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Author Topic: T11  (Read 37211 times)
« Reply #60 on: April 28, 2021, 12:47:58 pm »

I like penguins. Even if they explode.

Crikey, that's a name from the past Shocked

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« Reply #61 on: May 04, 2021, 08:59:31 am »

I've been on the server less than a year but I started here just a month before the last event. I do not like the idea of having something drop that will flag you for previous content but the longer I play here the more I realize why some want this. I've done content through t9 for 8 chars now and its a pain in the ass without having items mentioned like Zone Pull stingers, Double and Triple tokens to be able to flag new chars. I've never had the opportunity to farm these items so that I could make alts or chars easier. I know that some people abused the last event but for us new players we haven't really had the opportunity to experience it or be able to get those items. It would be a shame to have to wait till October still to get that.

I've also seen some quality of life improvements mentioned like stacking items and things that should seriously be considered. Expeditions are extremely buggy having to create an instance just to get the expeditions and such. I know this is true for Bloodmoon and Sunderock.

So my suggestion for t11 is more of a "can we address issues now instead of planning for new content" sorry.

My only other 2cents going forward would be that there seems to be a huge gap in the ability to kill mobs going into Sunderock from OC. I've had a ton of help along the way and handouts from long time players and even with that starting out in this zone has been extremely daunting. Some additional quests or content to help bridge that gap would be extremely helpful. An Ultimate Weapon does me no good when my chars cant even take a couple hits of Rampage damage so I'm not sure what else would help.

I realize this post didnt provide any useful information moving forward for future content so here:
*Stack-able quest items for large turn in amounts
*Not such a large content gap to be able to progress from T10.5 to T11 easily. Or provide additional content to bridge the gap.
*Open, large, outdoor content or large dungeon much like Crystallos, Lair of the Awakened (One of my personal favorites since Dragonscale Hills was mentioned but we already had a SoF zone so its been played out already) Arcstone was cool or Korafax.
*Upgraded Ultimate Weapon quests. From what I know Sleepers weapons like the dagger perform better for rogues than UW so the appeal for creating that weapon doesn't exist anymore. (Id rather progress to T10.5 for a weapon than farm all previous zones for something sub-par. Get what I'm saying?)
« Last Edit: May 04, 2021, 04:26:55 pm by Abuelo » Logged
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« Reply #62 on: May 26, 2021, 05:23:30 pm »

Tier 11 development has been effectively paused at this point, as I work on a few smaller ideas to get a better idea of what the tuning feels like on EZ Server, from a development point of view.  Once I feel comfortable that I can do a full Tier 11 justice, I will make some further announcements around that, in this thread.

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