Please get a copy of Underfoot Client.Hello everyone! I think the time is come to move on from Titanium. We have a lot of content already that is 100% compatible with Titanium, but future content will most likely be for SoD and higher. Actually, try to skip SoD and just get Underfoot. This will allow you to see and use new content in the future including new custom spells, new weapon graphics, and new zones. Suggested to get Underfoot.
In the future we might have 2 different spell files, one for Titanium, and one for SoD+ due to Titanium having a 9999 limit on spell ids.
Weapon Graphics. There is a way for both Titanium and SoD+ to upgrade their weapon graphic files so they can see all the new weapon graphics. I won't be able to host the actual files. I am assuming you'll need to get a copy of Underfoot client, or find someone that has the files, so that specific graphic files can be added to your Titanium or SoD. If you have Underfoot Client, then you shouldn't need to worry about the weapon graphic files, so get Underfoot! Its faster! And you'll get to visit more zones, and see more weapon graphics.
Your best bet is to just download Underfoot from Steam.It seems there are so many benefits from upgrading your client, that it would be stupid not to do it. Here is a link explaining the different client benefits: below is a copy / paste of info on that linked page, just in case.
Each client that is compatible with EQEmu offers a different list of available features. Titanium is considered the base client for EQEmu, so its features are not listed here currently. For each later client, they include all features from their list as well as all features from previous clients unless noted otherwise.
Added in SoF:1. 8 more bank slots for a total of 24 bank slots instead of the normal 16 from Titanium (tons of extra space).
2. Group member location markers on your in-game map (if you turn it on)
3. 60 page spell book (Titanium book is only 50 pages)
4. Better game lighting so you can actually see when playing human/barbarians/etc.
5. New Drakkin playable Race
6. 80 new zones
7. 250+ new weapon models
8. New Power Source Slot
9. Heroic Stats and Resists as well as other new stats like Heal Amount, BS Damage, Spell Damage, Etc.
10. Client handles level 70-75+ properly, where Titanium skills do not show up correctly.
11. 600+ New Item Icons
12. 113 new NPC Races
13. 10 Character Slots at Character Select as apposed to 8 in Titanium
14. The Loot All option now works when looting corpses.
15. Not restricted to a max spell ID of 9999 like Titanium is, which means that reaching higher levels with full spells is possible.
16. Zoning time is generally noticeably faster.
17. Updated classic textures. (Zones from Classic-Velious had their texture's modified to be 'clearer' and less fuzzy or pixelated. Making environments look much nicer even in old world zones)
18. Blocked Buffs feature allows buffs to be specified to be blocked.
Added in SoD:1. The Group Window now shows Mana and Endurance bars for each of your party members in addition to the HP and Pet HP.
2. Dozens of new zones, new NPC races, hundreds of new weapon models and item icons.
3. Zoning time is generally noticeably faster.
4. SoD is more stable than SoF (by far) and even Titanium.
5. SoD has better multi-boxing support than SoF and Titanium, at least for Multi-Core CPU systems.
6. Platinum no longer adds weight to your character.
7. You can now see the buffs that other players have on them in the target buff window.
8. Most UIs (from 2009 to now work) with SoD with little to no extra changes needed.
5. You can now copy the UI setup from one character to another from in-game. This means you set 1 character up perfectly, and all of your other chars can just copy it.
6. You can set the frame rate of EQ windows running in the background, which makes boxing performance considerably nicer depending on how you set it.
7. You can re-size your window size to any size by stretching it like SoF, but in SoD, you can also lock the size so you don't accidentally re-size it.
8. SoD has multi-core support and works very well with modern PC hardware. It sets your first instance of EQ to only use 1 CPU core, and if you start a second instance of EQ, it sets it to the next available CPU core and so on, so it helps balance CPU load when multiboxing.
9. WinEQ is obsolete in SoD.
10. Facial features while using illusions works perfectly, where previous clients have minor issues with them.
11. Levitate no longer causes you to bob up and down and instead you just float there.
12. Holding down left click can now be used to rotate around your character while in 3rd person view, just like most current MMOs allow.
13. Revamped AA window (compresses AAs into 4 tabs. General/Archtype/Class/Special)
14. Blind no longer removes the UI.
15. Revamped item windows (clearer layout and the names of equip-able items are displayed in Red (if you can't equip) or Green (If you can equip) which takes into account your class/race/deity and level. Prevents the ever popular "Opps I looted it and can't use it LOL sorry" mistakes.)
16. Group leader's names are highlighted in green (If you're the leader your name in your personal info box, Alt+C, will be green.)
17. Higher Base HP/Mana/Endurance (scales with level) due to a change in the base HP/Mana/Endurance formulas.
18. Can equip items with level requirements at any level (However you get no benefits and if it's a weapon attacking something says the mob is 'invulnerable' and you can't use procs/clickies/focuses.)
Added in Underfoot:1. Loads models/races etc much more efficiently. Drastically reducing RAM/CPU usage.
2. Revamped pet window. (Is now fully resizable and allows you to tie ANY pet commands into the hotbuttons, which there are now 14 hotbuttons on the window total, including AA commands such as /pet hold allowing you to save space on your hotbutton bars. Do this by right clicking a hotbutton and selecting a command from the pop-up window. New commands become available as AAs are purchased.)
3. In-Inventory Stats Tab that provides a very detailed breakdown of all character stats.