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Author Topic: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE  (Read 454704 times)
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« Reply #435 on: August 16, 2011, 05:54:57 pm »

The oldest Google image I could find, though admittedly I didn't look very hard, was roughly 1 year old) and the one about memes (pronunciation?) posted by lerxst2112 that mentions Fap is roughly a year old and was last updated 11 months ago which makes this a neologism (new word) and its fair to assume that most people haven't heard of it that aren't internet trolls such as myself.

If you actually read the information at the link I posted you'd see it's not a new thing at all.  From 2006: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SjvRwVGQwLE
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« Reply #436 on: August 16, 2011, 05:56:39 pm »

The horse has deffinetly been beaten, hell its been shot, stabbed, electocuted, hit by a bus, and chopped into dog food !  The point I was trying to make wasn`t so much with the fact that I felt Fap wasn`t against the naming policy but how it was sourced, ie: the Urban Dictionary.  Just for shits and giggles I looked up Hunter on the Urban Dictionary and found 55 independant deffinitions; many of which would violate the naming policy!  Just some food for thought   Wink

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« Reply #437 on: August 16, 2011, 06:20:38 pm »

I stand corrected! It is indeed older than a year =D.

M.O.B. dates back to the mid 90's, have you heard of it?
http://www.mp3lyrics.org/0-9/2pac/mob/ lyrics,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Until_the_End_of_Time_%28album%29 the album its on referencing when the song was written (Makaveli period),
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Makaveli under prison sentence and death row records confirming the date of said period.

So what have we learned here today? The MOB word/philosophy is approximately 16 years old and yet most of us have never heard this usage. If I made a toon named Mobbin it would be in violation of the naming policy for being hateful and sexist, though I'm fairly sure that unless I or someone else with a similar background sent Hunter an e-mail regarding said violation... it would never get reported. Why? 'Cause most of us forum trolls don't listen to hardcore gangsta' rap. However, we do masturbate and therefore most of us know what Fapfap means despite it being much newer then MOB - simply because we play online video games and beat off.

If anyone takes issue with my sources please bring it up so I can find primary sources, I'm just too lazy to do real research.

http://oxforddictionaries.com/page/about_us/about- this is a credible source for word definitions =P You won't find Fap or mob (in the context I use it, you get mafia and an angry crowd) there though =/.


Did you fapfap today? 'Cause if not you best be mobbin...

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIBYElounz8 just for fun.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 06:39:43 pm by Kylok » Logged

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When you log in, Hatin' Trolls are coming for you! Yes oh yes they are, and they're hatin' from their cubicles and Basements!
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Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #438 on: August 16, 2011, 06:45:06 pm »

Some things are more common than others. Fact is FAP so common enough that someone created a character on the EZ server with the name FAPFAP. Incidentally there is another character named FAPFAPFAP. As far as mobbin, it seems to be pretty uncommon to the point of obscure. You don't see the term all over the intenet as you do FAP. Doing a search of mobbin brings back results to do with a large crowd moving together. Hell my real name is Randy, which also means horny. The more common and socially accepted meaning though is the name. When someone says I am Randy, you don't think, well, he must be horny, you think oh, my name is Carl, nice to meet you. Same thing with the word Hunter. When someone says Hunter I think that must be there name or profession. Ok maybe their class on WoW. You can pull obscure meanings from all over the place. Obscure definitions have come up in this thread several times. It's all about common interpretation.

Oh, and for shits and giggles, here is fap from a long time ago.


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« Reply #439 on: August 16, 2011, 06:52:57 pm »

Guess im getting old, First i thought they were talking about hair cream and i was gonna say "I'm a dapper dan man" but that was F.O.P.. So then i thought maybe it was somthing you would call a dogs leaky anal gland, But no i was brought up to speed on my vocabulary from a badly named toon. So thank you all for educating me and not making me look all that old in front of my children when i yell out " Get your FapFap hands off my food" .

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« Reply #440 on: August 16, 2011, 08:03:24 pm »

Posted by: Xiggie  
Some things are more common than others. Fact is FAP so common enough that someone created a character on the EZ server with the name FAPFAP. Incidentally there is another character named FAPFAPFAP. As far as mobbin, it seems to be pretty uncommon to the point of obscure. You don't see the term all over the intenet as you do FAP. Doing a search of mobbin brings back results to do with a large crowd moving together. Hell my real name is Randy, which also means horny. The more common and socially accepted meaning though is the name. When someone says I am Randy, you don't think, well, he must be horny, you think oh, my name is Carl, nice to meet you. Same thing with the word Hunter. When someone says Hunter I think that must be there name or profession. Ok maybe their class on WoW. You can pull obscure meanings from all over the place. Obscure definitions have come up in this thread several times. It's all about common interpretation.

To a certain degree you are correct Xiggie, Fap in it`s slang form seems to be fairly common if you do a search for it.  The dictionary deffinition(s) for it I would say are semi obscure therefore it seems to constitutes a violation.  However I believe it isn`t so much it`s common interpretation but it`s intended use.  
Example: If I make a character named Randy here on EZ I highly doubt anyone would have an issue with it but if I then added the surname Foryourmother, I`m sure a few people would report it.  I guess the bottom line is it`s all dependant on how Hunter and the rest of the community percieves it which makes it a violation or not.

« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 08:05:03 pm by Litharan » Logged
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« Reply #441 on: August 16, 2011, 08:29:32 pm »

Guild should have name changed.

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« Reply #442 on: August 16, 2011, 09:05:31 pm »

You're absolutely right, in internet culture fafap has been fairly common for lets say 6 years. That being said, I've never heard someone say it out load outside of talking about this discussion in person with other people who play on EZ. Conversely, I hear mobbin or variations of the word in its various different forms on a daily basis in person... and only very little on the internet, and that only pertaining to the gangsta rap context it's used in - different strokes for different folks. Now, in rap culture mobbin is very common. How common? The record the song MOB is on "Until the End of Time" was certified triple platinum this year, meaning it's sold more then 3 million copies.. so no I doubt it's obscure if there are 3 million copies floating around. Not to mention the LEGION of rappers who have taken that phraseology and run with it, spawning many more millions of albums sold. Where I come from, in the Bay Area of California this slang term is extremely common... but then again we have a lot of slang that's fairly unique to our geographic area. MOB is just about obscure as FAP, both are relatively new words to the English language both of which (in my opinion at the very least) are in violation of the naming policy. They're both new enough to have a large number of people who have never heard of them while also having another large number of people who hear it on a nearly daily basis. You can't just be picky and choosey about what is in violation of the naming policy because you haven't heard of it or you think it's obscure, it's whether it is intended to be offensive or whether Hunter deems it offensive or in violation of the naming policy that we all know so well by now (sex race hate). Since he encourages us to self police the policy I take that as a cue for all of us to use our combined knowledge to make sure that the naming policy is enforced to Hunter's standards. Or should I just use the rule of thumb that if I type it into google and get offensive results that it's common enough to be deemed inappropriate and in violation of policy? Try searching for Money Over Bitches.. the results are a tad different >.>. It's like trying to make the distinction between stfu and shut the fuck up.


Since I've been thinking about this all day >.< I've come up with some inappropriate drug references that are in violation of naming policy - Poor, poor Midol. Any sex related drugs would of course be in violation of the naming policy, as poor Midol already got banned for their ignorance.

P.S. Neat pic - does it come with a last modified date? cause I doubt they knew what fapfap meant when people still took black and white photos ROFL. Infact.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAP "Femtocell (Femto Access Point), a small cellular telephone base station" would be my guess as to the actual context of that photo =D. Before having the fapping comment added to the bottom of course. =D

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« Reply #443 on: August 16, 2011, 09:09:29 pm »

Guild should have name changed.

Why? I thought we had already been over this.. there's nothing sexual, racist, or hateful about smoking a blunt.



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« Reply #444 on: August 16, 2011, 09:15:13 pm »

I would assume that picture is WWII ish and cells didn`t exist...   A better guess would be First Aid Post given the big cross above.

Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #445 on: August 16, 2011, 09:29:50 pm »

Or it could have been a joke, maybe even a small attempt at distracting the current drug debate.

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« Reply #446 on: August 16, 2011, 09:38:19 pm »

Hmmmm, good one Xiggie.  Almost forgot about it....  Back to the debate!

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« Reply #447 on: August 16, 2011, 10:36:15 pm »

I literally just lol'd at myself for taking this as seriously as I have. Thanks Xiggie =D I'll be the first to admit I've taken one too many debate/reason & argumentative writing classes for my own good. Nice job figuring out that pic, I obviously had a nice fail with that one while making myself look a fool in the process. I need to get off these forums and play the game >.<.

See you there!


edit: wtb sarcasm marks like bold and italics and stuff.. would bring a whole new life to the discussion we have on forums =D
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 11:14:05 pm by Kylok » Logged

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« Reply #448 on: August 17, 2011, 09:51:24 am »

Those made me laugh out loud at the office Trog...

~Guild Pa'ahana~

~Bladethorn, Ironskin, Ironhyde, Stormfade, Redthorne, Redwynd, Xhaidis, Forbid, Vailyn, Aayen, Greyshadow~
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« Reply #449 on: August 17, 2011, 09:15:46 pm »

Not going to thumbnail this but damn it was hilarious when i saw it the first time
Power Fap

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