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61  General Category / General Discussion / Re: EQ live Free to Play. on: January 31, 2012, 07:33:19 am
Anyone on Bertox wanna trade Plat here for Plat there? Think I had 3 mill when I quit back in 2007 lol.
62  General Category / Bard / Re: Range attack not working with Melody on: January 27, 2012, 08:17:59 pm
I have this issue with my Ranger all the time.  If I have autofire on, and turn melee attack without turning autofire off first, he will not start swinging his swords.  If I turn autofire off first, then attack on, I melee just fine.  If I turn attack on without turning autofire off first, I have to turn attack off, then back on again at least once ( sometimes 2-3 times ) before he will actually swing them swords.  Not really a major deal, and is only a minor bother.
63  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: Epic 2.5 advice. on: January 17, 2012, 02:20:22 pm
You are beyond the point of not caring, now you are just egging them on. Trust me when I tell you, if you stop, they will too.  As soon as it started it can go away.  We do have a very forgiving crowd when you don't ruffle their feathers.
Up to you man, they are only slightly annoyed right now, don't piss em off any more.
64  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Exp Rate? on: January 17, 2012, 01:24:17 pm
you can max aa pretty fast in a qvic instance.

I run 4 plate toons, all through Qvic, Tacvi, T1, T2, in T3/T4 and epics up to 4.0 for all 6 toons.  Needless to say I spent plenty of time Qvic, PoDragons, LDoN and HoH. And they are all still under 1k AA's.
65  General Category / General Discussion / Exp Rate? on: January 17, 2012, 08:41:23 am
Curious to know what the current Exp Rate on the server is. Our .ini UI files are labels as 4X Exp, but we know we aren't. Over time has exp been gettin turned down more an more? I have 3 T3/T4 4.0 alts who all have under 1k AA's, as well as RoA seeming to take even longer than before.
Not trying to start a discussion, just curious to know the actual number.
66  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Warrior Mitigation - A New Discussion on: January 17, 2012, 06:29:28 am
I run Pal/Pal for healing, oracle 37 and oracle 24, both 4.0. They have no problem keeping my ranger alive, but the warrior still eats it. Warrior is about 40k more HP than ranger. Even when the warrior crashes from dieing, ranger has no problem tanking named an adds for as long as it takes to log warrior back in.
Just as luca posted, I've went to chase shadow a few times, and my warrior died multiple times, leaving the ranger as tank once again. And as usuall, never had the ranger go down.
67  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Warrior Mitigation - A New Discussion on: January 15, 2012, 05:25:40 pm
I would love to see a 2HS start at 3.0.  I know it really shows for all the "end game" players, but you guys are not the only ones effected.  Currently in T3, everytime I kill The Faceless, my Warrior will die 3-10 times, leaving my Ranger to tank named and adds.  After 25+ kills, I have never lost my Ranger 1 single time.  Warrior is almost fully T4 geared and is 4.0, yet he cannot survive just the named by themselves, but my Ranger has no problem tanking named + 2 adds.  It's getting really old rezzing my War every minute or 2 when he is already geared above the content I'm killing.
68  General Category / Rants and Flames / Re: T4 baby! on: January 04, 2012, 08:52:33 pm
give me pp...

Which kind?  Shocked
69  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Shadow on: January 03, 2012, 08:39:44 am
Bone: Don't take shit so personal. No one here is crying, I'm simply asking if there has been any progress on a previously stated plan to change. I know all you high end guys did it the way it currently is, and it's not like anyone is saying "fix it or we quit".  Things evolve and change, it's the way the world turns. If you did it when it was "the hard way" let that be your sense of pride instead of QQ'ing that if you had to do it, everyone else must as well.

Skeezy: I never said the first jump actually had any factual change on the % of the next jump.  I'm simply speaking in statistical chances. Every single jump has a 50% chance, but the statistical odds of him actually making that jump do change after every cycle.

Edited for iPod typos and autocorrect BS.
70  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Shadow on: January 02, 2012, 10:02:35 pm
If the jump chance is 50%, then somethin else is screwy. Statistically speaking, by the time I got to 14, he should have only a 1 in 16,384 chance of making a jump ( yes I know it's still 50%, some won't understand the math )

It almost sounds like you don't understand the math...

Before you started, you could suggest the odds of him jumping 14 times were lower, but "by the time you got to 14" the odds were exactly 1 in 2...

As I said, some people will not understand the math.  I was speaking statistically. Let me break it down to help you understand.
If he has a 1 in 2 chance of jumping and does jump, the next time, the odds of him jumping again ( making the jump check ) would be 1 in 4, since he already hit the first jump on the 1 of 2 odd.  Next jump is a 1 in 8 chance, then 1 in 16 chance ect.  Exponentiate it out 14 times, and you get odds of 1 in 16,384.
Yes he has a 1 in 2 chance of jumping each individual time, but the odds of him actually doing it 14 times is 1 in 16,384. Based on simple statistical data.
If you have something insiteful to add, please do so.  If you are just here to try and pick apart my shit, find something more constructive to do.
71  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Almost had accident today on: January 02, 2012, 04:47:09 pm
Holy shit man, glad you are OK.  I got ran off the interstate when I was drivin delivery, can't pass the physical anymore so got my CDL taken away.  I am very happy to see that you ( and the people in the car ) did not get hurt.  Some people just dont realize how stupid they are.  Many lived could have been messed up today.
72  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Shadow on: January 02, 2012, 02:15:37 pm
If the jump chance is 50%, then somethin else is screwy. Statistically speaking, by the time I got to 14, he should have only a 1 in 16,384 chance of making a jump ( yes I know it's still 50%, some won't understand the math ). If you /random 1000, you also have a 1 in 16,384 chance that you will get less than 500 more than 14 times in a row.
And in all the times I've killed him, not 1 time has he ever died right away, he has ALWAYS jumped on me after respawn.
Even ignoring the number of jumps, why the hell would he just poof on me? HoH has been doin funky stuff lately, if my 4.0 T3 war dies on an Avatar of Heavens but my mostly T1 bard with only 1 3.0 and 1 1.5 can tank it down it just boggles me.
73  General Category / General Discussion / Shadow on: January 02, 2012, 08:50:43 am
It was stated in a previous thread that his jump was now only 50%.  And there were plans to look into putting a cap on the number of jumps he can do.  Has there been any news or progress for it?
Last night I spent 4 hours chasing his ass all around HoH. He jumped 14, yes that's Fourteen times on me. And to take the cake, on the 14th jump, he just poofed into thin air, and never reappeared. It was frustrating to say the least to have him jump that many times to begin with, but to have him vanish all together, I've never done it before, but I will admit I fuckin rage quit hard! So, once I get a new mouse, do we have anything planned for changing him?
74  General Category / General Discussion / Re: kudos, from a new guy on: December 31, 2011, 06:50:39 pm
I made it all the way into HoH with just Warrior Paladin and Ranger.  The best thing to do is just make sure you have everything you can get before you move on.  If you are having trouble in T2, make sure you are full T1, including accesories.  Spend some time in T1 killing for aug components for extra HP's and Angers for War ( more agggro and more damage ).  It's not always fun, but being as I did it, I can say it is very doable.  Once you hit HoH though, you will need to change it up, HoH stomped my ass hardcore till I got some backup.
If you are running 2 Paladins, you should have no problems.  Make sure you have their Focus of Healing on.
75  General Category / General Discussion / Emu down? on: December 24, 2011, 02:29:24 pm
I keep getting error unable to connect to login server.  Emu website wont load for me either.  Anyone else havin problems loging in right now?
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