Its the type of pet.
You have Pets, Familiars, and Swarms.
Aparently a "Swarm" has no owner ID. Pets and Familiars do though.
I've changed the spell file to reflect it to be a Familiar instead of Swarm x1 300sec.
Its tested and working on the test server. Will go live after reboot. No spell posted yet, but will later.
Waypoints and Free Waypoints will require you to be the owner to "Create" but not "Enter".
I know it'll be some butt hurt but this is how I originally wanted it but had no time to look into it.
I'd rather not spam forums with multiple waypoint topics so I'll use this one...
WAYPOINT CONTEST!I think we can all agree that the waypoint code is desperately over due for an update. Some times people lose their balance or instance. The players instance id's sometimes get deleted, or even cross over into other peoples instance.
I know several people offered help, and I even have some beta code that isn't complete, but is a good start. Hopefully Akkadius won't blow up at me if he has already something posted that I don't know about yet lol. But I'm looking for something a LOT better than what we have now.
I'd like perl code for Waypoints that doesn't lose a players balance or instance id, basically something not bugged.
I'd also like some new style like custom invite to a raid instance rather than relying on groupID and guildID for instances. A pop up window showing who's been invited and who accepted the invite would be neat-o. Maybe limit the number of players to something like 18 or 24 max, or not if players think that is bad idea.
Would need to be easily copy/paste into a Free Waypoint clone clickie.
Needs that only the owner will be able to create instances as well. Here is sample to help speed things up:
my $temp_owner = $npc->GetOwnerID();
if ($temp_owner != $userid) { # Deny create instance
quest::say("Only my real owner can create an instance!");
else { } # Allow create instance
Willing to give 100-1000 credits plus 1-5 free waypoint cd keys depending how good the submitted code is. Only the code that gets used would get free credits/clickies.
No limit in time, would prefer 1 month though. Soon as I see something that I want to use, then the contest would be over.
I know several people offered help, and even some beta examples, sorry if I missed it in the spam email inbox, fell welcome to remail me about it.
EZ Server is where it is today cause of players helping with code and content. Its very much appreciated. Thanks to all of you that help!