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Author Topic: CT dropping UW's? proof....  (Read 26474 times)
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« Reply #30 on: November 03, 2014, 05:49:47 pm »

Lol @ only x amount of loot obtainable. Though I ended up getting my mistress and actually did have a fun time. The imbalance of this event towards players who basically weren't t9 for a "seasonal event" is mind boggling. I know there will be haters to this comment and take it as something negative when it's actually on the contrary, it's just pretty astonishing to create stuff that really just caters to them, even more so have only X amount of crap that can drop that anyone can obtain (which actually again caters to t9 players since they have an easier time pulling / killing bosses, not even claiming they got the drops, I even got a couple strikes, just simply pointing out a fault). Now I couldn't care less, if the event was advertised as t9 or gtfo, or didn't see comments from people specifically like hate talking about using the event to possibly bring back players and see all the new content added in the game, while slapping them across the face for not being one of the people to obtain an UW while some random person who thinks anyone new should just f off, and sense of entitlement, flaunts their drops. Now I may be sounding entitled, but due to an event being created that supposedly everyone is suppose to enjoy, the entitlement should be equivalent across the board.

Anyways, I'll keep playing and keep grinding because ultimately I got everything from the event I wanted to obtain. I enjoyed the event. I made a ton of plat and AAs to progress my characters. Just hope this feedback may be taken into consideration the next time an event is created.

I am normally leaning towards decreasing the curve as content is added in most of my posts but I Must comment on this...  CT was quite doable back with a T5 group with the right  setup.  The road between T5 and T9 is quite.... Long. CT was the mob that dropped the UW/Augs/Creds.   Lvl 78 mobs in that event with a real solid 12 man still had decent Hp's and scaled up to that level.  So that comment is rubbish BS.  Years ago many of us obtained these items by asking in ooc for someone to kill them to get a chance at the augs or other some loot in exchange for the pet, or getting a guildie to do it.   You could still kill mobs which dropped the honey/miner items which with some time spent could have given your tank an IG pet with minimal effort.  This was Not available previously.  You either killed it yourself or had someone kill it for you.

 To be fair,  I do agree that everyone should be able to participate in some manner or form.  I believe last halloween there were 2 chains before CT?  Could just be re-introduced in new tiers and at least put some kind of reward on them so T1ish has a shot at something. 

Additionally, if anyone didn't notice the sheer amount of platinum gained from this event, you were clearly Not playing during Halloween.  That kind of plat is going to have noticeable inflation on the server.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 06:48:57 pm by clbreastmilk » Logged
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« Reply #31 on: November 03, 2014, 05:55:17 pm »

Players are quick to forget, Hunter did not run double loot on Halloween.

This time it was ran for entirely way to long, but players are still bitching about i.e. augs/pets and blahblah. Even with massive amounts of everything dropping.

Bottom line it was good, fun and different. The rewards we got are awesome and nice(some can borderline OPish almost but not quite). Let's for once just be happy with what it was, and that was fun.

Thank you GMs!

« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 05:58:23 pm by Fugitive » Logged

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
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« Reply #32 on: November 03, 2014, 05:56:58 pm »

Lol @ only x amount of loot obtainable. Though I ended up getting my mistress and actually did have a fun time. The imbalance of this event towards players who basically weren't t9 for a "seasonal event" is mind boggling. I know there will be haters to this comment and take it as something negative when it's actually on the contrary, it's just pretty astonishing to create stuff that really just caters to them, even more so have only X amount of crap that can drop that anyone can obtain (which actually again caters to t9 players since they have an easier time pulling / killing bosses, not even claiming they got the drops, I even got a couple strikes, just simply pointing out a fault). Now I couldn't care less, if the event was advertised as t9 or gtfo, or didn't see comments from people specifically like hate talking about using the event to possibly bring back players and see all the new content added in the game, while slapping them across the face for not being one of the people to obtain an UW while some random person who thinks anyone new should just f off, and sense of entitlement, flaunts their drops. Now I may be sounding entitled, but due to an event being created that supposedly everyone is suppose to enjoy, the entitlement should be equivalent across the board.

Anyways, I'll keep playing and keep grinding because ultimately I got everything from the event I wanted to obtain. I enjoyed the event. I made a ton of plat and AAs to progress my characters. Just hope this feedback may be taken into consideration the next time an event is created.

Must comment on this...  CT was quite doable back with a T5 group with the right  setup.  The road between T5 and T9 is quite.... Long. CT was the mob that dropped the UW/Augs/Creds.   Lvl 78 mobs in that event with a real solid 12 man still had decent Hp's and scaled up to that level.  So that comment is rubbish BS.  Years ago many of us obtained these items by asking in ooc for someone to kill them to get a chance at the augs or other some loot in exchange for the pet, or getting a guildie to do it.   You could still kill mobs which dropped the honey/miner items which with enough effort could have given your tank an IG pet with minimal effort.  This was Not available previously.  You either killed it yourself or had someone kill it for you.

 To be fair,  I do agree that everyone should be able to participate in some manner or form.  I believe last halloween there were 2 chains before CT?  Could just be re-introduced in new tiers and at least put some kind of reward on them so T1ish has a shot at something.  

Additionally, if anyone didn't notice the sheer amount of platinum gained from this event, you were clearly Not playing during Halloween.  That kind of plat is going to have noticeable inflation on the server.

Yeah I agree with this. Two years ago for Halloween I spent most of it trying to spawn CTs for other people to kill and hope they share in the loot. Way more to do this year.
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« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2014, 09:37:49 pm »

Troll king just told me to be happy...
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« Reply #34 on: November 04, 2014, 12:25:07 am »

Great event, took time to build up the points to get all the pets we wanted on everyone, but the extra xp/plat from previous years was great.  The lack of strike augs I think was balanced out by the increased plat.  The few UW that showed was an /ooc surprise and very cool, that sort of thing should be super limited and was done at the right time, and announcing how many were left helped spur us all to pull faster.

Question: No sign of the Sceptre's of time?  I know they get replaced anyways at the top end, so maybe having a lvl 1 SoT available for Halloween tokens might help the lower end tanks finish there's off like it has been done in years past. (A lot of you old timers know what I mean, when you had a 10 it was mostly done at Halloween)

Balance feedback:  Stone Monster being much harder for many to deal with than the IG or the BU seems rough.  The un-resistible mez going off at the exact time of the tank charm is just ugly beyond balance... Pre resists adjustments you just had to have your tank above the charm lvl and he could bring the group back with the Instant cure group, or even the pally aoe cure if you used one to tank with.  The resists change has been challenging, but interesting and fun on the server, and I don't want to revisit that ever again (don't want to see Hate loose his mind Smiley However with that change the SM has become very unbalanced in relation to his place in the "chain" of bosses.  We did kill a few with our 2 groups but it felt like it had more to do with luck (does the charmed tank go right after the dispellers first or not) than tactics or skill.  And once he was down the IG and the BU seemed very easy in comparison (IG's charm without the mez is an easy fix with multiple dispellers).  Having his effects going off at more random times or looking at the charm resist again would be my suggestion as the aoe Mez being un-resistible was per Hunters original design.
Once the rare loots were officially all done we didn't even bother to kill SM's any more... was faster to just loot the CT corpse and then come back in and continue pulling to get the points needed to finish purchasing the pets from the vendor.

Was a great event, we had a ton of fun per usual, Thanks to all who helped make it what it was Smiley
Lastly, gotta say we loved the addition of the charm upgrades, was nice to work on those off off main group chars that usually don't get the love they want Smiley
« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 12:29:41 am by gagem » Logged
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« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2014, 10:59:25 am »

Balance feedback:  Stone Monster being much harder for many to deal with than the IG or the BU seems rough.  The un-resistible mez going off at the exact time of the tank charm is just ugly beyond balance... Pre resists adjustments you just had to have your tank above the charm lvl and he could bring the group back with the Instant cure group, or even the pally aoe cure if you used one to tank with.  The resists change has been challenging, but interesting and fun on the server, and I don't want to revisit that ever again (don't want to see Hate loose his mind Smiley However with that change the SM has become very unbalanced in relation to his place in the "chain" of bosses.  We did kill a few with our 2 groups but it felt like it had more to do with luck (does the charmed tank go right after the dispellers first or not) than tactics or skill.  And once he was down the IG and the BU seemed very easy in comparison (IG's charm without the mez is an easy fix with multiple dispellers).  Having his effects going off at more random times or looking at the charm resist again would be my suggestion as the aoe Mez being un-resistible was per Hunters original design.
Once the rare loots were officially all done we didn't even bother to kill SM's any more... was faster to just loot the CT corpse and then come back in and continue pulling to get the points needed to finish purchasing the pets from the vendor.

Search the forums during the last 2-3 months. I don't remember which thread, but NUMEROUS people jumped me for even suggesting that I change things up from Hunter's halloween event. Since we couldn't cleanly redo all that he did and because I hated the way the boss spawning chains (BU x 1000000) rewarding, essentially the entire zone, was not something that I particularly cared for or wanted to do again. So, all of Hunter's bosses minus BU were left 100% as-is. Maybe next year we'll be more accommodating towards letting me bring some of those obscenities into line with the rest of the server (in terms of resists, hp, damage, etc)? :-)

As for the rest, glad you and the many other players online enjoyed it. Given the time we had with it, I believe we did fairly well. I am going to make some ending adjustments to it this week and then leave it be until next year. The loots were handled in a different manner because (limited drops) because it did add a sense of urgency instead of just "oh...another FS5...that's 13 now" (like the previous year). We will add some extra loots next time around too.

ALSO: I AM WORKING ON THE TWO BUGGY HALLOWEEN PETS! I know Chilled Devil isn't proc'ing from cast and BU pet is buggy as hell. I'll get'em resolved this week. :-D


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #36 on: November 04, 2014, 01:54:08 pm »

Hate I love you but plz make plat bags stackable even if by 10's plzzzzz

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« Reply #37 on: November 04, 2014, 03:21:14 pm »

Hate I love you but plz make plat bags stackable even if by 10's plzzzzz

I don't always agree with Expletus.. but when I do, its for things like this.
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« Reply #38 on: November 04, 2014, 04:00:38 pm »

+a  lot for stackable plat bags, I know it's a problem we should be happy to have, but damn it sucked having to loot on 12 different boxes and/or zone over and over to sell them.

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« Reply #39 on: November 04, 2014, 04:19:11 pm »

+a  lot for stackable plat bags, I know it's a problem we should be happy to have, but damn it sucked having to loot on 12 different boxes and/or zone over and over to sell them.

I mean... Vendor reward item >= zoning when bags full
but I'm all for stackable plat bags. It's one of those small things that makes everyone's lives easier without harming anything. Like stackable SLS
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« Reply #40 on: November 04, 2014, 05:36:52 pm »

Hate I love you but plz make plat bags stackable even if by 10's plzzzzz

out of all the QQ, er I mean feedback provided this I totally agree with


Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
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« Reply #41 on: November 04, 2014, 05:38:47 pm »

... and make the HQ drops in Old Commons a different color

/duck and run

Darpey - Warrior <Focus Hope>
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« Reply #42 on: November 05, 2014, 02:54:36 pm »

using QQ is no longer cool we need a guide on internet slang - maybe just add it to the new wiki

Rent Due
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« Reply #43 on: November 05, 2014, 09:13:50 pm »

Hate I love you but plz make plat bags stackable even if by 10's plzzzzz

out of all the QQ, er I mean feedback provided this I totally agree with


amen to that brother, preach on

and the different color HQ/armor pieces in T9

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