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Author Topic: Pet Classes  (Read 30698 times)
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« Reply #15 on: November 27, 2012, 01:19:02 pm »

That sounds like it could be promising, I'd like to see how it plays out.

I still like the idea of having mages summon some pet gear that is above and beyond what is available to other pet classes to help distinguish them even more.  Yes, they could be given to other classes, but it would be another reason to have a mage around, to replace those weapons when the pets should die.  And with some improved survivability, it shouldn't be a tedious task to constantly recast and requip pets.

Maybe keep the FBV2 as is on all pets and give mages a new weapon summon spell that is the FBV3?

Jr. Member
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« Reply #16 on: November 27, 2012, 01:33:01 pm »

Maybe starting with T3, creating a three pet permanent Stonewalls.

Mage Pet Stonewall - ~55%
Other Pet Stonewall - ~25%

Mage pet would obviously get the large one as they are defined by their pets. Necromancers, Enchanters, Beastlords would get the the other Stonewall. 100% uptime and undispelable.

The necro could receive ~15-20% more HP than Mage pet to add that lifetap-tank dynamic.

Enchanters and Beastlords would simply be given the 25% to keep pet alive, but to encourage them not to live by the pets.


I like this solution, or some variation of it. The real trick is to keep the pet from being one- or two-rounded. Outside of me being an idiot and forgetting to dispell AoH damage shields, that's the only time I see mine taking a dirtnap.

I see the appeal of summoned gear, especially to people with mages, but the idea of having to keep a second pet class around to keep your own pet class viable is a little... something. I think mages should be able to equip their own pets with something better than what others can get just by flags, but I don't think it should be done at the expense of baseline improvements for other classes' pets.

Faynon (Pal) / Necrofanster (Really?) / Nonaf (SK) / Fanfabulous (Bard) / Fandurable (War) / Fanfireworks (Mage)
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« Reply #17 on: November 27, 2012, 01:58:33 pm »

I would say use the pet armor as an "added" bonus.

I could replace the Monster Summoning T2/T4/T6 with summoned armor. Set the pieces to NONE/NONE so players could not equip, each piece adding a decent chunk of HP. This way the mage still keeps their role as the dominant pet class, but their presence improves the performance of pets they touch (no homo).


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #18 on: November 27, 2012, 02:02:53 pm »

Sounds good Hate, I'd say move forward, of course that isn't my call to make  Wink

I was not saying not to buff all pets, just saying mages essentially are defined by their pets, they should have the coolest most bad ass ones available and as it stands, they don't.

I do like replacing the monster summonings, while cool, it doesn't really add anything useful to the class.  My mage still doesn't have any the higher damage spells after way too many T3/4 kills so that combined with the pet dying quickly in T5, he is getting dusty.

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« Reply #19 on: November 27, 2012, 02:31:14 pm »

Shylo's Bolt of Doom may be receiving a small bonus to it's drop chance. The Mage also has a T5 nuke available as well (within a day or so, once the bossman updates loot tables).

The challenge to remember here it to not make it so the pet IS the class. Too often (in the past) the pets were so powerful that there was no reason to do anything but "set it and forget it".


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
Jr. Member
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« Reply #20 on: November 27, 2012, 03:30:28 pm »

I love what you're doing, Hate. It's nice to see smaller steps between the tiers for casters. Keep it up.

Faynon (Pal) / Necrofanster (Really?) / Nonaf (SK) / Fanfabulous (Bard) / Fandurable (War) / Fanfireworks (Mage)
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« Reply #21 on: November 27, 2012, 04:03:57 pm »

How about something along the lines of a focus item with different aug slots so that the pet could be customized at casting?  People could have the option of adding a higher dps aug, damage mitigation/ac, attack speed, maybe a small heal proc/damage proc, added aggro, stun, or even something to make the pet a certain class like Rogue (kind of like the original summoned pets in game).  Obviously don't make them as strong as the true classes, but it might help some people fill missing roles in their group without having to run another character
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« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2012, 10:14:07 am »

Was just giving this some more thought, what about having the mage pet proc the Calliav line of spells in combat?  It can scale up to higher tier versions as the epics get higher.  This would be different than the necro pets and be unique to the mages adding some survivability to the pet.  By having the level of Calliav scale, it would be no more game breaking than a 6.0 geared melee tearing through lower tiers.

For the record, I have the lower version of the pet neck, 12.5k hps I think, and it helps somewhat, but I am still resummoning the pet frequently in T5.

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« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2012, 11:15:02 am »

Was just giving this some more thought, what about having the mage pet proc the Calliav line of spells in combat?  It can scale up to higher tier versions as the epics get higher.  This would be different than the necro pets and be unique to the mages adding some survivability to the pet.  By having the level of Calliav scale, it would be no more game breaking than a 6.0 geared melee tearing through lower tiers.

For the record, I have the lower version of the pet neck, 12.5k hps I think, and it helps somewhat, but I am still resummoning the pet frequently in T5.

Proc is too much. The Tower of Calliav spells are scaled up decently high. Combine that with the new necklace, and the Stonewall & HoT ...I cannot see the problem. The only problems that I am hearing are those trying using 4.0 pet in T5 (yes I know that you have to kill a few thousand mobs to get all 100 bosses). In T6 I seldom hear complaints about pets and TACVI - T4 the pets are bordering on overpowered.

Do you have either of the 70+ Tower of Calliav spells?
EDIT: Tower of Calliav is 100k rune, 0.5s cast, 180s refresh
EDIT: Tower of Calliav is 200k rune, 0.5s cast, 180s refresh

« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 11:49:37 am by hateborne » Logged

I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #24 on: December 10, 2012, 12:08:34 pm »

Nope, I have not gotten the drop on the new Calliav's, and yes I have the 4.0 in T5, Mage is way down the priority list on getting upgrades since his pet is frequently dead and he is usually OOM before one mob is dead using Shylo's (finally dropped, yay!)

What about having the pet starting with 4.0 proc lower, non custom versions of Calliav?  I don't have access to details at the moment, however, surely the lower levels wouldn't be overpowering. 

Regarding complaints, I'm curious how many people actually run mages?  With the reward group CoH item and Necro pets not requiring maintenance, I'm thinking there aren't many out there to discuss the class.

Of course, maybe it is all my pent up anger for years of being ignored by Verant/SoE to do anything with mages  Wink

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« Reply #25 on: December 10, 2012, 12:38:21 pm »

Mages have not been ignored. Other than that one spot you are in, the mages are in a very good place. You should try and find a copy of the Tower of Calliav from T4.

With all pet classes, too many are just trying to AFK with pets and not cast. Mages cast for fairly high DPS too. To actually sustain casting DPS, you will need a mana necklace (melee have to aug, so that's about the same). The mage pet (from my understanding) is the highest damaging pet out there too.

If you put the T4 pet necklace on the pet, keep it in a group with a healer, then the pet should do fine. Yes, the necro pet doesn't require a healer (but does less damage). With the mage 5.0+, they can proc a fairly nasty pet damage bonus (which should stack with Elemental Rage).


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #26 on: December 10, 2012, 01:43:03 pm »

Sorry, didn't mean to imply here they were ignored, on live it always felt that way.

I will keep plugging along and see how it goes, as is he is currently on the back burner while the melee group gets geared up, once we have a better handle on T5 we will bring the casting classes back in.

Thanks for looking and continuing to push out new spells, always good to see caster lovin

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« Reply #27 on: December 10, 2012, 01:56:29 pm »

Don't worry, I did not take it offensively. The Mana Necklace is relatively cheap (but the time investment in finding spells is less so). With the MN, the pet, and basic usage of the tools available you should find the mage to be a worthy addition.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #28 on: December 10, 2012, 02:16:52 pm »

The pet necklace really helps a ton in T5. The biggest issue was 4.0 pets eating ramp, and while they still do its seldom a one round thing, unless something goes wrong. Thanks, H and H!

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #29 on: December 10, 2012, 02:54:32 pm »

I tire of hearing this over and over.. everyone is so pissed that a 4.0 pet cannot solo in T5..yeah (2 years ago same thing was said until you power thru and get a 5.0+ pet)

I honestly wish he would turn every T4(DTs)/T5/T6 spells back on from the trash for a week or two like it was before he made it cookiedough material..

The Mage even without the Pet DPS used to put Wizzy DPS to shame period (until recent recast timers) ( oh yeah don't for get the % to twincast on epics for mage also.. yeah can be lots of DPS here with neck and boom booms. )

The Necro pet ungodly ridiculous OP period

The Enchanter pet suxxor until T5 then still meh..

Please don't expect to come and just rip through a zone with a "Pet" ... if you want to keep the pet alive.. Focus On keeping it alive and placement. ( YOU WILL NOT GET RAMPED AT ALL FROM THE BACKSIDE ). I can keep a 4.0 pet alive all day long in there with placement alone.. (if you are getting ramped .. aggro control or you honestly are doing it wrong.. remember Coral attack who ever is the closest to the Rooted mob. so just get close.. shrink and get inside of him if need be )

There has been many many AWESOEME changes to the pet classes/casters/hybrids/tanks in the last 6-8 months that have really aligned a lot of new possibilities for many group make ups.


oh and yes I have many of each class except BLs..
« Last Edit: December 10, 2012, 02:57:43 pm by Fugitive » Logged

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