EZ Server

General Category => Updates => Topic started by: hateborne on April 29, 2014, 01:12:47 am

Title: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on April 29, 2014, 01:12:47 am
Ultimate Weapon Changes Live with Reboot!

What does this mean for you?
  • UW HP has gone down substantially.
  • UW Damage is mostly unchanged.
  • UW Resists dropped to 33% of their original value.
  • Few other resist adjustments.
  • T7 NPCs saw 10% hp drop.
  • T8 NPCs saw 30% health drop and 50% damage drop.
  • T8 Bosses saw static (nearly 30%) health drop and 50% damage drop.

I will be working to get the bulk of the resists and casting NPCs pre-T7 in check today with more tiered resists and normalized casting classes. This will end up provided a more stable and less chaotic resist planning for you and your team.

Things to watch out for:
  • NPCs that are instantgibbing you or your team.
  • Mobs that have UNUSUALLY high damage.
  • Mobs that have unusually low damage (trivial).
  • Awkward mob health/regen combos in T7/T8.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Expletus on April 29, 2014, 03:50:11 am
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo *breath * nooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Okay !  :o

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: clbreastmilk on April 29, 2014, 07:29:02 am
Checking T8 ~

Mount cast (T8 mount) seems to be on perm interrupt mode.  Relogging did not fix.

Having random /stick issues where toons are getting Not in range spam.  I see some ooc chatter regarding it.  Perhaps someone else will have more detailed feedback on it.

Not sure if related but Bard spell Harmonious Comp III is getting full resists and causing aggro pulls off the tank during T8 boss fights (did not see this happen before patch).  Taking it off the rotation for now.  

Mob HP including bosses seems to be in a good place.  Back to where it was before the massive regen change.

Mob damage is perhaps in a good spot.  Running a UWIX UCv3 2.1 mil war and It feels like im taking a bit more damage than before the changes.  Which is fine certainly, however my guess is a new T8 group without UW (as in the intention) Might struggle.  Perhaps someone else closer to that mark could provide that needed feedback.

Overall tho, quite impressed with how close this is to the intended direction in a single patch.  Well Done.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Raygan on April 29, 2014, 07:43:00 am
The resist checks for NPC spells, were they reduced to accommodate the lowered resists from UW?  I am getting smacked like crazy(750,000 damage) now with NPC spells. Note: Went from 3800 resists down to 2598 And to give you an idea of my gear level on main tank: UCv3,SoA L,UW X, RoA 325, SoT X, aug slots on ALL visible/non-visibles are t7 HP augs/Leaf X's/Resist X's

One big improvement I have noticed is no agro rollover in t8 now!

Just took out Ikatiar the Venom, spell damage dropped main tank and offtank, finished mobs with remainder of the two groups.  Everything seems fine, other than not resisting anything.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: clbreastmilk on April 29, 2014, 08:05:04 am
Providing feedback on the above post ^  can say the tank is resisting all in T8 at 3000 resist.  Possibly indicating the new tank resist check is somewhere between 2500 and 3k.   Perhaps needing to be lowered?

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Hulkpunch on April 29, 2014, 08:10:08 am
Perhaps needing to be lowered?

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: clbreastmilk on April 29, 2014, 08:26:42 am
Why?  Why not?  

If the point of the changes is to make this zone accessible to a newly beaten T7 group without UW, we take away the 300 HR I have from that and whatever HR I gain from the UCv3 and said tank would be well into the Get F'd stage.  I'm still wearing almost full VII HR in every slot.  It's certainly doable by the new T7 group, but with how current T8 mob damage is, those slots are going to want to be Leaf Augs.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Premador on April 29, 2014, 08:27:20 am
Was running T6 this morn for some UC2. T6 run time took about 15minutes longer than last night, casting mobs near Administor Charial(sp?) and the other guy hit pretty hard, pulling them in 1 shot=dead.
Other than that T6 pretty much feels unchanged.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Digz on April 29, 2014, 09:55:59 am
the HR nerf to UW i can understand. nerfing resists across the board on every high end item is just unreasonable

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Dimur on April 29, 2014, 09:57:10 am
I'm wearing a full set of leafs and T7 hp augs, so only one slot open for resist aug but I have a resist X in each open slot, RoA 1k, SoA L, UW X, UCv3 and I went from 4700+ resists down to 3248.  I can resist the shit in T8, but I feel sorry for anyone who's just entering T8 from T7 gear.  I don't recall a discussion saying anything was getting nerfed resist wise aside from the UW, and I very well could have missed it, but why did all the other gears offering high resists get nerfed?

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Camric on April 29, 2014, 10:00:17 am
Can the Google spreadsheet be updated with all the changes made to the various items to include Resists and High Point Regeneration?  This will help us appreciate the accumulative effect.

Thanks ..

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on April 29, 2014, 10:01:47 am
Maybe I am mistaken....but getting hit with spells in lower zones than my max tier that I resisted before. Resists definitely across the board are down, but with all chars 1600+ in resists and getting hit with spells I previously resisted I can only surmise that the resist checks went up, not down T7 and earlier with last nights update.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Fjord on April 29, 2014, 10:03:59 am
Yeah, went from about 3300 resists to 2665 with a UW V. Not having trouble resisting anything in TOFS so /shrug. My pally with ~2000 resists is resisting everything as well. On the plus side, my damage output is slightly higher.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Fjord on April 29, 2014, 10:32:08 am
Providing feedback on the above post ^  can say the tank is resisting all in T8 at 3000 resist.  Possibly indicating the new tank resist check is somewhere between 2500 and 3k.   Perhaps needing to be lowered?

2665 here and getting pwned quite quickly in T8.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on April 29, 2014, 10:38:16 am
Saturday in T7 1600+ allowed you to resist the nastiness. Today it seems as if its around 1800-1900 to resist.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on April 29, 2014, 10:49:40 am
Three characters, btw, who had 1600+ to 1800+ resists and no UW now have less than 1600.....in one case under 1500. So back to ToFS I go :D

Hate, was your goal to make us eat more spells, and not resist everything? I can see your reasons why you'd want this, but if so maybe there's a way to partially resist some things, or to drop how nasty some of the AE are in some zones.....because with T7 gear and UC2 on DPS classes some of these AE mean a fairly quick death.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Rotic on April 29, 2014, 10:55:17 am
T7 geared warrior
- with UC2, UW1, ROA175, SOA XLV
- resist stones on 2 slots on all my armor pieces (total 264)

total resist is at 2413

Hope to be able to do T8 soon :P

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on April 29, 2014, 10:58:21 am
The resist checks for NPC spells, were they reduced to accommodate the lowered resists from UW?  I am getting smacked like crazy(750,000 damage) now with NPC spells. Note: Went from 3800 resists down to 2598 And to give you an idea of my gear level on main tank: UCv3,SoA L,UW X, RoA 325, SoT X, aug slots on ALL visible/non-visibles are t7 HP augs/Leaf X's/Resist X's

Providing feedback on the above post ^  can say the tank is resisting all in T8 at 3000 resist.  Possibly indicating the new tank resist check is somewhere between 2500 and 3k.   Perhaps needing to be lowered?

Can the Google spreadsheet be updated with all the changes made to the various items to include Resists and High Point Regeneration?  This will help us appreciate the accumulative effect.

Thanks ..

the HR nerf to UW i can understand. nerfing resists across the board on every high end item is just unreasonable

Three characters, btw, who had 1600+ to 1800+ resists and no UW now have less than 1600.....in one case under 1500. So back to ToFS I go :D

Hate, was your goal to make us eat more spells, and not resist everything? I can see your reasons why you'd want this, but if so maybe there's a way to partially resist some things, or to drop how nasty some of the AE are in some zones.....because with T7 gear and UC2 on DPS classes some of these AE mean a fairly quick death.

To answer you all in one fell swoop, I'm getting rid of a lot of stupid resist requirements and NPCs doing 295293562964368265682 damage or 0 damage based on resists today. I'm sorry that it didn't all make it in to one patch but I had a small fubar last night with some queries that I misplaced. Please bear with me and I can almost guarantee a better grinding experience with less bull@#%@ NPC casts. Some of the spammed AoE mana drains, AoE 100000000dmg rains, and other things are being re-written or removed.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Dimur on April 29, 2014, 11:01:50 am
I destroyed most of my T7 and T8 gears when I upgraded to T9, so my feedback is way more skewed than it would be if I was in T7 gear entering T8.  Be that as it may, my control subject warrior is in full T9 gear, resist X in one of each equipment slot, UCv3, RoA 1k, SoA L and no UW, banked for testing purposes.  Despite being in max gear, my resists run only 2926 and I can't resist the 750k DD.  Given that I still have 3.8mil HP, I can mitigate the DD well enough with a paladin and cleric in my group.  For the purposes of testing, I have access to Drake from my druid but have not been using it to offset the incoming melee damage because of the disparity in my HP as opposed to a T7 person just entering.  I have to keep pulls small, pulling 5 is about as dicey as I can get and even then I've died on the warrior a couple times from the 5 mobs chaining 750k dd's on me and not being able to outheal it with my 2 healer setup.  Even going mob to mob with a T7 setup is gonna be dicey but doable, it just seems to me that max geared people should be breezing a zone they are overgeared for.  Food for thought.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Dimur on April 29, 2014, 11:03:14 am
Oops, sorry was posting that when Hate was posting his...nothing to see here.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Raygan on April 29, 2014, 11:10:12 am
Thanks, Hate, nice speedy response=)

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on April 29, 2014, 11:14:15 am
Wait....whut. You arent perfect, Hate??


And yes, thanks for the quick reply!

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Dimur on April 29, 2014, 11:26:41 am
Absolutely flawless in the sack, though

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Expletus on April 29, 2014, 12:12:49 pm
Hate, what was the purpose of nerfing the resists on items other than the UW? The SoTX went from 250 to 125.

I literally went from 3400 + change to 2300 :( sad panda.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Kruciel on April 29, 2014, 02:50:49 pm
Pretty sure we should all just calm down :o . Hate already gave a response saying resist updates aren't all in yet. As for how much resists you can get, I can easily see anyone being able to drop the 4k hp Augs for more resists once you start getting your leaf X's going, if needed in the future. I already threw 4 stones in my UW when I learned nothing else would fit them. Haven't been home yet today, but if dropping 20k hp for 250 more HR is needed, that's an easy change that wouldn't take more than a few hours to fix.

Also, I was taking a break whenever t9 was live, so I have no idea what augs may have popped up, but if the loping plains 4k augs are still the main thing in everyone's first slot, dropping them is fine with me if we need to break 3k HR. They are a drop in the bucket for EHP even after UW HP changes.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Rent Due on April 29, 2014, 08:56:40 pm

mages get that spell you know, and a pet  ;D

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Expletus on April 30, 2014, 07:56:34 am
At work. Any feedback on resist changes ?

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: spuddson on April 30, 2014, 10:01:44 am
Vhal sera is still DTing for 12 mil  and theres a mob hitting for 1.5 mill on 2nd floor

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Expletus on April 30, 2014, 02:46:11 pm
Can we get a roll back to Monday morning b4 the server went down. The you can iron out the issues?

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on April 30, 2014, 03:46:32 pm
The NPC always casted that nuke (even before Hunter passed). Due to the old source, over resist diff = fully immune. That is no longer the case, so even well above the resist diff there is still a chance it will land.

I've removed it from the NPC's spellbook though as it's kind of cheap.

Below is a mockup of what I'm looking at and aiming for (somewhat). Zone and Level are self-explanatory. The required field is what I'm looking at for a tank to have to mitigate/resist most of casted death barrage from NPCs ("feeling" safe, not actually "hit it or die"). The recommended field is when you have the zone by the balls (figuratively speaking).



Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on April 30, 2014, 04:37:19 pm
We'll see how it all shakes out. Right now I have at most 2 slots per armor piece for resist stones, since leaf augs are a must. I only have 2 slots if I forgo the T7 slot hp augs (4K to 6K augs). So thats 32 aug slots for stones, if all are 10's thats 1600 from all 32 aug slots. If you have a ranged with 2 slots, thats 1700. 200 if you have UC2. 325 RoA is 225. Thats a total of 2125 IF you run every slot with resist 10s except leaf slot.

Didnt include UW or SoA as typically most boxes dont have those items.

This puts us back to almost requiring UW for a tank to have the resists, and having most boxes short of what they need. Or...spend a ton of time in ToFS getting all characters resist XIII+, or getting ROA considerably higher, or whatever, in order to move from T7 to T8. Again, not impossible, but just trying to discover where you're headed with this.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on April 30, 2014, 05:09:53 pm
Oh, and on a bright note....thanks for making it easier to get higher rank heroic resist augs!

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: multilateral on April 30, 2014, 07:30:17 pm
I am personally not as upbeat.  Items shouldn't be nerfed without explanation, particularly the SoT.  I am probably one of the few that actually paid for one, and I could deal with a nerf if Keeze's question had now not been avoided twice.  I see far too many changes, too quickly... and in production without real testing.  Levels of mobs were changed in ToFS, "shadows" now hit uncharacteristically hard, and for what reason?  There is this facade of transparency, but the real list of changes is much longer.  Guess I'm done for a while.  I keep quiet most of the time and just roll with the punches, but the developing trend has gotten to me, especially with the amount of money I had donated... of which I now question how much actually went to Hunter's family.

TL;DR:  Later.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Fugitive on April 30, 2014, 07:46:38 pm

I'm tired of this $$ Crying BULLSHIT




and just to let you know, I have gave free money away to the server away many many times.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Claytin on April 30, 2014, 07:55:36 pm
It's not really a donation as you are making the payment expecting something in return. Never did understand why they call them donations in the virtual world. Besides that I agree with Fuglitive. When things change on this server there is always the adjustment period which has, for the most part, gets fine tuned to make everything the way it should be. If things are too dicked up to play then people won't play. The gods know this and will fix it as they always do. Just make sure they are aware w/o being a PitA about it otherwise just STFU and let it get worked out.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Fugitive on April 30, 2014, 07:56:38 pm

Thanks for the updates. Yeah we will find weird bugs and weird resists changes.. just report them here and detail them so they can get fix or described working as intended..

The future of EZ is in good shape, have faith the puzzle will start to look like a picture soon!

Thanks guys!

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on April 30, 2014, 07:59:18 pm
I am personally not as upbeat.  Items shouldn't be nerfed without explanation, particularly the SoT.  I am probably one of the few that actually paid for one, and I could deal with a nerf if Keeze's question had now not been avoided twice.  I see far too many changes, too quickly... and in production without real testing.  Levels of mobs were changed in ToFS, "shadows" now hit uncharacteristically hard, and for what reason?  There is this facade of transparency, but the real list of changes is much longer.  Guess I'm done for a while.  I keep quiet most of the time and just roll with the punches, but the developing trend has gotten to me, especially with the amount of money I had donated... of which I now question how much actually went to Hunter's family.

TL;DR:  Later.

Well, Hunter's wife can see and read these forums (and occasionally does). If you have any doubt, ask Akkadius. You should also ask him about how much I've asked for or how much I've needed. You'll find that it's not a bloody penny. I made small adjustments to HIGH resist items as a whole to bring down this ungodly inflated system.

First, the "in production without real testing" comment. You've obviously not played long enough in the higher tiers on EZ when Hunter was developing changing things. The entire server was "in testing". I also hate to be the one to break it to you, but I don't have unlimited time/energy/patience to devote to this. I devote 20-30h a week (sometimes 40) to this server to correcting, adding, and making the server more enjoyable.  If you fully expect myself and Akkadius to spend days/hours/weeks testing the smallest of implementations, you have HILARIOUSLY unrealistic expectations.

Second, I missed his question. The NPC resist levels are coming down drastically. I'm not sure what else there is to say?

Third, the "facade of transparency" comment. I don't ninja nerf. I apologize for not listing every change I made for brevity and will try to be more detailed in all posts. The Sceptre of Time lost 125 HR. Are you SERIOUSLY that upset over 125 HR? If that's the case, I'll summon 3 max rank HR stones and be done with it!

Fourth, I've been saying it all day that last night was a @#%@^ up and I'm sorry. I cannot apologize anymore or work any faster.

Lastly, same with Maslow...just because you donate, you are not treated like royalty. Akkadius and I slave for nothing. How many hours do you spend a week for the benefit of others with ZERO return on investment (or no wedding ring)? Any donations are kept essentially in escrow until server finances need to be met or we get enough for another batch to Hunter's wife. I really don't see or understand where you believe that because you are unhappy with the changes that we're money grubbing pricks out to bleed you dry.

You seem to be ragequitting, grasping for straws, and you never voiced your concerns. Now that you are leaving, you feel it ok to shout as you walk out the door. If you had presented a logical argument or voice of concern before shouting as you leave the house, it might have gone over SIGNIFICANTLY BETTER.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on April 30, 2014, 08:04:53 pm
Yer doin fine, Hate....just giving feedback. Hope it wasnt taken any other way than that: feedback.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on April 30, 2014, 08:10:54 pm
Yer doin fine, Hate....just giving feedback. Hope it wasnt taken any other way than that: feedback.

heh not you Chunka, you're fine. I don't appreciate insinuations though.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on April 30, 2014, 08:14:06 pm
And sorry, Multi, but I cant let that slide. Just making that donation accusation because you dislike the direction the server is taking is....well, lets see if I can clean this up some: fucking stupid. Childish. At the very least irresponsible, at the most the tantrum of a pathetic, clueless child.

Yeah, thats better. Much nicer than what I wanted to say.

Look, if you had anything to support that accusation I might have let it slide, but you dont. IMO I am glad you're leaving, and I for one hope to never see your sorry ass on EZ again.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Ponzi on April 30, 2014, 09:13:12 pm
Oh, and on a bright note....thanks for making it easier to get higher rank heroic resist augs!

this x1,000.

Ty for meeting us halfway! Getting rank IV stones on tofs 4 is just... i wept a little for joy when i clicked on the first corpse last night. :)

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on April 30, 2014, 09:29:42 pm
Oh, and on a bright note....thanks for making it easier to get higher rank heroic resist augs!

this x1,000.

Ty for meeting us halfway! Getting rank IV stones on tofs 4 is just... i wept a little for joy when i clicked on the first corpse last night. :)

Actually, with reboot or new instances, each raid tier drops matching level resist augs on an uncommon basis. Tier 5 drops level 5, tier 6 drops level 6, etc etc.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Akkadius on April 30, 2014, 10:19:36 pm
Raging is not going to get you anywhere.

This update has been planned carefully and has had plenty of time to take in player input and share ideas and considerations. With that being said that makes updates go 'smoother'.

Folks need to give Hate some credit because he has been spending some grueling time prepping the update and has been getting little to no sleep after he just got through some crippling food poisoning.

Regardless, it needs to be known that this is being worked through and won't clear up in one fell swoop. Players also need to be catching other players in /ooc in rage that efforts are being made to compensate for the changes made to UW. It shouldn't be a mystery that we're going to make things right, we don't invest time in this server to see everyone get pissed off. That is why this was discussed for weeks before it was executed.

It is necessary to make our way through these changes because it hinders the server as a whole, something needed to be done to move forward.

For those concerned about donation money. You donate to support the server. You are given the gift of having credits for supporting the server to use towards things that benefit you in game. This does not entitle you to special treatment and clearance to be an asshole. It will not be tolerated.

For those who are really curious about where the money is going, you can get with me if you really seriously are worried. I'm at the point of just shutting off donations for a while completely especially with that attitude. We have what we need and there's enough bullshit I have to take care of on my end to make sure that we're in the clear to keep this place going.

If you have an issue, offer a suggestion because I know Hate is all open to hear it and work with it.

So I ask you kindly to think before you post, if you're worked up emotionally then you need to give it a rest and gather your thoughts before you post something that doesn't help anyone.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Premador on April 30, 2014, 11:41:03 pm
This is a growing server. Things will change. Hate and Akka will make some mistakes. BUT they will make way more improvements. They are human and this is not their job.
Its been stated many times that certain things were way to inflated, HP's and Resists. Hate is working these out for the end goal, TO KEEP THE SERVER GROWING. If you don't like it I suggest you look to Hateborne's guild name for guidance.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Rotic on April 30, 2014, 11:59:19 pm



I am excited with this propose change, because I can then play in T8. :P

T7 geared warrior
- with UC2, UW1, ROA175, SOA XLV
- resist stones on 2 slots on all my armor pieces (total 264)

total resist is at 2413

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2014, 12:02:29 am
Ok, T8 should be good to go. With reboot, all spells will be normal and it should be 95% operational under the new rules. The dragons will see a custom spell or two added the following day, but they are currently ready to kick your ass in a new instance or after reboot.



Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Kruciel on May 01, 2014, 02:37:10 am

Will those resists be the same for all, or are these just tank #s? Curious if my team is going to get melted by aoe tomorrow  ;) although I'm burnt out from ToV anyhow. Previously the only ae'ing mobs in t8 were the bosses, and it was almost fully resistable with just 1350 resist on some newer toons.

Regardless, always room for more resists on the team. Back to ToFS we go!

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Rotic on May 01, 2014, 03:26:59 am
With the change, my group of 6 can:

- clear the trash mob at East, but unable to kill Dozekar. My tank goes down fast.
- clear the trash mob at West, can kill Telkorenar, Gozzrem and Lendiniara. Is not a walkover, need to pay attention to heal my tank. Is fun :P
- have difficulties getting to the North, due to multiple adds when I pull. Still learning.

Is good news to me as I can now work on the West to gear my toons up.

Thanks Hate! Cheers.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Fugitive on May 01, 2014, 05:22:46 am
You can cast slow on the mobs in T8. Helps with Doze

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: clbreastmilk on May 01, 2014, 05:24:51 am
Anyone who thinks they are Entitled to Anything in an Emulated Ancient game deserves to Not be taken seriously.  I love the changes and look forward them.  I don't expect every patch to hit the nail on the head, nor should anyone else.  You don't pay for this game.  Donating money does not mean you Pay for this game.  This game is a hobby, not a hand out.

Great Job Hate and Akka.  Thank you.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Camric on May 01, 2014, 06:48:03 am



Thanks Hate for the update.
I know you spent a lot time yesterday working on TOFS - Is it possible to add it to the list for the various floors?

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Expletus on May 01, 2014, 06:54:33 am
The only reason I asked about the sotx was in consideration of how hard the quest is. I got one to rank 3 and was able to get a 10 on Halloween. Fungi is right that things change and items get obsolete. Being a casual my gear isn't up to level which is no ones fault but my own. No one likes change and I took a rather large hit on my hps and resists. On my alts I slot all resist stone Vs and they are around the 1800 / 2000 mark depending. I don't mind grinding x's for the tank but for the other 11 I would rather put my fingers in a blender.

Donations are exactly that. Don't let one idiot get to you hate. You're doing more than 90% of the servers running. If i had money I would buy you a colt 45  or a king cobra. Keep calm ! Ez on!

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Brokyn on May 01, 2014, 08:39:04 am
Actually, with reboot or new instances, each raid tier drops matching level resist augs on an uncommon basis. Tier 5 drops level 5, tier 6 drops level 6, etc etc.


Not a big deal, but T6 is dropping Rank 5

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Poker-ecaf on May 01, 2014, 10:24:30 am
Mana Neckless sorry for write it again

Enc ManaNeck IX = nearly each nuke give the proc
Mage ManaNeck IX = each nuke i did was an proc
Necro ManaNeck IX = nuked 3x completed Mana Away and Doted and not one proc Edit : after 4 x Manabattire cleared i get a proc maybe from the overtimed life tap little cast time on it ( readed on Marxist post )
Wiz MananNeck IX = no need for procs and not seen an proc on my CCII pet ;p

/ooc are 1-2 peeps talk about beastlord pet want the buff! i say to that big - ! Beastlord got NS that calls no need for ManaNeck !

would be great if u can work on proc rate for necro that the proc triggers on DoT to or on LifeTaps


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: marxist on May 01, 2014, 10:32:47 am
dots won't work, and if the nuke doesn't have a cast time they won't work.  also i'm willing to bet the necklaces or pets  are going to be nerfed in some fashion in the near future

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Kaid on May 01, 2014, 10:51:16 am
Actually, with reboot or new instances, each raid tier drops matching level resist augs on an uncommon basis. Tier 5 drops level 5, tier 6 drops level 6, etc etc.


Not a big deal, but T6 is dropping Rank 5

T5 is dropping Rank 6. Seems they're flipped

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: marxist on May 01, 2014, 10:53:33 am
doze is definitely doing too much dmg for an entry player.  pretty much 1 rounded my tank and he has full tov armor

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Poker-ecaf on May 01, 2014, 11:02:52 am
getting now proc from Necro maybe from the Lifetap overtime spell u find them under taps ... maybe sameone will check it out ?!

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: marxist on May 01, 2014, 11:10:29 am
it seems that all the mobs now are casting the spells players have available.  Doze is using call of the void,  i think wizzy mobs are using the high end nukes, etc.  I might suggest disabling whatever you did to let them randomly cast spells

and he has sk spells, not necro.  killed him chain dispelling so he wouldnt recast call of the void, but north trash is going to be refuckingdiculous with wizard mobs

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2014, 11:23:19 am
I thought I removed the Call of the Void spells (both for DPS purposes and the awkward skeletons). Being a shadow knight, they will have access to a harmtouch but maybe the scaling is too high. I'll look in to it shortly. :-)

The wizards have access to 3 spells. Yamakagi's Fiery Passion Inferno, Hateborne's Glacial Gift, and Polarity Flux. The rank/damage/resist depend heavily on the mob level as ALL of the scaling has been set based on mob levels.

As for wizard NPCs, I've been careful to place them VERY sporadically as wizard NPCs should be something that are isolated encounters instead of "lolwizzyroominc". Generally reserved for semi-rare NPCs and/or bosses.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: marxist on May 01, 2014, 11:33:12 am
call of the void was proccing on every melee hit on me. for 300k or so with 2600+ resists.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2014, 12:06:31 pm

All the -strike, trigger, and proc effects were set to -9999 resist diff. This includes Firestrike, Icestrike, Ninjastrike, Piratestrike (mana neck), Taelosian Fury (zerk proc), and Call of the Void procs.

Again, as I posted a moment ago, I'll look into and remove it shortly. Call of the Void is disruptive in both the damage and cosmetic aspects.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: marxist on May 01, 2014, 12:08:55 pm
morning, groggy, sorry for being a little pissy.  Anyways, that was the only issue i saw.  Rest was far less tedious than previous clears.  Taelosian fury is not set at -9999, i resisted every cast also.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2014, 12:31:17 pm
morning, groggy, sorry for being a little pissy.  Anyways, that was the only issue i saw.  Rest was far less tedious than previous clears.  Taelosian fury is not set at -9999, i resisted every cast also.

Taelosian actually is, but the spellfile has not been pushed yet. So it may appear as resisting but is actually damaging you. I've got a few more spells to add today and I'll push the new spellfile tonight (which will be 100% live with reboot).


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Hampage on May 01, 2014, 12:46:24 pm
Anyone who thinks they are Entitled to Anything in an Emulated Ancient game deserves to Not be taken seriously...

Thats kind of a shit attitude, I worked extremely hard to get my main group all to 1400+ resists, that included UC'ing 6 characters, doing the SoT quest to leve 5, yes I actually did the stupid quest and didn't just wait til halloween and grinding out 400+ HR in stones before Hate made the changes to TOFS. I earned that 1400 resist level and now its down to 1188 or so.

As for Hate, I love the changes you've been doing, I hated the fact that resists were as big a deal as they were, I understand still needing them but looking at the leaderboards and seeing 4000-5000 resists was pretty discouraging. I hope though, that there will be other ways to get HR up besides "LOL farm stones" maybe even adding a few points to tiered armor would help out a lot.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Kruciel on May 01, 2014, 01:02:23 pm
He already added stones to every tier with this update. You may have to tofs farm for a day to get your warrior caught up if he's behind, but tofs progression is just as important as tier progression. The rewards from tofs are generally higher in stat value than their corresponding tier, and the resist gains will make tier progression so much easier when you go back to work on that.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2014, 01:19:23 pm
Anyone who thinks they are Entitled to Anything in an Emulated Ancient game deserves to Not be taken seriously...

Thats kind of a shit attitude, I worked extremely hard to get my main group all to 1400+ resists, that included UC'ing 6 characters, doing the SoT quest to leve 5, yes I actually did the stupid quest and didn't just wait til halloween and grinding out 400+ HR in stones before Hate made the changes to TOFS. I earned that 1400 resist level and now its down to 1188 or so.

As for Hate, I love the changes you've been doing, I hated the fact that resists were as big a deal as they were, I understand still needing them but looking at the leaderboards and seeing 4000-5000 resists was pretty discouraging. I hope though, that there will be other ways to get HR up besides "LOL farm stones" maybe even adding a few points to tiered armor would help out a lot.


Red: Resists across the board are being cut down. Although you have a lesser literal value, the effective value has increased a fair bit.

Orange: HR stones are uncommon drops in tiers, the ToFS stones are now floor based (floor 1 drops rank 1, floor 2 drops rank 2, floor 3 drops rank 3, etc), and there will be a few adjustments/additions to spells/songs to help slightly.

The UC, Sceptre of Time, UWs, and Earring of the Ages (I think that's all) were all adjusted due to their HIGH resist values. I want the resists to be important but less hilariously high. Case in point, T8 used to be ~4k or die.

Hopefully that made sense and helped to clear up things. Your literal resist number went down but your effective resists are slightly higher than they were before. There may be an item or two that I missed and I will get it corrected. Overall, it should be a slightly more measured approach to resists than suddenly needing 2-3x your current resist for the next tier.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: clbreastmilk on May 01, 2014, 01:53:33 pm
Anyone who thinks they are Entitled to Anything in an Emulated Ancient game deserves to Not be taken seriously...

Thats kind of a shit attitude, I worked extremely hard to get my main group all to 1400+ resists, that included UC'ing 6 characters, doing the SoT quest to leve 5, yes I actually did the stupid quest and didn't just wait til halloween and grinding out 400+ HR in stones before Hate made the changes to TOFS. I earned that 1400 resist level and now its down to 1188 or so.

As for Hate, I love the changes you've been doing, I hated the fact that resists were as big a deal as they were, I understand still needing them but looking at the leaderboards and seeing 4000-5000 resists was pretty discouraging. I hope though, that there will be other ways to get HR up besides "LOL farm stones" maybe even adding a few points to tiered armor would help out a lot.

Saying you shouldn't be entitled to items earned in an MMO via donation is not the same thing as saying you Earned items through hard work.  Perhaps my comment was a bit broad, but multi's last sentence regarding donations hit a nerve with me, and some other's (clearly).  These threads have been created for intelligent discussion regarding issues/concerns/ideas.  Besides a handful of posts, that is what is happening, and will produce far better results than flaming/rude attacks.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Hampage on May 01, 2014, 05:14:35 pm
I may have jumped the gun there, it just seemed that anyone who brought up the new lower resists was being piled on in this thread as entitled, I guess I skimmed the part where people complained about donating for items.

Hate, I get what your doing and like I said, I appreciate it, thats why I said it was disheartening to see the leaderboards for resists, as a casual player I knew I'd never be able to get to 4000-5000 or beyond. I'm glad that resists requirements are being lowered, and if my lower raw numbers give me the same or even better protection in the tier I'm in T5, ToFS 3, then I'm all for it!

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: clbreastmilk on May 01, 2014, 08:16:21 pm
Based on the info hate has posted, it looks like those resist checks will come down for your box Hampage.  Also tiers are now dropping resist augs.  If you are in T5 I believe you should be seeing rank 5 resist augs dropping.  ToFS floor 7 (unless it has been changed) only drops rank 3/4's.  That should really help you out.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2014, 08:29:01 pm
Based on the info hate has posted, it looks like those resist checks will come down for your box Hampage.  Also tiers are now dropping resist augs.  If you are in T5 I believe you should be seeing rank 5 resist augs dropping.  ToFS floor 7 (unless it has been changed) only drops rank 3/4's.  That should really help you out.

Yellow: 7s should be dropping on floor 7, unless I botched the script.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 01, 2014, 09:18:23 pm
I can attest that 6 is dropping 6s.

Oh, and the snozzberries taste like snozzberries.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on May 01, 2014, 09:44:30 pm
Oh, and the snozzberries taste like snozzberries.

That's it. We're done. We have won the game of life.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 03, 2014, 11:05:37 am
So just to understand where things are....resist levels across the board from items are reduced, and the amount of resists needed to completely resist a spell was increased....or made unresistable? And the rec/req numbers are just for partials? Because all across the game through T7 with 2100 resists I'm getting snared, dispelled, mez'd, etc. and box chars are getting owned in most zones with 1800ish resists.

Not tryin to pick on ya Hate....but I thought the point of lowering resists on the items was to lower the ridiculously high requirements for resists...but those requirements from what I am seeing have gone way up.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 03, 2014, 11:08:42 am
Also more than a few reporting that they resist almost nothing in HoH at 1500.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Expletus on May 03, 2014, 11:14:23 am
interesting ooc talk today. Everyone, including myself can't understand why the nerf to items to "lower the ridiculous resist requirements" and then raising the base resists on spells only to force us to farm more resists than what we previously had ?

Example. Tofs all floors you would resists EVERYTHING with 1600 except Tessa. Now you can't make it past 5th floor w/that number?

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 03, 2014, 11:18:09 am
Some were saying 2300+ to resist the AE in ToFS5. Thats 700 more than before....after resists across the board were reduced from items.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Expletus on May 03, 2014, 11:37:10 am
 ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 03, 2014, 10:19:40 pm
Huh. Ok, then. Looks as if my team will be spending some more time in ToFS, I guess.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on May 04, 2014, 12:58:52 am
So just to understand where things are....resist levels across the board from items are reduced, and the amount of resists needed to completely resist a spell was increased....or made unresistable? And the rec/req numbers are just for partials? Because all across the game through T7 with 2100 resists I'm getting snared, dispelled, mez'd, etc. and box chars are getting owned in most zones with 1800ish resists.

Not tryin to pick on ya Hate....but I thought the point of lowering resists on the items was to lower the ridiculously high requirements for resists...but those requirements from what I am seeing have gone way up.

interesting ooc talk today. Everyone, including myself can't understand why the nerf to items to "lower the ridiculous resist requirements" and then raising the base resists on spells only to force us to farm more resists than what we previously had ?

Example. Tofs all floors you would resists EVERYTHING with 1600 except Tessa. Now you can't make it past 5th floor w/that number?

Some were saying 2300+ to resist the AE in ToFS5. Thats 700 more than before....after resists across the board were reduced from items.

As I have stated an ungodly amount of times, the way that resists have change in the source update. The previous "it all hits or it all misses" does not apply since the way resists are handled has been re-written in the source code. As a result, you will see spells that still land when you are 2-3x their resist level.

Furthermore, I'm still completely confused on where the problem is right now. The mobs do a SHIT TON less damage, you are no longer cockblocked by spells if you don't have X amount of resist, and the game as a whole has become a hell of a lot easier. If you want to go back to having an ungodly amount of resist that is required to even survive a single pull, that can certainly be arranged but what is fun about that?

For those wanting to hit that "immune" point again, it no longer exists. The figures I've posted, as I've tried to explain numerous times, are not literal requirements for success/failure. The new resist calculation makes it much harder to exactly define the point of high safety (i.e. point where resists are high enough to take almost 0 damage).

I would like to know where these "Some where saying 2300+ to resist AE in ToFS5" is coming from. Also, what AoE in ToFS5?

tl;dr - The resist or die is gone. The get X resist and go immune is gone.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: marxist on May 04, 2014, 01:45:56 am
Certain spells are landing almost every time without having an unresistable check, that seems broken. We are only trying to provide feedback. Treants in t7 are also procing a ranger ability hitting for 110 million dmg. And overall we have to kill tons and tons of trash mobs, would rather have harder boss encounters with mechanics that didn't just involve an assist button than every one of those trash mobs casting spells that are no more than an annoyance (like having 1 toon randomly snared out of 18, etc).

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 04, 2014, 08:47:32 am
Yeah, partials I can understand, Hate....but not seeing partials. Seeing my group being melted by spells that before werent a problem.

The point I was trying to make is that the way things are now isnt an improvement (at least not in my view, on the runs I've made since the changes). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop looking at negative feedback as an attack on you.....its not. Its feedback. Figured you'd wanna know.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 04, 2014, 08:49:14 am
And I think the thing that bothers me most is that because of the way NPC spells now behave the days of multiple pulls in some of these zones are gone....which really slows the game way down for many.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Expletus on May 04, 2014, 09:00:28 am
Yep! Especially t7 being so big and so many mobs with that short repop time.

Btw Ithi the venom or w/e his name is hit a few of us for 12 million on a pull. Mortally wounded was the text.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 04, 2014, 09:00:32 am
On the plus side.....dps across the board is a lot better :D Thanks for the work on this, HB.....cant be easy. Especially listening to people like me givin ya sheet!

(and sorry, but that should in no way encourage you to believe I will cease doing so :D)

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 04, 2014, 09:01:40 am
Keeze, thats the ranger bow click.....Ikky is a ranger NPC. The mobs seem to proc mortal wound (which I think is 1% chance on bow click) a hell of a lot more than 1%.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on May 04, 2014, 10:32:21 am
Yeah, partials I can understand, Hate....but not seeing partials. Seeing my group being melted by spells that before werent a problem.

The point I was trying to make is that the way things are now isnt an improvement (at least not in my view, on the runs I've made since the changes). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop looking at negative feedback as an attack on you.....its not. Its feedback. Figured you'd wanna know.

Red: What spells?

Orange: I'm not. I'm irritated because lots of QQ but no metrics/numbers. Gimme data or get back to grinding. :-)

And I think the thing that bothers me most is that because of the way NPC spells now behave the days of multiple pulls in some of these zones are gone....which really slows the game way down for many.

Abyss now has guaranteed random boss.

Anguish end boss allows a small amount of trash to be left up.

Loping Plains goobers saw health drop.

Temple of Veeshan NPC health pools got raped (while UC damage stayed the same).

Tower of Frozen Shadow NPCs lost a lot of Stonewall on bosses, full heal every 25%, gate at 10%, and GREATLY increased chances of spawning a boss.

Other than maybe the ability for a solo warrior to pull huge sections of a zone without any assistance, I'm just not seeing this "making the game slower".

Yep! Especially t7 being so big and so many mobs with that short repop time.

Btw Ithi the venom or w/e his name is hit a few of us for 12 million on a pull. Mortally wounded was the text.

Keeze, thats the ranger bow click.....Ikky is a ranger NPC. The mobs seem to proc mortal wound (which I think is 1% chance on bow click) a hell of a lot more than 1%.

Rangers are bitches. Go for the groin.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 04, 2014, 11:08:40 am
Before the changes......pull Damlin and Administrator and their guards in T6, no issue. Now.....rez or run back from FG. Pull sections of T7 at a time (20 to 30 mobs) before, not an issue. Now....pull more than 5 or 6 and rez. Mobs in T6 die slightly faster than before, but not by much. T7 mobs for me dont die any faster.....in fact they seem to die a bit slower.

I cant speak for others, but for me T6 and T7 are harder now than they were before. I cant give you any solid numbers other than the fact that prior to the changes I had set farming clusters I'd pull in T6 and T7 that werent that big of a deal if I was just there to grind out some drops, cash or AA. Now those same clusters result in dead boxes, dead tank. The only metric I can give you right now is 5 or 6 times as many LOADING, PLEASE WAIT....

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Fjord on May 04, 2014, 11:08:53 am
The point I was trying to make is that the way things are now isnt an improvement (at least not in my view, on the runs I've made since the changes). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop looking at negative feedback as an attack on you.....its not. Its feedback. Figured you'd wanna know.

While I'm inclined to take the good with the bad and keep my mouth shut, the sentiment that I'm getting is that maybe things are moving a little too quickly, too soon, and with things that weren't viewed as "broken" to begin with. You can't argue against the good, but the good doesn't necessarily make the bad "right".

Hunter rarely made more than one or two changes at a time and I really think there was some solid wisdom in that approach, even if people might be butthurt about certain issues for a little while.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: hateborne on May 04, 2014, 11:26:55 am
The point I was trying to make is that the way things are now isnt an improvement (at least not in my view, on the runs I've made since the changes). PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop looking at negative feedback as an attack on you.....its not. Its feedback. Figured you'd wanna know.

While I'm inclined to take the good with the bad and keep my mouth shut, the sentiment that I'm getting is that maybe things are moving a little too quickly, too soon, and with things that weren't viewed as "broken" to begin with. You can't argue against the good, but the good doesn't necessarily make the bad "right".

Hunter rarely made more than one or two changes at a time and I really think there was some solid wisdom in that approach, even if people might be butthurt about certain issues for a little while.

Fair enough. I'll finish T9 and then vanish until T10.


Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Chunka on May 04, 2014, 11:37:43 am
Aaaand this is why so few of us want to say anything. Better idea, Hate, you do what ya like and I'll shaddap.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Fjord on May 04, 2014, 11:47:58 am

Fair enough. I'll finish T9 and then vanish until T10.


Don't take it the wrong way; if anything it's an acknowledgement that you're working too hard. The post from the other day about dumping 30-50 hours, on top of work, in the EZ dev stuff, worried me.

We're all glad you got the keys to the Corvette because you spent the most time rebuilding it and we all trust you with it. Just...don't drive the Corvette to work, lol.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: marxist on May 04, 2014, 12:05:42 pm
Seriously though, the mortal wound by ranger npcs should go, getting dt'd by trash is dumb.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Gannicus on May 04, 2014, 12:36:49 pm
Seriously though, the mortal wound by ranger npcs should go, getting dt'd by trash is dumb.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Fugitive on May 04, 2014, 12:42:34 pm
He said he fixed that so @ reboot it should be different.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: barrettd04 on May 04, 2014, 01:29:28 pm
shaddap ya newbz.

Title: Re: Updates 04/28/14
Post by: Poker-ecaf on May 09, 2014, 04:13:30 pm
sorry for my call but whats about cash drop in T8 ? okay there drops Expansiv BD but i did now 3 days each day 3 clears fresh T8 runner and did an 100% full clear and always drop on cash are suxx 1m up to 2m and that full clear are only 1.6m (2.1m becouse i sold an Weap ) and i think that is a bit low of cash

hohonora + Airplain = 200k + Tokens for cash drop from T3 - T4 bosses 1-8k i seen
Illsalin = 400-700k
Anguish = 750k-1.5m
Lopingsplains = 2 - 3m
Templeveeshan = 1 - 2m pack to the roots ;p
Oldcommens = ??? up to 20k

btw. love resistence and boss nerf !
