T3 Boss drop 1 non class specific mold (Leather, Chain, Cloth and Plate)
The Tranquill : Boots
Split Paw : Legs
The Lightbringer : Gloves
The Oceanlord : Bracer
The Faceless : Arms
The Prince of Darkness : Helm
H-One N-One : Breastplate
T4 Boss drop 2 class specific mold (Rogue, Monk, Bard, Ench ... War, Cle ...)
The Plaguebringuer : Boots
The Mother of All : Legs
The Rainkeeper : Gloves
The Burning Prince : Bracer
The Prime Healer : Arms
The Prince of Hate : Helm
The Warlord : Breastplate
Also H-one N-one always drop enchanting defender 3
Every boss have a chance to drop a spell or an accessory or an essence.
T3 boss drop essence of God Minor and T3 spell.
T4 essence of God Major and T4 spell.
Accessory are unique, there isnt T3 and T4, only one version here in airplane.
I will edit to insert screen shot of the accessory soon.
The rest as already been said in the other post