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Author Topic: Post Halloween event discussion.  (Read 24219 times)
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« on: November 03, 2014, 08:45:27 am »

The event was solid. From a foundation standpoint, the expedition, experimentation with public, and scaling of the zone were great. The event was solid with little lag and crashes.. so kudos for bug free. The zone was easy to pull in once you knew the routes and it always seemed interesting which is important when you are talking about long days grinding out.  So like I said... a great foundation.

Like any new zone or implement... it requires feedback to get better and developers willing to listen to the community, which we thankfully have. I believe that there are a few areas that could be tweaked the next time around.

For rewards we were looking at:
The rewards:  Lots of prisms, candy, and plat bags.
6 UW - 25 of each strikes - ez credits
Feast items - 3 types - 3 quests.. pretty cool. (and I forgot to mention it, thanks Hate)

Prisms: turn into one of the town folks for upgrade: 100 prisms for v2 upgrade, 250 prisms for v3 upgrade. (Make prisms tradable?? good economy thing)

Pets - We can evaluate them and tweak them to get them all working the way you wanted them... may be some initial issues here with some of the buffs.

Candy - We all have tons of these.. we can work on a way to use em more than just tokens. Maybe combine 10 of same into bag to make sugar rush token... turn that into Halloween guy for chance at random monster, Item (would be a wow moment), buff, or even debuff (Trick). Or hand 4 at a time into vendor for the same.

Halloween tokens - add some lower end ez rewards on there... maybe run speed, vendor, or other things. I know I qqed on strikes being missing.. you could put them on the vendor maybe 50 tokens for strike v.

Scepter of time - would give some lower level folks a leg up. recommend we bring them back on some bosses like before so they can collect and combine to make a few scepter X. We can add them to the buy list with tokens as recommended for strikes.

How about a daily expedition that sends you to hell upon day time depop of diablo... he de-spawns, the reaper pops in his place, hail him for exp down to the underworld.. maybe Charon and maybe he requires a coin that rarely drops or can be bought... the underworld chamber can be a fight with diablo.

Anyways, that's about it.. had a great time on the event and it was nice to see so much activity. Cannot wait until next Halloween.

Akk, Hate, Love - Thank you very much for the event. Hate and Love did a great job on the zone with main assist going to Akk (Yes I read your reply on this thread.. had to take a 15 minute break from work to do so.. however, always good intel from you) , and Akk did a great job keeping it running.

Please all feel free to add on... and be nice.


« Last Edit: November 04, 2014, 08:04:33 am by zefirus » Logged
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« Reply #1 on: November 03, 2014, 09:17:37 am »

I would add the candy guy to randomly pop Ct on turn in like previous years. I would like to see low end items like SLS or plat for Halloween coins. This would eliminate the need to create new currency next year as most would spend them on SLS or plat. I would also take the aoe mez and charms off the mobs as it does hinder low end players from killing them.

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« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2014, 09:30:07 am »

I would add more strikes back.  I think a lot of folks were planning on getting some of those.

Maybe 1 per SM instead of 4 next year, or 1 from every pet past CT.
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« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2014, 09:57:10 am »

When I started, 0 toons had any pet higher than Stone Monster.
I had about 2 mil plat.
I had 0 augs that were above version 5. I had a handful of 3's, 4's and 5's on my dps.

At the finish of the event.
All toons had the highest pet for their class.  (Flame mistress for melee, chilled devil for casters and everyone has a black unicorn pet).  My Warrior, my zerker and my ranger all have an Insane Gobby pet. 
When I logged out last night, I had 32 mil plat.
I now have 2x FS9's on my zerker.  I now have a IS9 on my warrior (I went back to sword and whip, it seems to way more aoe dps).  I have a 2x NS6 on my ranger. 
I even got my zone holder (a pally) Ultimate Charm 1, a Flame Mistress pet and an Insane Gobby pet for tanking.

It took a lot of farming, about 35-40 hours total but well worth it.  I was just breaking into T7 before this and now I am pretty sure I can handle my own in that zone.  I never got above a BU chain to happen and the 1 BU chain I did have happened on the first day.  I did get a couple of BU forced spawns from Diablo. 

All in all it was a great event.  Thank you Hate, Love and Akk for all the time you spent setting it up and implementing it. 
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« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2014, 10:30:00 am »

I would add the candy guy to randomly pop Ct on turn in like previous years. I would like to see low end items like SLS or plat for Halloween coins. This would eliminate the need to create new currency next year as most would spend them on SLS or plat. I would also take the aoe mez and charms off the mobs as it does hinder low end players from killing them.

Click the candy or feast items... Wink


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #5 on: November 03, 2014, 10:34:32 am »

Thanks for all the hard work putting the Halloween event together, Akkadius, Hateborne, and Loveborne!  I had fun and got plenty of good loots and cash.

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« Reply #6 on: November 03, 2014, 10:46:00 am »

I would add the candy guy to randomly pop Ct on turn in like previous years. I would like to see low end items like SLS or plat for Halloween coins. This would eliminate the need to create new currency next year as most would spend them on SLS or plat. I would also take the aoe mez and charms off the mobs as it does hinder low end players from killing them.

Click the candy or feast items... Wink


Spoiler??? Damnnnnnnnn it

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« Reply #7 on: November 03, 2014, 11:33:08 am »

What is the limit on the feast items? I was using them regularly during the event when suddenly, they were out of charges Sad

Idk if it was intentional to have them run out of charges, but that's the message I get when I try to use them now.

Otherwise; 100mil plat, NS8, 20 IG pets(one on all toons), 12 MoF, bunch of arcing chilled whatever wherever they fit, 24 BU pets yay! so. That was a good haul lol. I very much enjoyed this event.
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« Reply #8 on: November 03, 2014, 12:14:39 pm »

Didnt want to start a new thread. Hate is the new pet weapon pack going to be beastlord useable in the future?

Krinkle Sprinkle
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« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2014, 12:27:15 pm »

Akk, Hate, Love - Thank you very much for the event. Hate and Love did a great job on the zone, and Akk did a great job keeping it running.

Thanks for the shout outs. Just for clarification, I did step in and help with content side this time and it was something Hate, Love and I had the opportunity to be more immediately collaborative on as well.

Since we're done I can go into some of the specifics.

The foundation of Housegarden I put together with a developer friend of mine a year ago (Tony Scarboni) he used to play on EZ some time ago, when we were talking about this years event I brought this up as something that should be re-used and retooled from EZ's uses.

Proof: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGRINKNVx5A

I never had much time for Akka's Funhouse and especially around Halloween time last year I was moving so that literally blew releasing it out of the water, I also had no room for extra things so it just made sense to use here on EZ given the time already put into it.

Hate and Love did the heavy lifting on the content modifications on the base of the housegarden zone, I worked on getting model support and anything they needed help with. There were a lot of odds and ends that I helped with and overall even considering launch issues and bugs, they were fairly insignificant and our bounce back was quick.

I also added the 'feels' in the Nexus, it was nice to have the time to not have to worry about getting content done before taking care of the spices of other aspects (Nexus). I went through and added the fog and effects along with all of the models in Nexus and cross referenced the files and what models they contained versus the models loaded in the local assets.

This was also tricky because if people have inconsistently different files loading in their client from customization's made from other servers, it would have been client crash city and I would have been troubleshooting client issues (They are tougher than server because of lack of visibility).

I was able to also have time like loading in a slew of character models for Nexus so the random costumes could be assumed for NPC's and clients, I felt like that added a nice overall touch to Halloween. Then of course the music and all of the other effects really brought it home in my opinion.

Hate and Love did a great job taking a base of something already made and within a very short amount of time mixing it with some old stuff as well as their plans to deliver something different to the EZ Server.

This also gave us a chance to stress test a lot of recent modifications to the expedition system, in which it revealed some bugs and inconsistencies and quite a few things have been smoothed over even up until last night. People don't realize how big this is because expedition system can and will be the foundation to other types of events, I'd just like to make sure the bugs are ironed out since it is a very large system.

All in all I think Halloween went very well despite the small issues that were to be expected. Last night there were some worldserver issues that were annoying related to the tell queue, this is when a player is sending a tell to another player while they are zoning or offline. I don't know why it decided to blow up last night but it did repeatedly and everytime I would bring the worldserver back up, the worldserver is designed to start groups and raids from scratch, so all the players that were already online would have to reform groups and raids which was I'm sure was extremely annoying but either way we got to the bottom of it.


EZ Server GM
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« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2014, 12:49:49 pm »

I was iffy at first but turned out to be a great time. Got a buncha stuff lots of plat and my new uw8. Ty a bunch
« Last Edit: November 03, 2014, 01:07:53 pm by Rakharth » Logged

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« Reply #11 on: November 03, 2014, 02:17:23 pm »

Thanks guys for the fun event. Special thanks to Akkadius who fixed my problems with getting into a private expedition. Public was working great but it had all my toons stuck in a private expedition even though it said none of them were in an expedition.

End of the day, I got 2 days worth of farming in there. Got all my toons MF, BU, and IG. I also got about 80 mill plat which is insane.
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« Reply #12 on: November 03, 2014, 05:53:42 pm »

I didn't loot much plat compared to everyone else (maybe ~20 million or just under), as I had limited play time, but focusing on tokens alone I was able to get MoFs on all six of my main characters. I probably had about 65 CTs, 20ish SMs, and about 6 IGs. Never got beyond IG to spawn, but I had a blast anyways and got everything I wanted.

The zone was amazing and the system was about as fair/pleasant as you could ask for. Great work by the whole team on that one. I think this was the best Halloween yet, and Hunter would be proud.
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« Reply #13 on: November 03, 2014, 06:17:00 pm »

My Halloween, summed up:

WOOO new zone!
WOOO plat bags!!!!!! (seriously, I made around 2million in an hour, and this was late in the event when I was practically single-pulling)
WOOO a boss spawne .... OHSH!T I'm dead. huh. that sucks.
WOOO look at these new strike augs I got from all that money!
WOOO farming T4 armors!
WOOO someone gave me an IG! holy cow that thing is powerful

Mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens! Or at least the next tier.

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« Reply #14 on: November 03, 2014, 09:02:44 pm »

I dont want to be the bad guy...

I am going to be taking a break from the server....

I just feel that things are changing in a way that its making all the hard work we have put in trivial.. I guess the capper for me was seeing UW's on mobs... really? Items I have had to put in hundreds of hours to achieve are now event loot fodder? It is what it is I guess but I feel that all of the work meansI  nothing now... So I am going to spend my time elsewhere But that's just me and maybe I am a killjoy...

I hope that everyone has fun and enjoys and Maybe I will see you all down the road somewhere:) been a fun few years ....


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