This was posted by Kruciel....hope it is what you are talking about Hate.
"After doing some digging, players rejoice. This is a fix to stop your mq2map plugin from blowing your UI up while in the zone.
/mapfilter untargetable
/mapfilter ground
The first command will stop the 'zonecontroller' and 'proxycontroller' things from appearing. Not a big deal only 10 or so of them but I found this by accident while playing around.
The second command, however, will hide all of the 400x "Something"s that are bogging down the map addon and causing TONSSSS of ui errors."
/ninja vanish
Combining this with height filter set to 150 for both low and high seems to have fixed this for me although I lose a lot in map - we'll see if it works long haul tho.
Image of the Sunderock counter/spawn tracker attached. I'm going to add portals under spawns as well as other stuff as I go along. As it is any bosses will show up now.