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Author Topic: EQ1 to give everybody ~5k AAs, end powerleveling abilities.  (Read 18609 times)
Jr. Member
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« on: February 04, 2014, 06:27:35 pm »

pretty game-changing.

I've been playing EQ1 this past month, having a blast boxing on Test server (free Gold).  Today they announced that in February update every AA will be free up until House of Thule AAs.. so thats thousands and thousands of AAs.

They also announced getting rid of powerleveling abilities (decap/headshot/swarming/etc) today.

Posts: 2282

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« Reply #1 on: February 05, 2014, 10:59:27 am »

pretty game-changing.

I've been playing EQ1 this past month, having a blast boxing on Test server (free Gold).  Today they announced that in February update every AA will be free up until House of Thule AAs.. so thats thousands and thousands of AAs.

They also announced getting rid of powerleveling abilities (decap/headshot/swarming/etc) today.


LMFAO the Sony gents are explaining how mass pulling negatively affects THEIR servers. I would like to see the few "naysayers" from a few months back try to prove their point with Sony's data backing up Hunter's statements. :-)


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
EZ Server GM
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« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2014, 12:52:17 pm »

pretty game-changing.

I've been playing EQ1 this past month, having a blast boxing on Test server (free Gold).  Today they announced that in February update every AA will be free up until House of Thule AAs.. so thats thousands and thousands of AAs.

They also announced getting rid of powerleveling abilities (decap/headshot/swarming/etc) today.


LMFAO the Sony gents are explaining how mass pulling negatively affects THEIR servers. I would like to see the few "naysayers" from a few months back try to prove their point with Sony's data backing up Hunter's statements. :-)



Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #3 on: February 05, 2014, 01:03:32 pm »

pretty game-changing.

I've been playing EQ1 this past month, having a blast boxing on Test server (free Gold).  Today they announced that in February update every AA will be free up until House of Thule AAs.. so thats thousands and thousands of AAs.

They also announced getting rid of powerleveling abilities (decap/headshot/swarming/etc) today.


LMFAO the Sony gents are explaining how mass pulling negatively affects THEIR servers. I would like to see the few "naysayers" from a few months back try to prove their point with Sony's data backing up Hunter's statements. :-)


Yeah apparently on Live, mages can somehow pull an entire zone of light blues and survive.  They should just make characters cast a hidden Fading Memories if agro pool is too large, but thatll prob lead to exploitation on Live.
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« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2014, 01:53:19 pm »

Removing the power leveling ability in EQ just proves they want the game to fail.
Hero Member
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« Reply #5 on: February 05, 2014, 04:41:09 pm »

I don't know that anyone who commented about the implementation of the jail said that mass pulls doesn't stress the server at all, I think the general sentiment was that current design encourages that type of game play more than anything.  There have been a couple of tweaks to improve the rate at which essences drop and that's a big boon, but with so many progression based items that require you to backfarm aa's or components, people are going to kill as efficiently as possible.  Unfortunately, that means pulling whatever mobs you can handle up to the limit and killing them at the same time.  You rely on ripostes as part of damage done to mobs, having the warrior riposte click helps with that, and a lot of people roll zerks to AE stuff down quicker.  The recent regen changes have mitigated the effectiveness of AE killing a bit, but once you're overgeared for the zone you are farming it's still beneficial to have that AE dmg.

Now with AA farm rate being so valuable to RoA grinds, mask of experience grinds and DI earring (which nobody is really bothering with, but for the sake of argument it is an AA based item), and there being really no alternative to straight up killing mobs, people are going to keep doing what they can in the current rule set to maximize their kill rate.  I had proposed some sort of kill task, based on tier of the group requesting, that rewards you with a sum of considerable AA upon completion to Hunter and he seemed receptive.  Basically you'd load up your group and go to a zone that was appropriate for your gear and level and get the task and work on completing it while working on whatever else you could in zone; ie farming epic parts, working on charm drops or w/e.  It would have to be coded so that you couldn't be in T7 gear and mass slaughtering the T5 task just to get the exp from task completion, probably would have to have some sort of lockout timer too so that people didn't abuse how often/how much gain you could get in a short time.  I think something like this that lets you get a lump sum of aa's while working on other tasks you would otherwise be doing would go a long way to making the repetetive and non-challenging tedium of AA farming less daunting and give people a reason to work on aa's as well as progression at the same time.

Sorry for the huge tangent, but server is down and was just posting this while I wait for it to come back up.

tl;dr - Less mindless grinds = more fun = less need to mass pull = less stress on server

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« Reply #6 on: February 05, 2014, 05:17:26 pm »

One idea I cant seem to shake is the idea that we could hand in essence of a higher tier for a essence of a lower tier... this would allow me to farm in the abyss....for the flags i need..and still work on my UW2 or whatever I am after...

It would not have to be a equal number of essence maybe 80%? 60% somthing..anything would be better than spending days mass pulling postorms or HOH ....causing server lag....

just a thought....

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« Reply #7 on: February 05, 2014, 07:05:15 pm »

I don't get how the tasks would work Dim.  How would that help when you need to backfarm things.
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« Reply #8 on: February 05, 2014, 07:33:08 pm »

I don't get how the tasks would work Dim.  How would that help when you need to backfarm things.
The idea was to farm AA in your current content rather then content you are overgeared for.
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« Reply #9 on: February 05, 2014, 07:43:36 pm »

Yes, but that doesn't help when there are other things to farm like essences etc. other than AA.

Would only be really useful if there was a way to scale the tiers based on gear, rewarding you with improved droprates.

Would take a tremendous amount of balancing though and should probably be optional if you want the challenge and the improved droprates.

Why I think it should be optional is because even though i am t7 flagged, I can't kill there worth a damn when I tried.  There is a marked jump up there, and if suddenly all my t6 instances were t7 difficulty the game would be unplayable given the advice I have been given is to keep farming uc2's, but people backfarming it for their 20th alt might want to make it more interesting, raise exp rates, and maybe you get double armor drops etc

Lots of possibilities but alot of work and balancing.
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« Reply #10 on: February 05, 2014, 09:34:00 pm »

It doesn't do anything to address essences.  Hunter has increased the drop rate in many zones of essences from trash mobs, but if those changes still aren't enough I suppose people could feedback as much.  My tangent was more centered on having to backfarm aa's in non-relevant content and trying to take the tedium out of it by rewarding people for centering their efforts on content that is challenging and current to their gear levels.

To clarify how the tasks would work, and this is just my suggestion, you would be able to hail an NPC at the zone in of custom tiered zones.  It could be the existing zone in vendor that sells Vellum or it could be a totally new NPC like the roaming gnome.  Upon hailing him, he checks your level flag(s) and if you are too high level for the current zone he says as much; if you meet the requirements and there is no lockout timer still running (to prevent people from using the task to farm AA too often), he assigns your group a task with a kill component specific to that zone.  This way you could specifically say X number of Y variety of mobs need to be killed, making people move around zones and kill different mob types.  Upon completing the required kills, your group would be awarded some pre-determined sum of AA that would scale by level.  Higher level zones would award more AA than lower level zones to reward progression accordingly.

As far as essences go, I think implementing some way to trade in higher essences for lower essences at a loss would be a good way to go.  I would set the trade ratio high enough to make people think twice about sacrificing essences over back farming the ones they need, but still keep it reasonable enough that you aren't forced to farm trivial stuff so much it makes you dread logging on to advance your character(s).
Jr. Member
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« Reply #11 on: February 06, 2014, 07:15:12 am »

Dimu, those are awesome ideas.  I would love to aa farm in my current tier than going back.  I also love the ess exchange idea, just not sure imo what would be a good exchange rate.  I think if it gets to high most people wont use the exchange and just go back to that tier.
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« Reply #12 on: February 07, 2014, 03:53:43 am »

I love the idea of exchanged essence rates even if they were ridiculously bad. I am in t6-t7 content and hate going back to HOH for tokens to do t3/t4 essences ; and while yes everyone has to do it I just think a different option would be pretty neat that way I can mass farm t5 or something for character flaggings and have an exchange rate to trade t5/t6 essences for t3/t4 essences
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« Reply #13 on: February 07, 2014, 01:17:05 pm »

I love the idea of exchanged essence rates even if they were ridiculously bad. I am in t6-t7 content and hate going back to HOH for tokens to do t3/t4 essences ; and while yes everyone has to do it I just think a different option would be pretty neat that way I can mass farm t5 or something for character flaggings and have an exchange rate to trade t5/t6 essences for t3/t4 essences

Yeah seriously, if the drop rate on tokens wasnt so bad and the essence rate wasnt so bad HoH farming wouldnt suck dick.
Last double loot I spent way to much time farming the stupid zone and barely made my goal.

If we judged them by the content of their character, they'd be begging us to judge them by the color of their skin
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« Reply #14 on: February 08, 2014, 07:39:18 am »

I agree, token drop rate is horrible.

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