

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Premador on September 12, 2013, 02:12:07 pm
Problem with using the resist stones is that all someone needs to do is farm. U need some sort of barrier to prevent people who haven't put the time in otherwise that can farm and skip content. You can buy all the items if you have dough and you could have a Qvic  or lesser geared toon with a UW IX.
The only people that should have or be able to get UW IX should be the people flagged for T8

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: demorgoth on September 12, 2013, 02:28:53 pm
Aye thats why they should have a level req as was suggested earlier locked to your current tier like augs.

However lets be realistic here for a split second bud. If someone in qvic gear had a uw ix they would more than likely have a t8 toon anyway. As they would not be able to farm the resist stones, plat or essences... Or would have donated a butt load to the server and still be short of the resist stones or essences of tofs. Which lets face it any contribution to hunters hard work and dedication is not a bad thing either.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: jmaneuv011 on September 12, 2013, 02:39:10 pm
Why not just add an additional essence of platinum per level?  If people have to lay out 90 mil for the 9 it's not impossible but it also gives people a reason to sell essences while not making them completely without value as they were before uw.

with that people don't lose what they worked hard for and on the other hand it's still attainable but not too easy

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Premador on September 12, 2013, 03:07:33 pm
Well although the idea of an escalating 10mill plat per UW suks for me(i'm broke most of the time) That could be a feasible option and a plat sink for the mass amounts of plat on the server. And even though its bad for me I like the idea.

UW1 10mil
UW2 20mil
UW3 30mil
UW4 40mil.....

so 450mill for UW9 in total That seems next to impossible for a good majority of those on server.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: demorgoth on September 12, 2013, 03:46:53 pm
Lol although i am cringing at that idea, i do think you are onto somethin premador. Would start clearing peoples banks of the ridiculous amounts of plat and still make it a massive pita to attain which would scale drastically as you progress.

It would be great as people would propritise auging vs uwing for dps as the plat : dmg ratio would be way off. And essentially you need a uw 3-4 before you actually notice a dmg increase tbh which is what, 60mil plat...

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Premador on September 12, 2013, 04:13:39 pm
Ya makes me cringe to, but I do think that it would follow Hunters intentions with this item.
And just for the record it was actually jmaneuv011's idea, i just expanded a little on it.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 12, 2013, 04:19:10 pm
You guys still assume that the uw is needed for content can 3-6box with epics only with a low roa to get flagged to t8. Yes it's nice to see it functional but the lower levels are just step lwvela to achieve the high ranks. And before yall go apeshit on me i was flagged t8 before uws came out ie t7 gear and epics. Just like most of Magister, Natedog, and just a small amount of others.

This weapon is "ultimate" and should be "ultimate" to get if period.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Tankdan on September 12, 2013, 04:21:30 pm
Lol although i am cringing at that idea, i do think you are onto somethin premador. Would start clearing peoples banks of the ridiculous amounts of plat and still make it a massive pita to attain which would scale drastically as you progress.

Theres only a few ppl with ridiculousness amounts of plat.

Like I said earlier, if you were to farm 30 Gmajors and sell them, youll be on the Top Richest list.  

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Premador on September 12, 2013, 05:06:16 pm
This weapon is "ultimate" and should be "ultimate" to get if period.

I get that but I'm sure that was said about the UC at one point as well(ya i know i wasnt here then)  And really UC is almost necessity T5+. Then there is UC2 and 3 now...

UW9 may be Ultimate now, but in 12 months will it still be? or maybe there will be a UWV2 IX...

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 12, 2013, 05:27:24 pm
UC/2/3 didn't/doesn't break Content

UC1 made it where you could barely survive the MCP encounter when still grouped with 12+ goons when it was hard not like it is now. (needed to finish T4 on 1+ toons this was when t4 was end game)

UCv2 Minor hp increase and good dps increase+Healing increase (got after completing T6 content already maxed then when t6 was end game.... oh yeah before any mitigation was in the game = basically more then 1 mob per pull equaled a full raid wipe)

UCv3 Decent hp increase and good dps increase + Healing increase (finished after completing all T8 content 400 turnins are rough)

UW 5/6/7/8/9 destroy the content  makes one toon equal to 2+ grps of DPS (equal to that esse tier)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 12, 2013, 06:15:43 pm
Sums it up completely.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Dimur on September 12, 2013, 06:19:26 pm
Here's the thing I don't understand, people keep posting how it's now impossible to do UW.  Yes, it may be impossible for a T4 geared crew to do Tserrina and Sven...but that's not the gear level that Hunter had in mind when he made UW. 

Thinking about making an Ultimate Weapon quest that probably only 3-5 people on the server would ever earn. Something meant to be super rare and desired.

Would probably be something like 100 Essences per tier/rank in return for a weapon with super stats on it that would probably make 1 tank as powerful as 6 characters. Would be in Task Window so you could see/count the turn in.

Any ideas?

Ultimate Weapon quest/reward would take me 1 hr to make vs 100s of hrs for end game hardcore players to achieve. It would NOT calc into the balance for any tiers.

This new UW would be best item ever, better than scepter 10, or Shield XL. Would def put players at several million HP and maybe 300-500k dps or higher. Bet only 1-3 players ever get it anyways.

I could understand some get upset cause they know they'll never get one.

Def a game breaking item and I couldn't imagine more than 1 tank per large high end guild to have one.

These are all quotes pulled from Hunter's discussion thread when he was kicking the idea of a UW quest around...clearly you can see that he wanted this to be rare as hell.  He had also stated how it was a carrot to dangle for the most hardcore end gamers who had all their gear/progression done and needed something else to focus on.  This is nowhere near impossible, daunting yes but impossible?...not even close.  When you gear you crew up enough to get to the point of killing Tserrina, which is a shitload easier now that rampage is gone, and Sven who isn't any harder, you'll be able to farm the essences you need to complete your UW tiers.  Either that or trade a shitload of essences, sls or whatever else people are looking for to get them without having to kill Sven yourself, but for fuck's sake it's far from impossible to do without a UW.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 12, 2013, 06:35:13 pm
Damn good post Dimur. I'd have to say that it is still not even as hard as what Hunter first intended.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Claytin on September 12, 2013, 08:08:36 pm
I would have to agree with removing UW also. It was a great thought but as you said never underestimate some of our will to accomplish. All this new way is doing is handicapping those who are already handicapped(hence don't have one by now). Also with previous content getting made harder b/c the top players put in time and can steam roll a zone is only going to make it worse on the not so elite as those top players will always have that UW bonus. Those who don't already had a hard enough time getting one now it just got much harder and those who have the time/friends/resources already have it. That's my input as either way though I'll still play and progress.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 12, 2013, 08:15:16 pm

All this new way is doing is handicapping those who are already handicapped

How does this handicap anyone all the content can be done without the UW? Even T8 it's a fucking joke even without a UW, just get your resists up and be done with it.

On the other hand glad your positive and will still get after the grind!! Hang in there and holler if ya need something

This is nowhere near impossible, daunting yes but impossible?...not even close. 


Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Gannicus on September 12, 2013, 08:20:13 pm
As much as it angers me that a decision like this was made that handicapped me in getting it after spending over 40-50 hours on getting essences to get somewhere, I will still try to press on with the treadmill, i'm still stuck in t5, so what in the hell do I know? Maybe i'll get out of there soon. If you're quitting over this policy change then you we're probably on your way out anyway.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 12, 2013, 08:21:05 pm
I will still try to press on with the treadmill, i'm still stuck in t5,

Holler at me Ill grind out some clears for ya

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Gannicus on September 12, 2013, 08:23:11 pm
I will still try to press on with the treadmill, i'm still stuck in t5,

Holler at me Ill grind out some clears for ya
Much love Fugi, I know I haven't been as active lately because of work and personal life but i'll try to be. You and Maayday have been pretty supportive in trying to get me out of T5 because it has bottlenecked me like no other content in the history of EQ

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 12, 2013, 08:27:23 pm
yeah since I got that UW9 on the Enchanter Ill just clear it with him for fun

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 12, 2013, 08:50:50 pm
I don't see anyone upset over the removal of rampage or aoe rampage.

And all the custom tiers was doable without UW, as Fugitive and others proved and did. How much more doable is custom tiers now without the rampage? Lets wait and see how much the majority of custom content is actually easier now that rampage is removed. I think removing rampage came at a good time, almost a trade off for the UW changes.

The UW is not required for surviving the custom tiers as already proven. I forgot when I made the UW, maybe after T7 was already done? The UW quest is something to be super rare for the super hardcore players and give end game players something to do after they already have max gear from final zone and are bored. Was not intended for T1-T4 players really to have and trivialize content blowing their way to end game within weeks, when the old timers spent years to get where they are today.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Natedog on September 12, 2013, 08:53:07 pm
You could always reduce the damage of rampage :)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 12, 2013, 09:01:23 pm
Yes you made the UWs well after Nate/Felony creamed T7 then Magister whooped it's ass

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Natedog on September 12, 2013, 09:11:38 pm
You could always reduce the damage of rampage :)

Quoting myself.. yes I am lame!

But here is rampage with the new system.

Rampage -> 1 -> 20% chance (default) ->  1 Rampage Target Count (default) -> 50 % of normal attack damage (default is 100 which is why non-tanks get creamed)


Not sure if you have messed with these new parameters but they can be pretty nice for customizing the way bosses / trash work.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 12, 2013, 09:14:19 pm
Not sure if you have messed with these new parameters

Removed Rampage and AoE Rampage from all (1400+) npcs.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 12, 2013, 09:21:58 pm
I can manually add them back in to specific bosses as needed.

I briefly looked at the changelog notes about those changes and got confused. Will probably figure it out later and redo a few bosses, like Epic bosses, etc, to have Rampage, which were all still very doable before UW came along.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Natedog on September 12, 2013, 09:37:24 pm
Not sure if you have messed with these new parameters

Removed Rampage and AoE Rampage from all (1400+) npcs.

New parameters are not set by default fugitive.. rampage shows up as   "3,1"   with  NO parameters added to it.. removing the rampage doesn't show me that he tried the parameters for ... max targets, max damage, ect. ect.

Now you know fugitive ... "parameters != special ability"   ..

Here ya go fugitive a list of abilities and parameters that go with said ability :)

Level 1: Summon target to NPC
Level 2: Summon NPC to target
Param0: Cooldown in ms (default: 6000)
Param1: HP ratio required to summon (default: 97)

Param0: HP ratio required to enrage (default: rule NPC:StartEnrageValue)
Param1: Enrage duration in ms (default: 10000)
Param2: Enrage cooldown in ms (default: 360000)

Param0: Proc chance (default: 20)
Param1: Rampage target count (default: rule Combat:MaxRampageTargets)
Param2: Percent of a normal attack damage to deal (default: 100)
Param3: Flat damage bonus to add to the rampage attack (default: 0)
Param4: Ignore % armor for this attack (default 0)
Param5: Ignore flat armor for this attack (default 0)
Param6: Percent of npc's natual crit that can go toward this rampage (default: 100)
Param7: Flat crit bonus on top of npc's natual crit that can go toward this attack (default 0)

Param0: Proc chance (default: 20)
Param1: Rampage target count (default: 1)
Param2: Percent of a normal attack damage to deal (default: 100)
Param3: Flat damage bonus to add to the rampage attack (default: 0)
Param4: Ignore % armor for this attack (default 0)
Param5: Ignore flat armor for this attack (default 0)
Param6: Percent of npc's natual crit that can go toward this rampage (default: 100)
Param7: Flat crit bonus on top of npc's natual crit that can go toward this attack (default 0)

Param0: Proc chance (default: rule Combat:NPCFlurryChance)
Param1: Flurry attack count (default: rule Combat:MaxFlurryHits)
Param2: Percent of a normal attack damage to deal (default: 100)
Param3: Flat damage bonus to add to the flurry attack (default: 0)
Param4: Ignore % armor for this attack (default 0)
Param5: Ignore flat armor for this attack (default 0)
Param6: Percent of npc's natual crit that can go toward this attack (default: 100)
Param7: Flat crit bonus on top of npc's natual crit that can go toward this attack (default 0)

Ex: Normal Flurry with 25% proc rate and 100% crit chance that ignores 500 armor.


Param0: Aggro modifier on non-tanks (default: rule Aggro:TunnelVisionAggroMod)


LEASH = 32
Param0: Range (default: aggro range * aggro range)

Param0: Range (default: aggro range * aggro range)


Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 12, 2013, 09:52:32 pm

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 12, 2013, 10:05:35 pm
Yup, thats the stuff I read, but still scratched my head. Maybe was too tired. I know the #,1 is default

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Expletus on September 12, 2013, 10:14:52 pm
I actually like the rampage removed, I can move some non-UC toons in to melee now without them getting 1 shot by rampage.

On the UW topic... why not increase the warrior epics to half of the current UW for that tier dmg wise and add a proc rather than punish those who put the time in to do it by taking it away.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Dimur on September 12, 2013, 10:35:55 pm
Nothing has been taken away, if you had a UW(rank whatever) before the recipe change, you STILL have a UW(rank whatever)...how is anyone being punished?

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Expletus on September 12, 2013, 10:37:54 pm
Not saying anyone is being punished. I am simply stating IF they were to be removed like a lot of people are asking for, it would be a, to me, a punishment. Thats all... CALM DOWN !  ::)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Dimur on September 12, 2013, 10:55:16 pm
Not getting worked up, I was just stating that nobody is being punished by this change. 
As to the suggestion that warrior epics be increased to half the current tier of UW damagewise...you'd see people making 5 warrior groups with a healer and make all other classes obsolete.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 13, 2013, 05:22:36 am
Gameplay can change at any given time.
Its not punishment

Bumping the Damage of the War epic is a piss poor idea, there is enough DPS from other toons that should be augged out and Ucv2'd

Wars have awesome mitigation as it stands thats thier ++

The UW will most likely stay in game but the grind for future levels of it will be challenging not "EZ"

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Natedog on September 13, 2013, 06:50:16 am
Wars have awesome mitigation as it stands thats thier ++

Considering nothing can hit my warrior I'd say warriors have great avoidance too :)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Drep on September 13, 2013, 07:59:54 am
Yay! another change after all the heavy hitters get their stuff, screw everyone else.  lol

ROFL that didn't take long...
Get over yourself and get on that treadmill

This!  This has got to be the best post I have read of yours.  I bitch about a change and you take it personally and attack me?  You need to get over yourself before trying to call others out.  

ROFL!  pot calling the kettle


Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Chunka on September 13, 2013, 10:14:50 am
I do believe, even on EZ, warriors have the best basic mitigation and evasion of any class (NO class touches them for mitigation, and only monks can match them for basic evasion). Thats how it was live, and it seems as if its how it is here. I dont know how AC caps are worked here, but if it matches live warriors get 45% of AC after soft cap is hit, knights get second best at 33%. Thats basic, pre AA, pre disc, pre item effect/click.

You have to balance what a warrior does for DPS against their inherent defenses, or things get out of whack (no one else remembers when warriors here were the best dps?). UW tilts that balance a bit.....but doesnt quite break it. Other classes will still out damage a UW warrior (or so I am told....I'm still limping through T7). However....as easy as UW were to get before things were getting skewed pretty quickly. I think Hunter made the right call....and as much as I like the UW I can see people's point about removal.

And I hate to say this....but maybe the best thing to do is to remove the heal effect from the UW on all versions but the mace. THATS whats really throwing lower tiers into a spin. Might not be so big of an impact at higher (T6+) tiers, but on lower tiers you can pull the zone, put your back to the corner, hit the riposte clicky glasses if you need to, click the UW and kill the zone in about 1 shot and end up max health. Removing this heal would leave a VERY VERY powerful weapon, but it would limit the ability to completely trivialize lower tier content using a single warrior to clear....or at worst a single warrior and a T5 druid. Removal of the heal simply makes a UW take the place of a couple zerker epic clicks :D

Just an idea.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Peign on September 13, 2013, 11:39:37 am
Seems the changes to UW have been made.  It is difficult but not impossible to obtain. I am  not seeing that additional changes are needed.

Continue to march, continue to grind, adapt and overcome.

It is nice to see a use for essence of frozen shadow.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Expletus on September 13, 2013, 12:13:44 pm
Essentially the change has limited the UW from being obtained by anyone but someone in T7/T8 by putting the drop on Floor 7. While I don't agree that it should be on that particular mob, I understand why it is.

I think a lot of good suggestions have been tossed out and should be discussed further. IE: level restriction, zone vender requirement etc.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Xiggie | Stone on September 13, 2013, 04:35:35 pm
I don't see where any further changes need to be made. It's rarity was reset so that it is now more in line with what Hunter wanted in the first place. He said he wanted a weapon that would be the best damn thing you could get on the server but rare enough that very very few would get it. As it sits now it will drastically slow down the amount of UW coming into the game. And the good thing is that as UW's move on and people with them quit you will start to see the number of active UW's lowered more in line with the rarity intended. I don't think it needs to be nerfed or the heal removed because it effects how a T2 player being able to rofl stomp content he shouldn't be able to because with the changes put in place it is likely T2 players will no longer be able to obtain it.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on September 14, 2013, 08:19:30 am
Well I hate to rage about things, but I need to clarify things that I have been researching with changes to the server over the last year. My background here on EZ .. I played a few years ago and left when I was breaking into t3, due to real life issues and unable to play hardcore to farm all the augs and uc at that time.  It was a time sink to acquire them then.  Not complaining since those were the High end stuff back then.

1 Hardcore end gamer - is really a misnomer because only 25% of end gamers are true hardcores.  My definition of hardcore is the player who does the grind for those elite items in a game.  End gamer is only a player who is at the end game, doesn't mean the player is hardcore at all.  Although there are hardcore end gamers!

2. To say now that UW, RoA, SoA, UC, SoT aren't needed to break into new content seems to be misplaced now.  I read thru a lot of posts about t7, tofs and I find it funny that peeps like Fugi, Dima,even Hunter and a few other high end players have stated that those zones needed those items to make it easier for breaking in.  However, you all say now its not needed......  really confused now about past posts and what I see in game.

3. It was stated by Hunter that the hardcore players will achieve these items along with their progression to make it easier and casual player will never see it. (just like live) However now its removed so the hardcore player now has to wait for them instead of using them as part of progression.  I have noticed alot of new players and they want tier progression first and not the grind for the items first or together.  I do understand that since Fugi was able to get 600+ ess in one double loot weekend (that is game breaking) will wait til then and do that but that's not really hardcore for this sever being tier based.

4. UW was like a magic trick in 2012 til the Mage told how the trick works.  Meaning, Hunter told everyone what was needed before it went live and 6 months earlier.  Then to come back and say 3 days after it went live that there was 6 uw's already is really a crazy statement and then to say I only thought one person would have is even crazier.  I am surprised there was even more and if Hunter was shocked and didn't intend that why did it go another 6 to 7 months before the nerf stick.

5.Anguish AA farming ... Fugi pretty much got 500 ranks in 4 months using 250% exp pot (which is fine) but with that nerf in anguish, that means all other players that haven't finish their RoA will take 3 times longer.  I have been told (I haven't done this so it is hearsay) that Anguish run w/250% exp pot could net 10k AA's per run in 10 mins.  Now with change, Having the pot which is aprox. 36mins will equal only 10k'ish aa's in 30 mins. So that means myself and many others will not see max roa for 2 years(or so if you start from scratch) and doing that only, so no progression if that's what we want. We still need to get t7+ with UW9, SoA maxed and of course the UC to get close to how Fugi did it.

There is also a phrase I read a lot and that is "That's not what I or He intended"  that is an excuse for when shit hits the fan and there is no reason for some changes and the effect to others.  Now to state only 5-10% players to have the UW is strange ...Fugi alone holds abt 5% of the total on the server, while most only have one and that's not even completed.  So should I take that 5% to mean only one player?

Also, Hunter stated in ooc that t9 damage will be based upon the highest hps toon on the server... does that mean when t9 hits that these items will be required?  If so I think it will only be 3 to 5 people playing.  With these changes do I need to box 12 or 18 now, even Fugi has stated that these item will allow people to 6 box vs having to 12 or 18 box content.

I am just confused and agitated about these changes cuz they have totally hosed my progression plan to get to floor 7 and t8.  I also have to look at 12 to 18 boxing which has always been stated that is not needed for EZ server. I can provide quotes and dates but I thought it would be good for you all to return to old posts to see where everyone was at a previous time and their stance at that time and then compare to today where you stand. I am only trying to make a point and that is we all forget what we did 6 months ago and our stance since things change like I got all that shit now so its easier.
Again, my apologize to Fugi and Hunter along with others that I might have offended, but you say you let shit roll off so I guess I will see if that is true :P

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 14, 2013, 09:13:07 am
No hard feelings  ;D

A lot of those post you have read with needing this amount of effort to break in the zone have since been changed and altered based on

1. Zone mob damage really decreased.
2. Aggro range practically removed with tunnel vision set.
3. Resists changed everything, a little effort farming your 12+ (Like I did will get ya clear of these zones)
4. What else is end players to do but grind RoA when completely done with 18+ toons (minus soa, sot on them)
5. DPS increased a lot when he adjusted the server lag. (attacking less hitting for more boom boom)
6. Players are finding synergies with different classes/spells making it all easier.
7. T8 is gimped gimped

Oh and just think, I did the 100-500 WITHOUT XP POTIONS/ WITHOUT XP CICKY and in Fire/HoH only ...

So saying you can't achieve to 500 is not accurate at all. The XP in hoh/T5/T6/T7/T8 is awesome. Just have to get bored and do it over and over and over... all while acquiring $ and Essences... over and over and over

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 14, 2013, 09:21:16 am
As a compensation, newbs will have the right to say "you had it easy with SoA an UW" to old timers ... for a change :)

Actually, the old timers progressed through Qvic - T4 without any UW available to them.

Hunter that is Creation to T7 without any UW available to them, along with broken classes and no awesome spells (Hate), instancing not until late T5....

I came to the server when MCP was still being broken into for the 1st time.

When it took 40+ mins to kill T3/T4 mobs with 2 grps of maxed goons (no augments at that time)

I remember spending almost 3 weeks popping MCP 1 or 2 times a day (purples where hard to come by then) with me and thebones 4 grps and getting rolled rolled rolled rolled rolled until we were successful

oh.. and 2 miles uphill in the snow... to school..

 ;D ;D

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fuzzypoodle on September 14, 2013, 09:34:42 am
LOL ok Fugi ... didn't mean to lead to people thinkin it cant be done.  I will get it done ... Just seems real confusing with the changes is all.  And I would have more fun using those items as a progression alternative than not til I am t7/t8. And I wouldnt mind if it took me 6 months to get UW6 and all the goodies to assist in progression was all.  I felt that these items were for end gamers to give them something to do which is needed but at the same time those that want to incorporate them in there tier farming and the extra extra time for farming (hardcore) could have it too.

Not pissed at all and will continue my grind to T8 and those pieces again  ;D

Ok I know I was here back then too.  Just wasn't in t4, I remember killin Shadow for an hour+ with 4 grps and still dyeing and rezzing thru fight.  :P  Those strike augs did help lot with fight :P

I loved the idea of farming my ass off for killer items vs just armor upgrades and epics ... that's all.

Again I just wanted some confusion removed and rant alittle at the same time .. so calm down guys :P

Ok one question Do I need more than one grp to get thru t6? Really hoping that I don't need til T7 more for t8.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Chunka on September 14, 2013, 10:24:53 am
I havent been here forever...just since 2009. But I can tell you for a fact that 70 to T4 is SOOOO, SOOO SOOOOOOOOOOOO much easier than it was even a year ago, let alone 4 years ago. T5 is a ton easier than it was when it launched back in 2010(11?). In fact its easier now than it was a year ago, and thats even discounting UWs.

Hunter from the start had ideas about the UW being a very rare, very hard to get weapon. Well, turned out he underestimated some of the players here....and I think he REALLY underestimated the impact the new spell and melee changes would have on farming the essences. So....he fixed it. Simple as that. And...he may fix it further.

But I do know that as much as I have second guessed Hunter in the past (and probably will in the future), and as many doubts as I have had about some of his changes....the guy delivers, eventually. Just have to keep in mind that even with some amazing help from his friends and a handful of players here he is ONE GUY doing all this, without any real beta testing. When you consider that I think you have to agree he does an amazing job of it.

Thanks for the changes, H.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Tankdan on September 14, 2013, 12:52:05 pm
Well now that the heat has died down, I think I like the UW quest as it stands now.  I do not want UW to be removed, so I take that comment back.

SoA seems a bit crazy, though I have not tried to do it since the update.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 14, 2013, 01:15:16 pm
Tankdan, I agree with ya on SoA being crazy

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: zefirus on September 14, 2013, 04:33:58 pm
So crazy, it just might work... No, may need to be toned down. The idea on every 5 levels makes sense

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Strix on September 14, 2013, 04:52:10 pm
...I like the UW quest as it stands now.


Just finished a round - was actually fun :)

SoA seems a bit crazy
The idea on every 5 levels makes sense



Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 14, 2013, 08:20:54 pm
I might edit the SoA to require the Essence of Norrath every 5 levels (1, 6, 11, 16, etc). Will update recipe book when I do.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Chunka on September 14, 2013, 11:08:53 pm
I agree, that'd make a lot more sense than as it stands now.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fliker on September 15, 2013, 03:13:55 am
Ya got my +1 for every 5 levels

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Duluum on September 15, 2013, 07:16:02 am
English is not my first language, i may have funny formulations and misunderstand some of your ways to speak.
I'm not sure if my statement about newbs and elders has been well formulated/interpreted : was just a way to say that elders generally had harder times breaking into new content than us followers. Therefore they often, and rightly, say "you have it easy" to whining newbs.

Or maybe i've been ironic on the wrong topic ... if so i'm sorry for my maladroitness.
I must also say i was a bit butt-hurted : dragging 16 toons to T6/7 before starting SoA and UW (without BU) to see these quests tuned harder and longer cuz some avoided the normal progression with it ... well ... ouch ?

Here long enough* to know Hunter listens to feedback and elders share their knowledge, time, and even loots. (* : longer than the creation date of this forum account can say, lost the first account because of lazyness)

Thanks for SoA tunning, and UW is moar Ultimate now (telling myself i'll have the true one ;D)

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: zefirus on September 15, 2013, 10:48:52 am
English is my first language and I have rarely seen maladroit used in as sentence... Good job

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Chunka on September 15, 2013, 02:08:57 pm
Careful, too many polysyllabic words confuse Peign. Wouldnt want to make him dent his safety helmet.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Hunter on September 16, 2013, 02:25:49 am
Updated Shield of Ages recipe.

The Essence of Norrath only required every 5 ranks (1, 6, 11, 16, ... etc)

Haven't updated the recipe book yet though.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Expletus on September 16, 2013, 03:47:54 am
Appreciate it Hunter.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: spuddson on September 16, 2013, 05:08:28 am
Hi just adding my 2 pennies to the UW. i have UW6 and was using it as an alternative progression path. I was on track to getting 9 by Xmas and when the change came in i was a little peeved.

Now with time to think about it i think adding TOFS essence to them is a good thing for the server as it was starting to get very top heavy.

qvic to T4 could of been done in a day by new players with the huge amount of rots.

If Hunter left it as it was there would be huge pressure to bring T9 and T10 out fast to keep things going and faster things are done the lower the quality and more bugs in the new zones.

Thanks Hunter for the Old way of doing UW and i look forward to winning with the new way and the kudos it will bring now.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Adydar on September 17, 2013, 09:12:14 am
I know I'm way late to the party, if the issue is there are too many and they are too game breaking, the best solution seems to be remove them all (or nerf them into uselessness) and then add the new UW quest as modified and everyone is on an even playing field again.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Maydaay on September 17, 2013, 09:56:55 am
little late for sure!

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Rageful on September 17, 2013, 05:31:02 pm
You know Hunter charges 1000 credits for a character copy of Fugitive right? Just get your UW's that way.

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Fugitive on September 17, 2013, 05:33:29 pm
shhh.... or the prices go up..

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Expletus on September 17, 2013, 06:35:28 pm

Title: Re: UW and SoA Recipes
Post by: Krupa on September 21, 2013, 05:30:49 am
lol only 1000!

