I quoted you because I wanted to address specific points you made, not to show off my quote skills. But if you wish to resort to name calling and insults, that will only go to show your credibility and maturity.
I never said they were permacamped
Yes you did:
How can you kill a boss already dead
I never said that people got to qvic without knowing the controls.
Yes you did:
Some need help learning the controls and commands and what is considered taboo.
Minor note on this one. Since much more than the majority of your replies in this thread have been about qvic, I made the logical assumption that you were continuing to talk about qvic.
Obviously you have not played very many mmorpgs if you have never came across that before. And in other games it is considered griefing to kill a quest mob just for loot. And it is bannable. I have played far to many mmorpgs everything from runescape to free to play mmorpgs such as shaiya to wow to everquest 1 and 2 on live. Each have their own taboos and not all are exactly the same. And each server is diferent.
This is a lie. I have played most of the games your talking about (except runescape which is a poor example anyway) and it is not considered griefing to kill a mob just for loot, nor is a bannable. Loot being on mobs is a major incentive to kill mobs.
And i challenge you to show me how a new player totally new to eq let alone ez server is to know everything if they do not even know the website.
For one thing this a nearly invisible scenario. Most people who come to eqemu come from eqlive at some point. But lets just go with it. By the time someone reaches qvic, (the zone you have been referring to in most of your replies) they should know the game controls by then. In addition they should have also noticed by then the little /motd that comes up every time they log in. As for people doing roa in custom zones, if they are training mobs fraps it and get them banned. It is against the rules. If they are not training the mobs then the mobs are laying there with no apparent owner. Ninja looting rules do not apply on abandoned loot.
I'm just saying there are two sides to every story and you should think of the other player/players as well.
I've been on both sides of this. I was the noob saying omgz everytime someone linked tacvi gear in ooc. In no way shape or form did I ever think, even as a noob that I had the right to loot someones rots or that I was being griefed because someone more capable was killing a mob we both needed loot from.
I think alot of the drama that comes are mainly from people who are inconsiderate of others.
I agree with you on this one. I think it is incredibly inconsiderate of others to ninja loot. Obviously people have not had a problem with sharing loot, we are here because people shared loot and it was taken advantage of.