One asshat training doesn't say anything about Forbidden Prophecy. Especially since I know a lot of people go to LDON instances and train the whole zone looking for charm upgrades. So let's not get that started, please.
Point of post: Why the #$@! did he video himself training a noobish zone? Especially since that is bannable. WTG Noobcakes.
Hey fucker thats my favo guild more then its your favo guild. Dont make me kill you!
Guy was having fun, only him and his box in the zone, stupid thing to post it on youtube.
Lesson learned.
Yes not a damn person on this server follows the rules and yes everyone and their mother trains the crap out of LDON.
At least this video was of a person in the zone by them selfs.
Is it right... No
Do I really care.. No