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Author Topic: What do you box?  (Read 19662 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: November 28, 2011, 06:23:34 pm »

Heya folks!

Just started playing here, and im trying to put together a nice, solid three box to take me through as much content as possible before I have to toss anything else into the mix.

So far Im sporting a pally with his 3.0, around 30aa's, and maybe 20k plat. While running through the ldons, I managed to snag about 1100 points for him as well.

Currently im building a shaman for some spirit of the panther pleveling to bring whatever I need up to 47 so I can dump them into POFire.

SO! All that said, what are some suggestions for the other two classes, keeping in mind that I have little to no resources at my disposal to get my jumpstart here?

And after those three are sufficiently geared, what should I add as a possible filler for the other two slots?

Rayge Face - 73 Warrior
Surprize Face - 73 Pal
Stowic Face - 73 Cleric
Kokaine Face - 72 Berzerker
Tranquill Face - 73 Monk
Rumblepack - 73 Bard
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« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2011, 08:27:29 pm »

How do you only have 30AAs and 3.... nm lol.  Only seen two guys in your post unless I'm reading it wrong a Pally and a Shaman, Used a shaman box myself quite a bit early on the epic buff helps immensely while still getting geared up.

ATM, I use War, Pal, Cleric, Monk, Necro, Rogue in my main team and its carried me to t3+ so far.

Xenz - Warrior
Napi - Paladin
Nulo - Monk
Nulolan - Rogue
Botted - Cleric
Jr. Member
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« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2011, 08:34:04 pm »

Two generous late night players (Teikashi & Ereous) gave me a pretty big leg up after watching me struggle along with a bard as a first character here. The result being only 30 aa's with a 3.0 Tongue

The paladin from what they explained it to me is a wonderful tank/heal base. Ill be using the shaman only as a buffbot to powerlevel the other two in my core progression trio along with the pally.

As for the epic buff, what do the clickies do at each level, and whats the recast on it? (Pain to find without an alla clone)

Rayge Face - 73 Warrior
Surprize Face - 73 Pal
Stowic Face - 73 Cleric
Kokaine Face - 72 Berzerker
Tranquill Face - 73 Monk
Rumblepack - 73 Bard
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« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2011, 09:01:53 pm »

In my opinion if you are just starting out I would go war, pal, brd. They all offer high benefits in the early game around 3.0. War gets ae augs cheap (drop in pod) pal heals and brd offers massive dps with 3.0 and ds which you can pl 0 to 47 and use war 47 to 70. Brd is one of top dps with maxed augs charm, behind pure dps but not much. That group will allow you to get up through HoH and UC yourself. You would need to add a cleric or another paly to get past that point. From there you could add dps, I would go bst as the pet offers good dps before you get to the point where you can buy / make augs.

Warbash and crew <Ancient Elites>
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« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2011, 09:35:58 pm »

Wouldnt a warrior have issues keeping his health up during mass pulls to power my toons from 47-70?

So far Ive actually had a Pal/Sk/Necro setup suggeted to me, as they all lifetap and self/group heal. Ive also heard that beastlords or rangers can replace the necro dps with a pet.

What concerns me is that the melee classes being suggested so far are going to cost me millions in plat to get them auged up, which I definitely dont have at this point.

Rayge Face - 73 Warrior
Surprize Face - 73 Pal
Stowic Face - 73 Cleric
Kokaine Face - 72 Berzerker
Tranquill Face - 73 Monk
Rumblepack - 73 Bard
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« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2011, 10:33:19 pm »

The warrior with ae augs will be the highest dps tank before you get to the point where you can get the pure dps augs. Also by the time you get the ae augs you will be close to full t2 and can pull most of the front fire area without heals (should have sorc charm 11).

Warbash and crew <Ancient Elites>
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« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2011, 11:12:36 pm »

Well I am home now and it is easier to type Smiley.
I currently box 18 char at once, but I started with 6. 2 war, 2 ran, 2 clr. When I got to T1 and spawned Ptah who procs a mean slow I decided to add 2 paly's as their procs cure and heal. today I box, 2 war, 3 pal, 2 mnk, rng, brd, mag, 2 clr, bst, ber, wiz, shm, enc, dru. I just added the Wiz, Bst and Zerker this weekend so cant comment too much but I am a fan of AE. You can plow so much faster, most my char are full t3 some t4, main war is UC RoA100 and full augs.

I dont play a shd but their dps with UC and augs up to V is on par with the paly so why not just add another paly and heal the whole groups vs himself. Same goes for the necro. Necro is good and can solo with a epic 4.0 t2 named (not positive past that) but pets die too fast after than hence why I suggested a bst, his pet is better dps than necro and when you get to the point of adding dps augs will far out dps a necro.

Maybe Xiggie or someone will chime in with more experience but If I were to start over and do just 6 man I would probably do war, pal, pal, brd, bst, ber. You wont kill mcp (epic 4.0) with that group until you are well past it or all UC'd but you could just buy the books Smiley

Warbash and crew <Ancient Elites>
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2011, 01:23:40 am »

Well you want to look at your group and just basically cover all roles. Tank, off tank, healer and dps. There is a soft cap an ac somewhere between qvic and t1 so don't even bother considering that. Some classes can multi role making them an obvious choice for your group. You also need to consider your fun class. What class you enjoy playing. Hopefully you like playing something that will be beneficial to your group.

Tank and off tank can be warrior, paladin or SK. Warrior is good because they end up with more hp and that by itself makes them more valuable as a tank than any other class. Your aoe that comes from your anger V augs makes them very very cheap dps for your group. Another added bonus for warriors is being able to afk tank. While you are micro managing your group your warriors hate IV and V augs will ensure that all the mobs stay on him. The Stonewall they get from the 4.0 and disc is a very nice part of their class as well. Paladins also make great tanks, especially when they are UC'd. Their paladin stonewall that they get from t3 or t4 mobs is absolutely wonderful with a UC. The mana drain that it has is negated by the mana regen you have on your gear and the UC. You basically have a permanent stonewall you are able to keep up. One of the biggest benefits of the Paladin is the multi role. They can tank, and they are wonderful afk healers/curers.  Their proc heals are pretty well regular enough you keep you healed. Sk's are pretty good because of their life-taps. Their life-taps are really really nice. The deal breaker for me though is they lack group benefits.  Personally I recommend a warrior for your main tank and 2 paladins for your off tank.

Though your paladins take care of your heals I also think it is a good idea to have a good old fashioned cleric in your group. To be sure, shamans and druids can not even begin to compare in the heals dept with clerics. A lot of people leave out the cleric. While you can get pretty far without a cleric you will eventually need it.

So far with my recommendations you have a war/pal/pal/cleric. For the last 2 members your dps comes in. I am not overly fond of pets in my main group. If the mob gets turned or gets off a lucky ramp your pet is toast. However, I did have a pet class in my group for good cheap dps until I rounded out my melee dps classes. I went with mage, but I created mine before bst had their pets and before necros pets were made so resilient. The bst is very very superior in the way of dps. The pet does more dps than any other pet and the bst himself does dps comparable with other melee dps. The pets do tend to be a bit fragile though. Mage dps, well honestly the only benefit to making your pet class a mage is that they can coth. They do get some pretty nice nukes in t3/4 though that make them pretty damn good dps as well. The necro does the least amount of dps. Your dots, even with a uc can not even start to compare with the bst and mage pc dps. However because of the necro pet taps they are the most resilient pets. I personally would chose bst if you plan to make a pet class a permanent part of your group and necro if you plan to eventually swap the pet class out for a melee.

For melee dps you have bards, monks, rogues and zerkers. Full V augs, 4.0 and uc'd they are all going to be between 60 and 78k dps sustained, single target. Zerkers get an aoe proc on their 4.0+ so they would prolly out do other classes in the right conditions. Rogues can bs for a mil or so if they get lucky. That only happens if they get a max triple so basically you are looking at once every 5th tuesay in february. Bards are a solid 65k. The ds that they offer is nominal unless you are pl'ing, nearly every class is at the minimum delay (10) by the time they have their 3.0 and t2 bp and their proc songs are not effected by UC. If you like the bard though, 65k dps is nothing to be ashamed of at all. Monks do 78k dps consistently. My monks are usually my last classes to die, they are very resilient.

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« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2011, 05:14:21 am »

Xiggie prettty much covers it.  Nice post, Xig.

garybusey - warrior
umadd - pally
wayfaerer - pewpew
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« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2011, 12:04:19 pm »

  and their proc songs are not effected by UC.

This Sir is incorrect. There proc songs are affected by a UC. A melee class with out a UC crits for 200... A melee class with a UC Crits for 800. This may seem like a low number but it does add up.

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« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2011, 01:54:46 pm »

What is this bard you speak of? Huh

I personally box 5 enchanters and a druid /nod
Posts: 1807


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« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2011, 01:56:17 pm »

What is this bard you speak of? Huh

I personally box 5 enchanters and a druid /nod

damn I thought I was the only one running 5Enc 1 Druid...

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
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« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2011, 01:58:57 pm »

What is this bard you speak of? Huh

I personally box 5 enchanters and a druid /nod

damn I thought I was the only one running 5Enc 1 Druid...

Don't be tellin everyone our leet secrets!
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #13 on: November 29, 2011, 02:00:28 pm »

  and their proc songs are not effected by UC.

This Sir is incorrect. There proc songs are affected by a UC. A melee class with out a UC crits for 200... A melee class with a UC Crits for 800. This may seem like a low number but it does add up.

Then that is a recent change because it wasn't for a long time. Need to reparse my toons with and without bard songs sometime soon.

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« Reply #14 on: November 29, 2011, 02:09:00 pm »

Xiggie is a RL bard btw

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
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