You Get 2 Differnt 1 handed Epics for your 1.0 and they look like this
Now thats not the Only types of 1.0's you get. You also can buy a 2handed vearsion of the 1.0
After you have managed to fight every
Boss's in Plane of Time and down the 1.5 book boss (Terrorantula or Quillmane) your 1.5 completed epic will look like this
And some how you managed to put the hit on all the ldon bosses and the weapon of mastery you will recive your 2.0!
Now the fun comes in, You must join the
Fighters Guild. don't fret though there are some nifty things inside!. After Joining this guild you will be allowed to enter the 2.5 zone The Hushed Banquet After collecting few bags of keys pick a chest and turn them all in. you will recive a completed epic 2.5 book Congrats!.
You have worked really hard so far things are going to be even harder now but alot more fun!.Head on over to Qvic this was orginally intended as a raid zone so get a well balanced group or 2 till your geared up some. Kill all the
qvic bosses loot there tokens and turn them in at the nexus. after doing so you will be given the flag to zone into the 3.0 zone!.
Woot you have zoned into the 3.0 zone and have defeted the Tooth fairy....... J/k Twinkle toes!. turn your completed epic book 3.0 and your 2.5 in to recive!.
Wow you managed to do all that, there wont be any upgrades to your epic for a while so head on over to Plane of Dragons where you will encounter Many differnt types of young dragons and creatures of all types. After working your self to the desert side and earning your Class Brest Plate You will become Flaged for Plane of God's.
While most of this zone is a GRIND have fun while your there improve your killing speed but make sure to collect 1 page for each of the
Avatars here. Once you managed to do that Shadow is a wicked beat but once you do the reward is well worth it
You might have noticed in that 3.5 there were 2 Augs
Pay close Attention to the spell information at the bottom, V is a AOE damage of 1000 NO HATE. and the IV is a 1500 Direct Damage with 125000 Increase to Hate
Hope this has helped you in some ways. Always check
Quest & Guides Section Thread for all your
Quest & Guides Section information =)