Here's a conversation between me and Hunter ages ago, just shooting the shit. I miss his trollerific attitude.
(10:03:07 PM) Christina: not much. Been messing with mercenary code lately
(10:03:12 PM) Poet: Just woke up too a few min ago
(10:03:33 PM) Poet: You play SC2 new expansion?
(10:03:39 PM) Christina: I have not. Is it any good?
(10:03:43 PM) Poet: Yeah, having fun
(10:03:48 PM) Poet: Terran got super powerful
(10:04:19 PM) Poet: Spidermines can be moved around, and re-used, its like having burrowed banelings
(10:04:24 PM) Christina: oh damn
(10:04:25 PM) Poet: that can re-use with cool down
(10:04:46 PM) Christina: always liked playing zerg over terran
(10:04:49 PM) Message could not be sent because an error with the switchboard occurred:
(10:04:49 PM) always liked playing zerg over terran
(10:04:57 PM) Poet: burrow some spider mines in someones minerals and every 30 seconds or so it splash damange all the workers dead
(10:05:14 PM) Poet: it sends up a missile every 30 seconds or so
(10:05:15 PM) Christina: yah, sounds crazy lol
(10:05:17 PM) Poet: splash
(10:05:55 PM) Poet: People bring them with their marine ball, then when spot the enemy, they burrow like 10 of those mines, attack the enemy, then run back across the mines, whole army dead
(10:06:09 PM) Christina: lol, sounds like a pretty good way to troll people
(10:06:13 PM) Poet: oh ya
(10:06:13 PM) Christina: especially with splash damage
(10:06:20 PM) Poet: no longer have to research siege
(10:06:43 PM) Poet: zerg doesn't need evo chamber for spores now
(10:06:52 PM) Christina: oh damn
(10:06:54 PM) Poet: just need spawning pool, harder to air rush zerg now
(10:07:05 PM) Christina: sounds like terran got a huge buff. might have to play some
(10:07:28 PM) Poet: Protoss can air rush with Cybernetics Core... then make Mothership Core from Nexus real quick and rape minerals within like 4 minutes via air
(10:07:55 PM) Poet: 3 marines beat a Mothership Core though
(10:08:03 PM) Poet: So if you don't have marines, tough luck
(10:08:08 PM) Poet: SC2 now has leveling feature
(10:08:15 PM) Poet: anything you build or kill gives exp
(10:08:20 PM) Poet: I'm like level 57 or something, max level 90
(10:08:41 PM) Christina: oh dang
(10:08:47 PM) Poet: Starts off around 150k per level, and I make 2k exp on a good game where I expand early
(10:08:55 PM) Christina: that sounds grindy
(10:08:57 PM) Poet: errr per minute
(10:08:58 PM) Poet: sorry
(10:09:01 PM) Poet: 2k per minute
(10:09:05 PM) Christina: oh that's not too bad then
(10:09:19 PM) Poet: bad games I make 1k per minute
(10:09:36 PM) Poet: Oh if my teammates quit and leave me with 10k mienrals, I spend it all first, free exp
(10:09:52 PM) Poet: Did you play Leagues?
(10:09:54 PM) Poet: Ladder?
(10:10:06 PM) Christina: Yep
(10:10:24 PM) Poet: I'm assuming you were diamond or master or grandmaster since you are super smart
(10:10:45 PM) Christina: nah, I only played before the ladder, but yeah, I get the idea of the system
(10:10:54 PM) Poet: Oh, joining as Unranked Match puts me in games with Ranked Match of Diamond players then I troll them and they get super mad that I screw with their league win/loss
(10:11:13 PM) Christina: A friend and I did a similar system for a competitive TPS game we were making a private server of.
(10:11:15 PM) Christina: PM) Poet: Ahh cool
(10:11:54 PM) Christina: It works the same way, except you start at bronze and work your way up
(10:11:55 PM) Poet: Well, any time you wanna SC2 let me know. I'm practically playing 12 hrs a day
(10:12:15 PM) Poet: I used to lose games on purpose in order to stay in bronze, then I'd stomp the broze players
(10:12:16 PM) Christina: I'll have to get another acct, my account is pretty much frozen due to missed payments on WoW lol
(10:12:23 PM) Poet: I'd kill my own 3 teammates, then all 4 enemy
(10:12:38 PM) Christina: haha. a game I play called All Points Bulletin has a similar system
(10:12:51 PM) Christina: people purposesly lose games to fight easier opponents
(10:13:03 PM) Christina: I do the opposite... I win as much as I can so I fight armies of unskilled players
(10:13:19 PM) Poet: I had one teammate complaining other day to wall the ramp, over and over for 5-10 min, so finally I killed him. Then with my 2 remaining teammates we steam rolled the enemy, and I said we didn't need that 4 th guy, oh he raged, and tried to team kill me in next 2 random games
(10:13:43 PM) Christina: lol...
(10:13:52 PM) Poet: I used to lose games to fight easier oppenent, and the second I actually start to try, I get diamond quick.
(10:13:55 PM) Christina: PM) Christina: that's one of my matches I played in APB
(10:14:17 PM) Poet: ya
(10:14:21 PM) Christina: two silver ranked opponents in that game, just steamrolled them
(10:14:29 PM) Poet: Looks like Counter Strike?
(10:14:43 PM) Poet: lol 16-1
(10:15:00 PM) Poet: Do you (or did you) map hack on SC2?
(10:15:03 PM) Christina: lol yeah, it's almost like a online GTA game
(10:15:05 PM) Christina: nah, I didn't
(10:15:18 PM) Poet: I do half the time for lols. People try to cannon rush and I see it.
(10:15:21 PM) Christina: lol
(10:15:24 PM) Christina: PM) Christina: that's the rage I cause in that game
(10:15:38 PM) Poet: lol you screenshot the QQ's
(10:15:50 PM) Christina: yep
(10:16:02 PM) Poet: If I did that, my hard drive would run out of space
(10:16:04 PM) Christina: lmfao
(10:16:09 PM) Poet: People rage in chat about me ALL the time.
(10:16:39 PM) Poet: People haxed their level 90 on SC2
(10:16:44 PM) Poet: But its easy to detect and ban
(10:16:55 PM) Poet: you can't hack resources in multiplayer cause everyones client has to agree.
(10:17:04 PM) Christina: yeah, lol
(10:17:11 PM) Poet: So you make vs AI, and hack your exp earned, then quit the game, and gain 6 levels per match
(10:17:14 PM) Christina: but if all clients agree, yeah
(10:17:20 PM) Poet: nod
(10:17:43 PM) Poet: When someone gets level 9 in like 15 matches, that should be instant red flag for ban
(10:17:46 PM) Poet: err level 90
(10:18:07 PM) Christina: oh I hacked a game publishing company recently on a proxy
(10:18:19 PM) Poet: I wish I had faster internet over here so I could set up my own TwitchTV stream
(10:18:44 PM) Christina: they kind of deserved it though. They don't use session IDs on their cookies, and instead trust that the client's cookie is correct. Bad assumption
(10:18:52 PM) Christina: <redacted image>
(10:19:02 PM) Poet: LOL!
(10:19:14 PM) Christina: To make things better...
(10:19:25 PM) Christina: I logged into their AdminCP because they trust the same cookie being correct
(10:19:30 PM) Poet: HAHAH
(10:19:32 PM) Christina: I restored a backup of their forums from 2011
(10:19:36 PM) Christina: their only backup
(10:19:46 PM) Poet: Yeah, I have to re-type password just for entering my admin CP
(10:19:53 PM) Christina: Yeah they do that too
(10:20:03 PM) Christina: However, you can type 'dicks' and it'll let you in
(10:20:04 PM) Poet: But they trust the cookie?
(10:20:09 PM) Poet: LOL
(10:20:20 PM) Christina: <redacted>
(10:20:58 PM) Christina: probably the best troll I did, like ever
(10:20:58 PM) Poet: Change passwords? What will that do?
(10:21:06 PM) Christina: It won't do anything which is the funny part
(10:21:08 PM) Poet: That is a good one lol
(10:21:22 PM) Christina: They still never fixed it either...
(10:21:30 PM) Christina: They fixed the adminCP, but the modCP still works
(10:21:31 PM) Poet: So their DB should keep record of the proper session ID that the cookie should have?
(10:21:35 PM) Christina: yep
(10:21:37 PM) Christina: however
(10:21:38 PM) Poet: lols
(10:21:42 PM) Christina: they didn't even check the cookie
(10:21:52 PM) Christina: they checked the username and nickname of the account in the cookie
(10:21:53 PM) Poet: So they are still scratching their heads?
(10:21:56 PM) Christina: yeah...
(10:22:11 PM) Christina: It's been 2 months, I should probably compromise it again
(10:22:27 PM) Poet: I used to have hacking fun 10+ years ago, now I just enjoy to maphack and aimbot
(10:22:53 PM) Christina: well, to be fair, this can't even be considered hacking with how blatant their security flaws are lol
(10:23:14 PM) Poet: Once went through EVERY counter strike server 1 by 1 trying to get banend asap with my aimbot/wallhack and sometimes found server with no admin so everyone cried
(10:23:48 PM) Poet: Oh, good memeories
(10:24:35 PM) Christina: sorry, was logging into my VPN
(10:25:20 PM) Poet: I need some troll friends on SC2, more fun
(10:25:41 PM) Poet: I do 4v4's
(10:25:58 PM) Poet: make big army, but never move out, never defend my teammates. They start pinging my units and telling me to help
(10:26:19 PM) Poet: Usually I respond with 모든 기지가 우리에게 속해 있습니다.