Are people really able to ZP SR right away? I doubt anyone could ZP before grinding out at least full orc armor, and maybe a piece or two of UA. By that point you're basically in sleepers anyway.
I am not sure, probably not easily. But since SR is "Endgame" it probably shouldn't be trivial for someone fully sleeper equipped. Which is why I think SR shouldn't be ZPed at all. Is it fun for you guys that do to just click ZP and stand there and wait for everything to die, then loot and repeat for days and days?
I'm actually glad I can't ZP SR because of LD issues, people moan about grinding out SR stuff yet all they do is zone pull it, that's not grinding
I ZP'd to get my toons UCv1/2/3 and that's it really.
The problem is people have nothing to do so they'll drag new players through ten tiers of content in two weeks and then we lost that player because there isn't anything else to do, they don't wanna stick around and do the same for others because they don't have zp spears so off they go to another server.
Too much stuff is tradeable, I'd love to see it go back to when essences were non tradeable and you actually had to put in work.