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Author Topic: Upgrade/Enhance Shadowknights?  (Read 62035 times)
Posts: 2282

Don't nerf me bro!

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« Reply #45 on: July 05, 2010, 06:50:53 pm »

Secrets, impressive and thank you.

Now if only the actual Rolling DoT could be sorted out, we're in business.

Secrets, if you get this to work, I'll reward you with 15pp, some worthless foraged junk, and keys to Uxt's house.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #46 on: July 05, 2010, 07:41:10 pm »

Secrets, impressive and thank you.

Now if only the actual Rolling DoT could be sorted out, we're in business.

Secrets, if you get this to work, I'll reward you with 15pp, some worthless foraged junk, and keys to Uxt's house.


who doesn't have a key to Uxt's house?

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« Reply #47 on: July 05, 2010, 07:45:19 pm »

so many events that I had no idea existed!

They're a recent addition by KLS. Spell quests (she pointed them out to me :p)
Posts: 2282

Don't nerf me bro!

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« Reply #48 on: July 05, 2010, 07:54:20 pm »

Touché Reed, touché.

I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #49 on: July 06, 2010, 05:09:39 am »

Rolling DoT implemented. Need Sorc charm for dmg to mob, or Oracle charm for healing to PC that 'contract' the spell. Or, Ultimate Charm for best of everything.

<edit> Looks like the dmg to mobs portion isn't working correctly yet but a fix is in the works!</edit>
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 08:23:06 am by Smoka » Logged
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« Reply #50 on: July 06, 2010, 08:08:05 am »

Secrets, impressive and thank you.

Now if only the actual Rolling DoT could be sorted out, we're in business.

Secrets, if you get this to work, I'll reward you with 15pp, some worthless foraged junk, and keys to Uxt's house.


who doesn't have a key to Uxt's house?

I mail them out every week to random players, but they all are sent back. Sad


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« Reply #51 on: July 09, 2010, 12:46:10 pm »

I verify that the Proc has taken a significant decrease in power down from Lifetap proc from ancient life drain 3.0. The proc rates seem about the same to me though. On the AE click can we change the spell name to something else besides: "spreading crud"..... just sounds lazy and gross. What about plague mist or archonosis =D something darker and frightful!

And after looking at the actual spell file even though it is broken at this point the stats are not up to par and really need adjustment!

Here are current stats: Spellid#7867 SK epic 3.0 click
Duration:0.8 minutes
RecoveryTime:0.00 ReCast time:0.00
Range:20 AERange:20
Slot 1: Increase Disease Counter By 3
Slot 2: Decrease STA by10
Slot 3: Decreases Hitpoints by 3 per Tick

The Sk spell Dark constriction has 3x the force as this 3.0 click? Ya I would really say this epic click needs some beefing up. Infact that lvl66sk spell has an additional slot for ac reduction of target on it!

I suggest at minimum altering the 3.0sk click (Spellid#7867) to reflect something like this:
Duration:0.8 minutes
RecoveryTime:0.00 ReCast time:0.00
Range:20 AERange:21
Slot 1: Increase Disease Counter By 25
Slot 2: Decrease STA by 75
Slot 3: Decreases Hitpoints by 666 per Tick <----MUhaha nice dark touch huh?
Slot 4: Decreases STR by 75
Slot 5:Increases Hate by 50000

These are based off the idea of the originating Disease DOT that SK's have at lvl 66, but bumped up some to reflect lvl 70 AND the increase that a 3.0weapon should have. I don't think it is perfect, but I think it is a good modification to show what the spell should be on such a upgraded weapon whilst staying true to the lore of the shadowknight.

And for those right off the bat the total damage base would be only 5k hp damage over the course of 49 seconds, of which most fights durations dont even last that long. SO this makes the SK very useful in long fights. And is not overpowering because most mobs have over 40k total with bosses scaling from Potime to be about70k on up to 100k and more up the zone ladder. So only doing about what...12%of a mobs total Hp?

Not overpowering, not underpowering..

If anything I think the other modifiers are just right, just not too sure on the damage per tick. I think it would be ok, but the only thing i think should be up for debate over.

So what yall think?

p.s.- JUST took notice that this class also should have a focus of disease spell like pure healers get focus of healing...hell even the hybrid pally gets focus too. So can we get that updated as well, it would make our spell line somewhat useful again.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 02:37:14 pm by trendkiller » Logged

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« Reply #52 on: July 09, 2010, 01:19:25 pm »

Haven't hade a chance to test this out on any boss mobs (working a new job)
But the spell file info does appear underwhelming. One thing I don't know if someone wants to do the math, how does the decrease hitpoints 3 scale with charm and other available effects? How much max damage are we looking at in the later stages of the game? Over the mentioned 49sec? How about the hps on the healing side?

Forgive any spelling, big fingers + tiny droid keyboard
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« Reply #53 on: July 09, 2010, 02:15:40 pm »

I verify that the Proc has taken a significant decrease in power down from Lifetap proc from ancient life drain 3.0. The proc rates seem about the same to me though. On the AE click can we can the spell something else "spreading crud" just sounds lazy. What about plague mist or archonosis =D

And after looking at the actual spell file even though it is broken at this point the stats are not up to par and really need adjustment!

It's broken not because of the spellfile, but because of a perl script that determines the effects, not the spellfile itself. The only thing the spellfile determines for spells is the duration and targettype if they have a perl script applied to them. This was a recent addition to the emulator which is why you've never heard about it anywhere else.

Your assumptions that the effects on the spellfile are actually the ones getting applied are wrong.

It's a 8k heal over time for the group in AOE at the moment, and it's getting changed.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 02:19:17 pm by Secrets » Logged
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« Reply #54 on: July 09, 2010, 02:35:36 pm »

well it cant be tested at the moment cause it wont stick to NPC's. At the moment all it does is decrease overall hp by -1 for the duration and take the listed STA down by its said amount.

it is quite broken, but hopefully it will get fixed and implemented with the stats I suggested.

THe heal/ proc has nothing to do with this click effect it is a stand alone spell, so the integration of this with the healing portion of the HP taps we have does nothing to increase or decrease it .

I dont bother at this point to do the HP conversion with the charms because all the other epic effects are built from stage one as far as I know...not in reverse. I.e.- starting at max out buffs/t4 armor/ultimate charm and omega stone. That is pointless cause these concerns are for the starting out point all the way TO that progressive point. And logistically if it is not overpowered at the starting point...then there is No WAY it will be overpowered at the near end point (with all charms and max armor, so on and so forth). Especially with the way mobs scale in progression here.

But by all means if someone wants to spend the time doing all the end game equip and items to see what end result of the above proposed formula would be go right ahead....but I think it would be a waste of time because not everyone has end game gear.

« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 02:42:59 pm by trendkiller » Logged

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« Reply #55 on: July 09, 2010, 02:41:36 pm »

Ohhh, I see.

Wait, I thought it was determined that the click was going to be a PBAoE dot of damage..not heals? Isnt that the idea behind paladins, the group heal?

wouldn't it be more fitting to a Shadowknight to spread a disease to those around him rather than heal them, and to go with the Pbaoe Dot ?
not that a 8k (or edited less powerful) group heal wouldnt be badass though.

i dunno, i actually really like the idea of a group heal...but kinda kills the image of a SK, no?

« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 02:52:14 pm by trendkiller » Logged

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« Reply #56 on: July 09, 2010, 03:01:43 pm »

I have offered more help and ideas to hunter than you even know about. I mean you decided to make your post in my thread, so I deduct you are talking about "whining" is considered directed at me and those IN this thread. It is kinda douchey that you think that all the people responding are not willing to put in more work than "hey, this would be cool". Well that is not the case here, if it makes you sleep better.

I can't completely vouch for others posting their ideas here, but I know I put in the time to test all the areas of a suggestion I can. And infact I have and have submitted parses and whatever info I have gathered to help resolve any issues or to follow through with my suggestions for balance and upgrades.

I use GAMparse and I think it supplies ample numbers, I assume you think its crap or that there is something wrong with using that to report any discrepancies?

I mean you barked at the people in this thread but you yourself didnt off any solid test finds of the subject at hand.\

Do you have anything to aid in the resolution of these matters contain herein? If not, thanks for your point of view, but that will be all we need from you in this thread!

I would hope you do offer up the end tier results, Ive been busy on the overall gerenal population side adverse effects. SO do you have any important data to post here again? Btw yellowbird, I personally have never questioned and/or cared about your status/"influence" with anyone. Im glad you think you contribute, keep up the good work =)

But I am fully being a indian in this matter. Atleast Im trying to be.
« Last Edit: July 09, 2010, 03:14:17 pm by trendkiller » Logged

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« Reply #57 on: July 09, 2010, 03:16:54 pm »

GamParse is what I use to parse fights.  Google it, it's the first hit.

The following parse ran for 15+ minutes.  All characters were buffless.  All characters are full T2, max AA, ROA 100, 3.0'ed.

Tretter (warrior): Used Sorc charm 10.  One 3.0 had two Anger V's, one had one Anger V and an Anger IV.
Trukum (shadow knight): Used Oracle 31.  Had +dmg aug in 1hs 3.0.
Amberr (paladin): Used Oracle 25.  Had +dmg aug in 1hs 3.0.

Now had Tretter had two swords with Anger 4s AND his Sorc 25 his single target (which is what this is testing) DPS goes up significantly.  To put this into perspective, 72.5% of Tretter's damage comes from Anger aug procs.  That is 2461.5 dps out of 3393.7 dps coming from Anger procs alone.

So if it is a single target fight, Tretter is doing 3400 dps and Trukum is doing 900 dps.  Make this fight a boss + four add type fight and Tretters DPS is (2400*4) +3400 and Trukum's is still a paltry 900 dps.

Would it be possible to change SK's proc from single target Lifetap to a AE Lifetap+PBAE DD?  I think that a large AE Lifetap would be too over powered.  So make the AE Tap pretty small, but the PBAE DD pretty significant.  Depending on how they scaled they still shouldn't be preferable to Warriors as tanks, but atleast they could offtank adds (since the AELT/PBAEDD won't have agro component.)  It takes them from being mostly useless to at least partically attractive.  That is my suggestion for Shadowknights.

"I mean you barked at the people in this thread but you yourself didnt off any solid test finds of the subject at hand."

I posted long ago relevant parses for similarly geared characters.  For someone so concerned with the state of Shadowknights I would think you'd, you know, have read this thread fully.

I wonder if there is a way we can banish people to only being allowed to post in the RL picture thread.
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« Reply #58 on: July 09, 2010, 04:00:40 pm »

I already read those findings.

But already posted way before that posting of yours that, SK's already had a low dps output. But hunter told me in email that was how they would probably stay since they were not meant to match the other pure melee classes and they have spells to help DPS. This was before I had parsing, I could just tell the difference with intelligence from other classes performances. But back to the point...your findings only show that which everyone already knows..Sk dps is lacking.
It doesn't offer validity to the current issue of the broken epic effect.
Only your suggestion at the bottom is that of relevance...and it is just that, an opinion. You ...being a chief, just like you claimed I was doing. So just stop tying to make others look bad and help the thread progress.

SO from your ramblings I gather YOU personally think and desire the epic effect be a large PBAOE DD click effect and reduce the ancient lifetap damage as well?

Because that suggestion is fine, but in true form your idea was not voiced in a way your previous post suggested I be. Where are your numbers? Where are the calcs given with ldon/pod gear charms?

IF anything give more information for what you previously suggested, like some numbers of the pbaoe DD and how much reduction on the lifetap do you think should be given?
 It is not too bad of an idea, but I think the rolling dot mentioned before me and my idea would do SK's better.


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Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #59 on: July 09, 2010, 04:07:31 pm »

Fact of the matter is YB will never have anything good to say about anyone unless it benefits him or they are stroking his ego. Unless it is a person with obvious authority he is going to attack anyone who thinks freely instead of subjugating themselves to his point of view.

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