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Author Topic: Upgrade/Enhance Shadowknights?  (Read 62110 times)
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« Reply #75 on: July 11, 2010, 07:18:32 pm »

So this script is fixed? just waiting on the implement?

Gotta re-write it. I'll do it sometime, just not today, i'm exhausted :p

Omg, you sleep? hehe

No, Secrets recharges.

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« Reply #76 on: July 12, 2010, 08:20:47 am »

Should be in on newly booted zones as per the update notes, let me know of your thoughts on it.

Newly booted zones include non-custom zones and instances.
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« Reply #77 on: July 12, 2010, 01:05:17 pm »

I have to get the parses going, but a quick lunch time excursion saw the click's damage. first round (on the mobs it landed on) was 1 point of dmg. The second round of the DoT saw on the verge of 16k dmg, then it increased by 375 points each tick.

This was with the SK 3.0 weapon. I currently use an oracle charm. I need that Ultimate. =/
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« Reply #78 on: July 12, 2010, 02:21:21 pm »

I have to get the parses going, but a quick lunch time excursion saw the click's damage. first round (on the mobs it landed on) was 1 point of dmg. The second round of the DoT saw on the verge of 16k dmg, then it increased by 375 points each tick.

This was with the SK 3.0 weapon. I currently use an oracle charm. I need that Ultimate. =/

That's intentional. You should see it increasing gradually depending on the damage it calculates.

The one damage on hitting an NPC is to make the NPC aggro on you before ticking.
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« Reply #79 on: July 12, 2010, 03:13:11 pm »

So, out of curiosity, I have been kinda following the new SK epic effect and stuff but because i dont have one its hard to know exactly how it works.

For what i gathered it does and AoE proc, DoT dmg on all mobs in area which spreads to anything that comes near/ mobs gathered around that lose the DoT. With this, it gives the SK a HoT as well as his group members. The Dot progressively gets stronger the longer its active on a mob.

Does this mean that an SK could potentially be invincible the more mobs he/she has on them attacking? The HoT gets stronger the more mobs are affected right? Pull a huge train in a zone (non custom of course...cough cough) get the effect on all mobs, run around collecting more mobs, they get affected, rinse, repeat, and just kite them all around til death, or tank them to death

just a thought.... half asleep and worn out from work kinda thought. im sure i have a few details wrong here, almost positive... but meh

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« Reply #80 on: July 12, 2010, 03:23:14 pm »

So, out of curiosity, I have been kinda following the new SK epic effect and stuff but because i dont have one its hard to know exactly how it works.

For what i gathered it does and AoE proc, DoT dmg on all mobs in area which spreads to anything that comes near/ mobs gathered around that lose the DoT. With this, it gives the SK a HoT as well as his group members. The Dot progressively gets stronger the longer its active on a mob.

Does this mean that an SK could potentially be invincible the more mobs he/she has on them attacking? The HoT gets stronger the more mobs are affected right? Pull a huge train in a zone (non custom of course...cough cough) get the effect on all mobs, run around collecting more mobs, they get affected, rinse, repeat, and just kite them all around til death, or tank them to death

just a thought.... half asleep and worn out from work kinda thought. im sure i have a few details wrong here, almost positive... but meh

There's no HoT effect; just a DoT.
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« Reply #81 on: July 12, 2010, 03:27:02 pm »

ah okies, guess i was just imagining the HoT on it =p
thanks Secrets

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« Reply #82 on: July 12, 2010, 03:43:58 pm »

Struggling to understand it totally as yet, the dot doesnt seem to do damage to mobs attacking just the mob on target?

So far with no Sorc, if this actually does effect this, I have seen a crit max for 39k.

This was random though and the dam to other mobs attacking was nothing.

Is this single target then cotrolled by how many mobs the PBAOE hits or length of time or both? The 39k crit was after a few seconds with 10 ldon 6 mobs and other hits/ticks after reached no where near.

Confused SK

« Last Edit: July 13, 2010, 04:13:17 am by PORTIS » Logged
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« Reply #83 on: July 13, 2010, 12:22:09 pm »

DoT was nerfed. Not sure if that nerf was intentional or not. If it was intentional, I'd rather have the insta-click agro back personally.
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« Reply #84 on: July 13, 2010, 02:30:28 pm »

I'm confused as well  Huh

- Shadowknights now have a new epic click, a spreading DoT that affects everyone around the shadowknight. Its mystical properties are contagious only if an NPC consumes them.

NOTE: The click itself is PBAOE DoT. The initial cast, and NPC catching the spell, are the only things that can affect PCs. Pets are unaffected, NPC pets too.

NOTE2: Currently the DoT component is broken. The only thing that actually works is the PC heal. Next weekend it will be fixed provided Secrets can export the needed perl functions.

When I read this I took note number 2 to indicate that there was a healing component to PBAOE DoT.

And then I read this:

It's a 8k heal over time for the group in AOE at the moment, and it's getting changed.

So then I was wondering if the heal component was never intended and simply a stand in effect that would get changed into a DoT at a later date.

The following seems to confirm that the heal was never intended to be a part of the rebalanced 3.0:

There's no HoT effect; just a DoT.

I love that SKs are getting some needed attention and am thankful for the bump in DPS, but I'm just not clear on what the new effect does. For instance, who will get the dot, any mob in PBAOE and then any mob that comes near those mobs?

I'm out of town on work so I can't log in and play with my new toy, so I'm dying to know what it does  Grin

Thanks again,

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« Reply #85 on: July 13, 2010, 03:07:19 pm »

ATM it casts mass boggle, generally it does 1hp dam and somtimes 39k and you die while trying to work out why you never started a warrior.. only joking I am sure this will be fixed and appreciate anything for SK.

I was also under the impression it was to be a dot come grp heal, admittedly I have yet to see any feeback from anyone with a high Sorc or Ultimate to see if this plays a role also, I myself have only a 25 Oracle.

I was in T2 last night and now find I cannot keep agro anymore, at all. A guild monk was tanking the whole night. Even with agro spells I cant tank. DPS wise I had a small increase on nameds (i think only because of popping adds) whereas single mobs there was little or no point clicking epic. A guild warr with us of same kaliber equip must have been doing 5 or 6 times more dps if not a bucketfull more. We lost instant click agro on epic so can no longer spam that, and the 2.5 I have in my inventory (that used to have leech) also has the lower dot, this is also a pointless item now.

While I appreciate the work, and I mean I really do! I would have to agree with the previous poster in this has not helped and I would have rather just had the Agro click as we did.

This I am sure will get more work and is a step in the right direction, its just not right yet.

p.s this is not a complaint, its feeback.
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« Reply #86 on: July 14, 2010, 12:58:55 pm »


After playing with this right after launch it was where it needed to be, doing damage reflective of a 3.0 wielding character.

But today it is gimped like everyone else has noticed.

So, I took the SK to ldon for average playing ground. Took off all damage shields and all effect procing gear. Only had a guardian charm on as well. SO the only thing that would show is the damage from the dot on the epicV3.

I went through 3 rounds of singles, adds, and duos of frogs at the entrance. And my results are all the same, I am including a screenshot of the damage output of the last fight.The initial click only does 1dmg then adds 250dmg a tick till it hits 2k Dmg.

 It seems as the spell does not seem to get past 2k in the rolling sequence.

It rolls back to 250dmg and starts over again.

I am hoping this is not intentional, it should keep gaining on itself until it caps out and the spell ends before it starts out at a low 250 DMG again.

It also does NOT spread to other npcs that join the fight. The only way that new npcs joining get the disease is if the SK re-clicks the epic. And some do not get within range even When you re-click because the PBaoe range is too small.

My suggestions for improvement are:
Reworking the code to make the spell more reflective of damage needed to keep up with qvic and post qvic mobs, rolling dot damage increments of 500dmg a tick building the duration of the spell to cap at 5kdmg. Let me provide you with the math to that one before anyone cries about anything.
THat would give this epic click an end total damage of 27k OVERTIME.
Considering that the trash in qvic has total Hp's of about 63k and anything above qvic has more HP....27k is nothing. But we ATLEAST need it to be that amount, but not the very very weak 10,501 total hp that the DOT currently has on it.

 IT is very underpowered and still broken at this point. It gets resisted way too much (qvic mobs resist 50% of the time)
1: Increase the HP damage portion of the DOT to cap (at minimum 5k peak tap) thus equaling about 27k total damage
2: Increase the Range of the PBae (it only hits if the mob is ontop of you currently)
3: Make it Unresistable


<insert lame excuse to try to be original here>
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #87 on: July 14, 2010, 02:03:20 pm »

I agree it does need to be beefed up. Are you refreshing it everytime it comes available? I wonder if refreshing it just makes it start over by chance. Have you tried it with that being the only sole damage, (even cutting out melee) so you can see how it plays out?
« Last Edit: July 14, 2010, 07:28:30 pm by Xiggie » Logged

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« Reply #88 on: July 14, 2010, 02:12:21 pm »

I agree it does need to be beefed up. Are you refreshing it everytime it comes available? I wonder if refreshing it just makes it start over by chance. I have you tried it with that being the only sole damage, (even cutting out melee) so you can see how it plays out?

If you refresh it, it starts one step up each time, but still rolls over at the same point so the dps over the course are identical, just get slightly more front loaded for a while before rolling back to the beginning. It's really bad right now.
« Reply #89 on: July 14, 2010, 02:16:03 pm »

what about the agro spells the knights have?

Agree the dmg is subpar for a custom server and a 3.0 epic weapon.
Its a good idea, just needs to be a little beefier.
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