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 on: Today at 07:54:59 am 
Started by Raygan - Last post by Raygan
Going to be running a RZ event this weekend for the server on Sat. and Sun. (After church of course)

 on: February 01, 2025, 09:43:17 pm 
Started by Suphasis - Last post by Draca

 on: February 01, 2025, 02:49:41 pm 
Started by Suphasis - Last post by Suphasis
Guild Name:Mortem Praeteritam

 on: January 22, 2025, 05:29:28 am 
Started by Raygan - Last post by Chieftan
Added to Wiki


 on: January 22, 2025, 05:17:06 am 
Started by Raygan - Last post by Raygan
Ymir is missing. Need him up because I can't remember mob names so I always have to go to wiki lol. He is the last of the Distant Relative, Anita Anjob cycle.

 on: January 20, 2025, 11:05:20 pm 
Started by Relzin - Last post by Draca
guild name: NoClues
guild leader: Ordo

Thank you very much.

Done, but deleting post.

 on: January 20, 2025, 08:14:13 pm 
Started by Relzin - Last post by Relzin
guild name: NoClues
guild leader: Ordo

Thank you very much.

 on: January 19, 2025, 08:19:59 pm 
Started by Sarthin - Last post by akpainter
I know the people that have really pushed through this zone might not agree with the changes but I do think these are good changes for sure.  I for one enjoyed the zone at the start but with a pretty good amount of time killing and not a lot to show for it I burned out.

To be 100% fair we are also working like dogs so the time investment as it was was not possible, so if there now is a chance of a quicker dopamine hit (armor drop) with lower time commitment that would be AWESOME!

Thanks guys for all you do!!

 on: January 14, 2025, 09:50:22 am 
Started by Sarthin - Last post by Serra Angel
Hi I'm not sure but a problem that has been happening with my army in OC and SR is that my inventory seems to cause me to crash multiple times when entering the zone and repoping the zone.
Its very annoying and it definitely something to do with my inventory as lower tier geared people have no such problems. Might have to do with Kael equipment or even TD equipment.

 on: January 11, 2025, 02:59:41 pm 
Started by Sarthin - Last post by Sarthin
Changes to Kael

NPC changes:

- All NPCs in the zone have had their HP reduced. Regular trash HP is reduced around 30%, while some bosses have been reduced from in the range of 30-50%.
- NPCs have also had their damage reduced quite a bit. Should now on average hit around 900k more than the upper VP trash mobs.
- Ragnar got a script adjustment to align with the new damage profile.
- Spawn chances of certain named have been reduced.

Quest changes:

- The Fury of the Giants, down from 350 to 250 kills per faction.
- Improvements!, all task counts reduced from 3 to 2.
- Ultimate Charm v5, reduced shard count to complete quest from 80 to 40 shards.
- A Cold Bargain, reduced from 30 to 9 task counts to complete.
- Translocation quest reduced to 200 kills.

Loot changes:

General changes: some of the named NPCs in the zone have had their overall loot adjusted to be more worth going for if they spawn.

- Tier armor and components have been made more common.
- Roxy's coins does in some cases drop in a larger quantity.
- Slight increase overall in essence drops.
- Increased chances for spells to drop.
- Increased chances for Mechi shield components to drop

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