
Posts: 20
« on: October 24, 2010, 01:32:18 am » |
Looks like there are two ways to fix a class and increase it's dps (through augments or epic clickies) and with this understanding i have two recommendations that are open for discussion:
1) the new epic 3.5 bow summons the Hunter arrow which increases the dps (thanks Hunter) but even with that i have stopped playing my ranger due to the fact that with icestrike augments on my epic3.5 i will do triple the dps am doing with bow (so why not use the augments on the right melee class? monk or rogue). Most of us play rangers because of the fact that we love doing range damage!! so how about changing the clickie to Trueshot and reduce the timer to 5 minutes. it will then make sense playing a ranger.
2) introduce new augments with Melee damage that can go to Range slot Only (60 to damage) this way the ranger class will still be playable specially after introducing the new lovely augments (icestrike/Firestrike).
i know some of you will say rangers are not broken, they do fine dps. but believe me this fine dps will remain as fine even with high end gear (T3/T4) u will then wonder why am i gearing my ranger for a fine dps?
i always love boxing a ranger with my shadowknight! for me its like boxing a warrior with a pally! since i can still do damage out of AOE range! i try to avoid boxing over 3 characters because i enjoy the game play more than just killing fast! i would love seeing some changes done to fine tune the ranger class and make the best out of it!
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2010, 02:00:10 am » |
Thought I was the only one that felt this way about my ranger which is my main on this server, however lately I just put him down seeing as my pally keeps up with dps. sadly im not able to get the 3.5 bow yet and stuck with 3.0 =/
Wack 70 Pal Wudii 70 War Covert 70 Rng Wudiil 70 War Wacks 70 Pal Wudiv 70 War Wudi 70 War Callo 70 Mag Zakik 70 Monk
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2010, 04:03:44 am » |
Download gamparse and run some parses. Without the numbers its hard to see whats going on. This would help Hunter also!

Posts: 37
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2010, 05:12:05 am » |
Allowing Icestrike Augs to be put in Range slot (and maybe increasing epic bow damage) would probably be the easiest way of getting rangers closer to the rest of the dps classes. And wouldn't be much work at all.
« Last Edit: October 24, 2010, 05:20:59 am by Rocco »

Posts: 20
« Reply #4 on: October 24, 2010, 06:24:06 am » |
even if icestrike can be used in bow the damage to delay ratio is not going to make a major change to dps (not enough procs)
in addittion,
going through the new changes done to epic 3.5 i.e. Stonewall for warriors and HarmTouch for SK's the changes are soo into the core fuction of each class which is a great change!.
why not Trueshot for Rangers!. i really belive this going to be the best fix.
« Reply #5 on: October 24, 2010, 07:05:30 am » |
from my understanding hunter doesnt want them to be good dps with just /autofire from reading his updates to increase dps on other classes, which is fine but when rangers are a ranged class lol what else are we gonna do. yes we have spells to cast but really the spells do what 2k 3k dmg? hardly worth the cast trueshot or dmg increase on bows would be a good start or a fix not sure what to do at this point =/
Wack 70 Pal Wudii 70 War Covert 70 Rng Wudiil 70 War Wacks 70 Pal Wudiv 70 War Wudi 70 War Callo 70 Mag Zakik 70 Monk
« Reply #6 on: October 24, 2010, 07:17:45 am » |
LoL i don't know about you guys but my ranger is pretty sick dps imo. Only augments i have in his weapons are the 1hand augments that are made from pod. Tho i do play him in a group with a bard. Still tho i see alot of high crit spam from my ranger lol more then my raid ranger on live ever could do. I think he's doing his job fine and is good as is. Just my thoughts on the speed bump rrr i mean ranger class.  Cracken ~GL of Classic Composers

Posts: 20
« Reply #7 on: October 25, 2010, 02:08:04 am » |
in theory there are classes suppose to do more damage than other classes (on live game) and the way i remmber it as follows: Casters: Wiz > Necro > Mage > Ench. Melee: Rogue > Monk > Ranger > BER etc.. this is back in 2004 dunno about now. are we sticking to the same Order or we wanna follow new custmized order? currently my SK dose double the damage of my ranger which dose not mean that SK's are overpowered but mean rangers needs some buffs. if you think the ranger dps is sick right now then you should see the dps of other classes (i am talking about High end Gear and augments). my SK is having 3 pieces T3 epic 3.5 and 2x firestrike Ranger ful T3 epic3.5. We can not ask Hunter to buff the ranger if some of you are not convinced! or most of you dont care 
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2010, 04:06:02 am » |
The only way to compare the DPS between classes is to parse it and post the results. I have no idea what Ranger DPS is like since I don't play one. If someone tells me it's great or it's crap I can't believe either because I have no proof either way.
« Reply #9 on: October 25, 2010, 07:35:46 am » |
LoL so what if one class is a little behind on dps. Your not going to get every class to do the same dps. IF you want an sk's dps make an sk. If you want a rangers added range dps to your group make a ranger. Now i know what your going to say. QQ mr cracken but i want to play a ranger as a main. Thats okay and an awesome idea. Just remember your making the ranger and not the sk. I'll state it again i think rangers do their job and are fine as is. I wasn't trying to compare rangers to live EQ order of dps. I was just trying to state that rangers on Ez are way more overpowered then on live. So you should be happy with what you have and enjoy. That is all  Cracken ~GL of Classic Composers
« Reply #10 on: October 25, 2010, 08:17:48 am » |
Cracken, the OP has a point. Even if rangers do 'sick dps' they did take a proverbial hit in their intented (RANGE) dps because of the augs.
« Reply #11 on: October 26, 2010, 12:10:50 am » |
lol if i wanted to run up and beat id make a monk or a rogue not a ranger =/
Wack 70 Pal Wudii 70 War Covert 70 Rng Wudiil 70 War Wacks 70 Pal Wudiv 70 War Wudi 70 War Callo 70 Mag Zakik 70 Monk
« Reply #12 on: October 26, 2010, 02:24:12 am » |
LoL so what if one class is a little behind on dps. Your not going to get every class to do the same dps. IF you want an sk's dps make an sk. If you want a rangers added range dps to your group make a ranger. Now i know what your going to say. QQ mr cracken but i want to play a ranger as a main. Thats okay and an awesome idea. Just remember your making the ranger and not the sk. I'll state it again i think rangers do their job and are fine as is. I wasn't trying to compare rangers to live EQ order of dps. I was just trying to state that rangers on Ez are way more overpowered then on live. So you should be happy with what you have and enjoy. That is all  Couldn't of said it better  Cracken ~GL of Classic Composers
Everett - Warrior, Fable - Paladin, Bloodlord - Paladin, Kimboslice - Shadowknight, Combatmedic - Cleric, Bludlust - Ranger.

Posts: 20
« Reply #13 on: October 27, 2010, 04:13:36 am » |
Can you please elaborate more on ranger job? pulling ?no! is it tanking ? no ... Its DPS!
how come you think they do their job just fine if they are behind most of the dps classes?
i would like again to emphasize that this post only intended to fine Tune the ranger class and not meant to be a whine or class revamp. if adding a clickie or increase the damage of summoned arrows will increase the dps and make the class more popular then why not?
if you say that if u want a dps class then reroll to warrior u will end up having only one class to play with? which not what is intended for the game and i believe all of us wants to see all of the different classes hanging around and play them.
if you also think the ranger class up to POD is doing a fine DPS to that specific zone then why dont we get more buffs for POG because we are some how worthless there. i am clearly refering to adding a nice clickie into our epic 3.5.
Suggestions are again welcomed
« Reply #14 on: October 27, 2010, 04:56:42 am » |
wonder if a spell could be made to work like this, when the proc lands on the mob it lasts for max 30seconds (prob more like 25 really have to figure out how long a normal fight lasts with out UC or RoA 100) then if the dot was able to stay on the full 30seconds it would do a Direct Damage on the last tick make it kinda high like 8k.