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916  General Category / Updates / Re: T9 Live with reboot! on: June 10, 2014, 06:06:04 am
Yesterday morning around 10:00 a.m. est, I killed HG and when I went into the lake to get the chest I had a bunch of pirannah's on me.  I hit angerbomb and the chest in the water aggro'd as well.  I /open the targeted chest an got the esse inside...didn't bug the zone priest still popped,HG spawned 2 more times that day...but is the chest aggroing and able to attack and kill it still a possibility to bug the zone?  Not sure if this helps or not but it was in public yesterday morning.
917  General Category / Updates / Re: T9 Live with reboot! on: June 09, 2014, 07:16:54 am
Noticed also that on bard 9.0 Slot1: Unknown effect...Slot2: and Slot 3: were something like increase mana/health by 65k (don't quote me on that) Had the current spell file 5-31-14.  So don't know if is an issue with bard 9.0 or not.

918  General Category / Suggestions / Re: UCv3 Tier 9 Edition on: June 05, 2014, 11:58:01 am
I think that UCv3 (to keep with the previous grind of the UC quest) needs to stay as is...I don't want to see people jumping from t8 to t9 without having to go through the same grind I did.  too many titty babies as it is ...this is just my 2cp.
919  General Category / Suggestions / Re: Master of Illusions Mask? (Ultimate Illusion Mask) on: May 31, 2014, 12:24:36 pm
I really like this idea.  As I played a bard main on live and LOVED illusion items...maybe make it so that you could get the illusion items from LDON and get the master mask and then use essences to make the stats/hp/etc. better than the tier mask you can get.

+10,000 on a great original idea too!
920  General Category / Updates / Re: T9 Live with reboot! on: May 25, 2014, 08:16:21 pm
Is there anything that can be done to be able to get agro off the Army of Light (AoL) NPC's at the tunnel entrance?  That is a slaughter fest trying to get mobs from AoL.  Maybe after so long have AoL mobs turn into undead or make them immune to warrior AoE and other AoE procs (like zerker etc)....or maybe post 2 guards outside tunnel entrance so you aren't dealing with so many NPC's at one time?
921  General Category / Updates / Re: T9 Live with reboot! on: May 18, 2014, 09:48:13 pm
The hitpoints on t9 epic skins are way off from their T8 counter-parts.  they are also missing the extra strike aug slot on knight/zerker weapons...for example:

922  General Category / General Discussion / Re: Coming back from a hiatus on: May 13, 2014, 09:07:45 am
keep in mind max augs for 7.0 require you to have 3 ninja strike augs to make 1 NS9....so if you have a monk 6.0,for example, they have a NS8/IS8/IS8...you will need to make 3 IS8's to make 1 NS8 (or is it 2 IS8's to make a NS8?) and then another NS8...the NS9's are more dps than IS9's.
923  General Category / Updates / Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended on: May 06, 2014, 04:26:26 pm
RoA and EoA ranks cut in half

accounts offline for a week and deleting characters + permaban for them next time

So were the characters deleted or just RoA/EoA cut in half or are you saying if you do it again its delete and permaban....cause permabanning would make it so you don't have to delete the toon, right?

Maybe I am reading into it too much.....
924  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 5-1-14 on: May 06, 2014, 10:20:37 am
I just cleared Anguish, and left a total of 5 mobs up (/maphide npc and /mapshow npc) pulled OMM and he despawned when I pulled him.

Been thinking about why this could have happened, if it is working for everyone else...and I was thinking it might be because on the Jelvan event I short-cutted the script instead of saying "help" then "ready" I went hail /say ready...maybe that bugged it even if it popped the 3 sword hand guys?  Don't know if that's what caused it not to work or what...just seeing if anyone else can verify.
925  General Category / Updates / Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended on: May 05, 2014, 04:11:28 pm
I think hateborne had a great idea in T5 recently, a lotto mob.....maybe do this in each zone past t5 as well and let the mob drop 1 SLS and 1 EBD...make the mob twice as difficult as the regular trash in the zone....make it a challenge.
926  General Category / Updates / Re: Bot Farmer Accounts Suspended on: May 05, 2014, 09:31:46 am
1. it would end botting, there would just be no more need or desire for people to bot toons because there would be no open market for them

I think SLS should still be able to be farmed in jaggedpine....for newbies (or cheapskates like me who don't wanna pay 300k a piece)....but for a newjack to sell an SLS it would have to be less than the vendor would sell them.  That alone should keep people from botting.  I also think if someone is botting SLS they should be banned not just suspended for a week.  Ban the last 28 (doesn't matter if they donated heavily or not) and send a message to any other worthless low-lives that it will not be tolerated!
927  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 04/28/14 on: April 29, 2014, 11:10:12 am
Thanks, Hate, nice speedy response=)
928  General Category / Updates / Re: Updates 04/28/14 on: April 29, 2014, 07:43:00 am
The resist checks for NPC spells, were they reduced to accommodate the lowered resists from UW?  I am getting smacked like crazy(750,000 damage) now with NPC spells. Note: Went from 3800 resists down to 2598 And to give you an idea of my gear level on main tank: UCv3,SoA L,UW X, RoA 325, SoT X, aug slots on ALL visible/non-visibles are t7 HP augs/Leaf X's/Resist X's

One big improvement I have noticed is no agro rollover in t8 now!

Just took out Ikatiar the Venom, spell damage dropped main tank and offtank, finished mobs with remainder of the two groups.  Everything seems fine, other than not resisting anything.
929  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update on: April 26, 2014, 11:16:42 am
Ok yeah going all the way through Loping Plains on the SoA you only need EoN on the first set of combines for that tier.  When you get to ToV you have to have a EoN for each of the 5 combines.  So is just a difference between the first 45 ranks (which you only needed a EoN on 1,6,11,16,21,26,31,46...then on 47,48,49,50).
930  General Category / Updates / Re: Server Code Update on: April 25, 2014, 09:15:02 pm
The recipe for SoA XLVI upgrade seems to be messed up. All SoA's starting with next tier require 1 EoN. When I made the T8 SoA I combined previous shield+4MBD+2SLS+2 ToV Esse+EoN= new SoA....the remaining SoA's should have been a rinse and repeat minus the EoN....but it wont combine.  Was it changed to require a EoN for every level of the ToV combines?
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