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Author Topic: UW and SoA Recipes  (Read 78072 times)
Jr. Member
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« Reply #75 on: September 12, 2013, 08:13:32 am »

Right cause 5.0 take 3 days to get, If that's to hard for you then quit...Took me months to get my UW to rank 8 with constant farming
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« Reply #76 on: September 12, 2013, 08:20:57 am »

I don't get where I put in there I was going to quit because it takes 3 days to get 5.0.

I did not want to diminish anyone's time they put into getting their UW I was just expressing my concerns for future content and how excited I was to have different things to be working on so as to not be grinding the same thing everyday.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #77 on: September 12, 2013, 08:40:24 am »

Right cause 5.0 take 3 days to get

Not sure if srs, 5.0 takes way more than 3 days to get.
Jr. Member
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« Reply #78 on: September 12, 2013, 08:46:35 am »

I,m sure if you drag your feet threw, it could take a very long time but i just took a group threw t5 in 3 days on the 3rd day they all rocking t6 gear and one with 7.0
Jr. Member
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« Reply #79 on: September 12, 2013, 08:49:22 am »

I,m sure if you drag your feet threw, it could take a very long time but i just took a group threw t5 in 3 days on the 3rd day they all rocking t6 gear and one with 7.0

You're special. From all the people I've talked to in the game, the average amount of time spent in T5 from the moment they get flagged for T5 to the moment they get T6 flagged is measured in months.

Talking about people who are completely new to T5 and don't have any help, of course.

Not that this argument even matters.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 08:51:06 am by Gilthanas » Logged
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« Reply #80 on: September 12, 2013, 08:50:03 am »

Progressing from T4 -> T5, takes a lot more than 3 days. I think Narl and I took about 3 weeks with 1-2 clears pr night.

Going back and redoing T5 after you've got a T7+ crew, 3-4 days is probably pretty accurate.
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« Reply #81 on: September 12, 2013, 10:29:33 am »

lol good thing im on an extended break from the game or this would actually get my blood boiling Smiley

sux to be the ppl working on the quest

I vote remove the item. making it an impossible quest just proves to tick ppl off about it and make them jealous/hate/etc the ppl that have the item that they now can not obtain.

seriously, just take the stupid item out of the game and come up with a replacement quest for a new item

zero bitching, all you top players are all ready calling for removal. I don't see the problem. the item broke the game and everyone dropped everything to devote 100% effort into getting it. you really think/thought that wasn't going to happen?

don't make an item impossible to get AFTER half the server population HAS it. that always, always, always creates butt hurt and strive.

take it out, make a new "impossible quest" (btw there is no impossible quest for gamers unless the game content is actually broke or incomplete) and move on with life, seriously simple. its like a no-brainer here

then when you make your new "impossible" quest, don't be surprised when that one is pwned by your top players within a month, or weeks, or hours. players with desire, time and skill will beat your best quest with remarkable ease every time just to spite you Smiley gaming 101 rules, its in the handbook.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #82 on: September 12, 2013, 10:51:42 am »

Interesting how many people are actually in favor of removing UW altogether. I too am for it because I think of epic weapon progression as the 'main plot' of this custom rpg we got here.

That's just my opinion though, I don't presume to have any influence over the direction of the server.
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 10:54:20 am by Gilthanas » Logged
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« Reply #83 on: September 12, 2013, 11:02:00 am »

Since everyone is saying remove it remove it remove it..and hunter said he wasn't going to... I was not going to comment on this for many reasons but biggest being i am only on rank 2 on my warrior....it has helped a lot but is not needed in the slightest i got up to and thru T6 w/o it.  That said why not add one more rank to the UW and make it the UW into an aug to go into your current epic...or be able to change the UW into an aug that would go into the epics as is...like UW of every level can go into an epic but only 7.0+ that would limit them majorily
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« Reply #84 on: September 12, 2013, 12:03:31 pm »

Would it be that much work to just slightly nerf the UW?

My original thought was to put a level requirement on them and make them 10 or 20% better than the epic of that tier.

More HP a slightly better proc.

I do not thinking completely taking them out of the game is a great solution as people have stated they spent months doing this.

Jr. Member
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« Reply #85 on: September 12, 2013, 12:05:54 pm »

Just because content is doable without a UW, id still be pretty ticked off if others had it and I didn't, and earning it the way they did was virtually impossible. This thread is full of people with UW8+ saying how easy content is without UW and how long it takes them, well no sht, but your opinion doesn't really matter much, you already have it and can faceroll content.  If it's so easy why don't you put that UW in the bank for a few weeks and let us know how fun the game is without it?  I don't think locking new(ish) players from getting a UW is a very good idea the more I think about.  If anything, it just makes the server even more unfair.  There's maybe a dozen people who have cleared TOFS, and people who barely even have MQ2 installed are being asked to go and kill her? There has got to be a better way. UW1-4 is not that good, it should not require so much effort.  It just disenfranchises people from even attempting the biggest quest this server has to offer


So no I don't have a magic solution, but the current one seems horrible. 
« Last Edit: September 12, 2013, 12:09:48 pm by Tankdan » Logged
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« Reply #86 on: September 12, 2013, 12:27:54 pm »

My 2 cents, for what it is worth. i am on the fence on the nerf/remove argument.
Would like to say this though. if it is nerfed to something like 10% better than epic, i hope there will be a way to "un-combine" it so i can get my plat/sls/augs out of it.
100 essences tacvi-gods majors would aug a whole 3rd grp, with leftovers to sell.
IMHO: ranks 1-4 compared to say a warrior 4.0 makes little difference, except pulling HOH.
I just got UW6 not to long ago. if they were to go away/get nerfed i doubt i would notice it (except in hoh, would be a bit slower).
i like the idea of tier based, someone in t4 gear probably should not have a UW8. have it similar to the weapon augs, level restricted. possibly have the tier vellum as part of the combine.

over a year ago, when i was breaking into t4, it felt like for every tier, you needed the gear, epics from that tier to do it effectively. it still takes me 2 hours to clear t5 (mostly the swim-kill coral-loot part).  But, requiireing something that maybe 10-15 peopel can get , that is super rare, and only from the end of end game content seems a little bit out there.

If nothing else, if he were to go back 3-6 months, and had made 1 change to the combine, adding in the 10mill essence thing per rank, would have slowed alot of people down. people in t1 gear have a hard time farming 20,30 milling quickly.

tl:dr no real point just thoughts.
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« Reply #87 on: September 12, 2013, 12:36:32 pm »

So no I don't have a magic solution, but the current one seems horrible. 

while I agree. honestly I see the solution as extremely simple. remove it.

make a new quest involving a weapon or item or whatever and make it "impossible" from the get-go.

in the 13+ years ive been gaming I have found one truth about online gaming. nothing, and I mean nothing rages gamers more than an item being put into the game, that item changing the game then the item being nerfed or made impossible or stupid hard to get for others. the item becomes a super status symbol for the gamers that have it. its a bragging rights item, a "I have and you never will" or "its old school, you weren't around back then so whatever" item.

All the gamers with the item are able to reap the benefits of having it and obtained it with ease while the newer players can only "dream" of using it or "rage" about not being able to obtain it as easily, or obtain it at all.

it furthers the gap between players. it becomes an anti-social aspect of the game's population.

story for example. When I played on live I had a friend that had a manastone. he played a cleric and seemingly NEVER ran OOM during play. I mean he was johnny on the spot with heals and never asked for pulling to cease or slow down. you could just rake the exp with him in the group. I played a ranger at the time, but I had played a cleric (another friend's account) so I knew about conserving mana, asking for slower pulls, etc. so one day I asked this friend if I could play his cleric. I was amazed at the ease of play with this item. I always thought, well im gonna get that item and put it on a cleric so I can be "cool" too! well I let time pass, etc and then the nerf came...OMG. first it quit dropping then it was confined to only old world content and then it was completely obsolete. But, the people who had the item and used it reaped great benefits from it. newer players were screwed.

same with the DE mask, remember when it was droppable and all/all? if you were an ogre warrior with one you were all that cuz back then being an ogre was great for a warrior but you couldn't position as well, with the mask you were all in

primal weapons anyone? I remember on my server the ranger BOTB was won by Wine over Durg due to the fact that Wine had a primal and it kept proc'ing over Durg whom did not have one. it was down to the wire tho, even Wine admitted that the only reason for the win  was the weapon.

Halfling mask? 7 on my server. I obtained one thru trading. I sold it for $750 RL cash lol + a boat load of plat. it set me up in game for plat for years. morally questionable? yes lol

you see the point? or no?

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« Reply #88 on: September 12, 2013, 12:57:50 pm »

I remember all of that, and I remember that even with all the uproar, soe did not reverse the decision on any of those. You did bring back memories. I played an enchanter so whatever group I was in, had mana Smiley
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« Reply #89 on: September 12, 2013, 01:45:00 pm »

Heya all i'd like to add my two cents in,

I've been here for about two and a half years and currently own a UW V. I believe that it should be an item which is kept in game. Lets face it it does keep the economy alive, w/o the UW the demand for sls, ess and plat would be virtually non existant like it was pre UW. Thus it is a very good thing for both a plat and essence sink which is healthy for keeping the market in some what of an equilibrium.

I do agree however that the differing UW ranks should be level based much like augs. So that you can only get a UW based on the essences of your current tier. I like the changes made to the plat requirement and essence of norrath, makes it a bit more challenging to acquire, however not impossible. But it has dramatically slowed down progression of anyone below t6.

Personally I do like the use of TOFS for the ess. However i think that it should be scaled based on the tier of UW you are trying to attain. By either adding another rare spawn to each floors named like svartmane or just making it a 3-4% drop rate from that floor. Now that would require some serious farming and would dramatically slow progression down. Plus keep checks and balances on lesser geared groups getting sick uw's as lets face it once you get past floor 3 those mobs can rip your ass apart w/o correct gear.

Imo it should be something like this:

Floor 1 - UW 1 & 2 - essence of tofs I
Floor 2 - UW 3 & 4 - essence of tofs II
Floor 3 - UW 5 - essence of tofs III
Floor 4 - UW 6 - essence of tofs IV
Floor 5 - UW 7 - essence of tofs V
Floor 6 - UW 8 - essence of tofs VI
Floor 7 - UW 9 - essence of tofs VII
Additionally for UW X you could make that essence a quest or rare drop in tov.
The alternate as was previously mentioned could be using resist stones and scaling them accordingly.

UW 1 - resist stone x
UW 2 - resist stone xi
UW 3 - resist stone xii
UW 4 - resist stone xiii
UW 5 - resist stone xiv
UW 6 - resist stone xv
UW 7 - resist stone xvi
UW 8 - resist stone xvii
UW 9 - resist stone xviii
Uw 10 - resist stone xix

Hell even make it require 2x resist stones that'll dramatically slow down progression on uw. But at the same time not make it impossible to attain. It would still be a true test of someones willingness to get the item. Plus at resist stone xix players wont be able to just ez rewards it either.

I am for the UW and believe that as many evils as it does bring, there are positives to it aswell.

With the amount of work people have put into UW's already i'd hate to see them dissapear and with the current unattainable state it isnt too fair as you can read the ones without are the strongest advocates of scrapping an item everyone else has but they can no longer attain. So maybe consider some of the suggestions i have put forward to still make it attainable but dramatically slowing the progression down!

Regards dem
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