Finally got it. All in all, not too bad, with the exception of the Knuckle Dusters. I know each quest line has a bottleneck, but man! While waiting in line one of the days, I saw Herbinger spawn three times in a row, and didn't drop the item. At least I think so. They're not Lore after all
Shout out to
Plinker from Slayer of the Slaw. Thanks for the Vox Staff! Sad that I had never seen that room before!
Quick question, though: Is there a portable buff available for the FG members, like the Caster Guild pets?
This is a nice post and perspective on the quest from a newcomer.
Coincidentally I was at the PGT camp yesterday and new to server BL was asking about the quest.
His comments were interesting as he said his biggest frustration was that every camp he attended that day had someone sitting their with their 3.0's that clearly didnt need these lower end items for progress.
I explained a million reasons why the FG/CG items were camped by such outfitted players but from his perspective, it was not enjoyable at all.
Not beating a dead horse but if the goal of the server is to grow and sustain then we should still be concerned with the newer experience on our server.
Perhaps introducing FG/CG items into zones that have level caps, there are TONS of lower end zones that are un-touched that can be capped and introduced.
Example, KD's can drop in Crystal Caverns from the last mob in the Spiders camp, place a level restriction on the zone of say 40 and you will have an interesting experience to those who are sick of Dulak.