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Author Topic: EZ Server Rules  (Read 308836 times)
Hero Member
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« Reply #135 on: November 21, 2010, 03:59:14 am »

If you spawn it, you own it.  You can kill it, give it away, or wait for it to despawn since it's your mob.

If you didn't spawn it, and you haven't been given permission to kill it, leave it alone.

I'm really not sure why people are always looking for loopholes in these rules.  Use some common sense and treat others the way you would like to be treated.  Someday you'll fail on a mob and you won't want someone else grabbing it the second you die.

Posts: 19

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« Reply #136 on: November 21, 2010, 04:56:00 am »

Does seem a bit loose on interpretation. I could see someone continually wiping on a mob until despawn then waiting another 30 mins to do anything because of a slow tiki spawn.
Xiggie | Stone
Posts: 2119

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« Reply #137 on: November 21, 2010, 06:49:18 am »

The rules are very clear. Go ahead and try to interpret the rules with anything other than common sense and you will likely find yourself with a lack of friend and prolly an eventual ban.

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« Reply #138 on: November 21, 2010, 12:20:41 pm »

No they're not very clear. If they were you wouldn't have multiple people posting about it. The also states that if a guild spawns it. Well you don't need a guild to spawn a PoD boss. I  can solo the T1 bosses on my SK, granted it takes for ever to kill to them. If i spawn it myself and for some reason wipe am I considered "the guild" or if a group of people spawn it who is "the guild". What if someone spawns it wipes, and doesn't come back. How long does it take for a mob to despawn. If it's say something like 30 minutes does that mean someone has to sit there and wait 30 minutes for a boss to depop even though there is the 5 minute to engage rule. Like I said earlier there are multiple rules that apply here and it's up to Hunter to clarify which takes priority over the other.

Anema, Guild Leader of Explicit Content
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« Reply #139 on: November 21, 2010, 12:26:57 pm »

It gets picky. This is why the world is going downhill. People throw out common sense and over analyze everything.

Whomever spawns the boss has the rights to it. Be it a guild or group or single character. (see how I adapted that?)

If someone spawns it, wipes and doesn't come back, then by the rules nobody can touch it and must wait for it to despawn. No matter how long that takes, it's not your pop so don't touch it. The 5 mins to engage doesn't apply in this case as it states, the one(s) spawning it have ownership.

Just look at it this way:

If you have to overanalyze it, just avoid it. Make an instance.
Posts: 19

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« Reply #140 on: November 21, 2010, 02:49:00 pm »

Yeah, if this many people are saying that this rule is murky water, then its not clear enough and needs to be cleared up so that no future issues occur.
Hero Member
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« Reply #141 on: November 21, 2010, 03:33:13 pm »

Maybe Hunter should have a lawyer draw up an ironclad contract for everyone that wants to play here to sign so there is no confusion.

Well, that probably wouldn't work either since you'd have idiots arguing if rule 292 section 7 paragraph 4 should have an and instead of an or.

How hard is it to just use common sense?

And people wonder why everyone only wants to play in instances locked away from the rest of the population that is just looking for any reason to screw them.

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« Reply #142 on: November 21, 2010, 05:44:42 pm »

Maybe Hunter should have a lawyer draw up an ironclad contract for everyone that wants to play here to sign so there is no confusion.

Well, that probably wouldn't work either since you'd have idiots arguing if rule 292 section 7 paragraph 4 should have an and instead of an or.

How hard is it to just use common sense?

And people wonder why everyone only wants to play in instances locked away from the rest of the population that is just looking for any reason to screw them.

Common sense has nothing to do with it so get off your high horse. Why is is that when people question something and you don't agree with it,  you have to go around like you're just so damn awesome the rest of us should be thankful that we even have the pleasure to play on the same server as you.  The fact is there are multiple rules that apply to this scenario. If the rule is that who ever pops the boss gets it for how ever long til it despawns and/or is dead that's fine. But no were in the rules does it clearly state that which is why you have multiple people asking about it.

Anema, Guild Leader of Explicit Content
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #143 on: November 21, 2010, 05:47:13 pm »

Common sense, meaning sense of the common or, sense of the majority. No I didn't look that up in a dictionary but I think the majority of people would agree to that definition. Every once in a while an idiot or two come in here hunting for loopholes and saying the rules are 'murky'. A couple of idiots coming in here is not 'this many people are saying that this rule is murky' it's simply just a couple of idiots looking for loopholes. Maybe instead of hunting for loopholes in the rules you can hunt up other examples of people getting banned. People have been banned for the things you are talking about. If Hunter has to come in here and molly coddle every single loophole hunter then nothing would ever get done with the server. If anything, I wish Hunter would add the following rule.

Asking for clarification of the rules is fine, but when an overwhelming number of people come in here with basically the same interpretation then accept that is probably the correct interpretation. Being a douche bag by continually hunting for loopholes when the majority of people are giving basically the same interpretation could get you banned. Don't be a loophole hunting douche bag.

Hero Member
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« Reply #144 on: November 21, 2010, 06:03:08 pm »

Common sense has nothing to do with it so get off your high horse.

Common sense has everything to do with it.

If Hunter wanted this to be a cutthroat server with every person for themselves then he wouldn't have rules at all would he? 

If my believing that being nice to other people and offering to help them when they have trouble with a mob rather than stealing it from them puts me on a high horse then so be it.  The view is nice from up here and I have a clear conscience every day that I have treated people well and adhered to my own personal view of morality.
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« Reply #145 on: November 21, 2010, 06:07:24 pm »

Common sense, meaning sense of the common or, sense of the majority. No I didn't look that up in a dictionary but I think the majority of people would agree to that definition. Every once in a while an idiot or two come in here hunting for loopholes and saying the rules are 'murky'. A couple of idiots coming in here is not 'this many people are saying that this rule is murky' it's simply just a couple of idiots looking for loopholes. Maybe instead of hunting for loopholes in the rules you can hunt up other examples of people getting banned. People have been banned for the things you are talking about. If Hunter has to come in here and molly coddle every single loophole hunter then nothing would ever get done with the server. If anything, I wish Hunter would add the following rule.

Asking for clarification of the rules is fine, but when an overwhelming number of people come in here with basically the same interpretation then accept that is probably the correct interpretation. Being a douche bag by continually hunting for loopholes when the majority of people are giving basically the same interpretation could get you banned. Don't be a loophole hunting douche bag.

You seriously have the IQ of a walnut, they're multiple people on here asking for clarification about the rule. 2 people giving an interpretation hardly count has majority. I know the two of you would bend over for Hunter at anytime but whether you like it or not the rule is vague. And never once did I say I was hunting for a loophole or any one for that  matter, the only thing being asked is for clarification from Hunter. Last I check neither one of you are Hunter. People like you are the reason why this server is going to crap(yeah, yeah, I know I can go play some were else if I don't like it, save yourself some time typing that)

Anema, Guild Leader of Explicit Content
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« Reply #146 on: November 21, 2010, 06:49:25 pm »

You're right, the people that would interpret the rules in a way that is fair to others and treats them with respect rather than badger Hunter for an exact clarification are the ones making this server crap.
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« Reply #147 on: November 21, 2010, 07:00:52 pm »

You're right, the people that would interpret the rules in a way that is fair to others and treats them with respect rather than badger Hunter for an exact clarification are the ones making this server crap.

So what you're saying is anyone who asks Hunter for clarification on a rule don't treat others with respect? And in no way is this badgering Hunter, he can come on and post a response when needed. Here's the problem, someone asks for clarification on a rule from Hunter, then someone else states that it could use some clarification again from Hunter. Then you two dumb shits come on w/you're interpretation of the rule, which probably is right but just because we want to make sure from Hunter we're accused of kill stealing, looking for loopholes, or not treating others fairly? Do everyone a favor and pull your head out of your asses before trolling around and posting on here. Here's something else for you to think about which may be hard for you to comprehend, but the reason we're posting for clarification from Hunter is so we know to do the right thing. Not kill steal, look for loopholes, or to be disrespectful as you seem to imply we are doing.

Anema, Guild Leader of Explicit Content
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Nerf Whiners

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« Reply #148 on: November 21, 2010, 07:01:37 pm »

Is it really that hard to comprehend regarding Tiki spawns?
A group or guild uses a crystal to pop a boss - they own that spawn. They can kill it, sacrifice themselves over and over to it, try to marry it, play poker with it, whatever they choose to do with their spawn is up to them.

So a group spawns a boss from a tiki and they dont really have a chance of success fighting the mob...guess what the normal rules of engagement do not apply. They own the spawn period end of story.

Don't like the way tiki spawns work in public instances?
Pony up the 10k and buy a guild instance instead of coming on here and trying to get the "vague" and "murky" rules clarified.
Don't like the idea of common sense, or fair play governing a set of rules?
Buy an instance
Starting to see the trend in the answers?

Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #149 on: November 21, 2010, 07:04:12 pm »

Server going to crap? Are you that stupid? Look at my post count, I have been playing here for nearly 2 years off and on. And what's your name? Enema? Oh, the server is going to crap.

But your several people you say are questioning the rules. Let's look at that. There are 3 people in the month of november that have questioned this rule. They have a combined post count of 29. The earliest one registered on sept 7th. That gives the earliest about 2 months experience with this server. Now there are 5 people just this month that have tried to explain this rule. We have a combined post count of 1153. I created my forum account on 3/25/09, (this is the 3rd incarnation of the forums). I'd say there is a good chance we know a little bit about what we are talking about.

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