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Author Topic: Ultimate Weapons Discussion  (Read 69415 times)
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« Reply #120 on: December 23, 2013, 05:50:17 pm »

Spending more time on an item THAT I'M SCARED TO DEATH is going to be removed from the game from all the QQ just seems pointless to me. We had a UW, it worked, and it worked well. We didn't find it lying on the ground; we realized it's potential and we went after it.

Who cares that everyone has the sword? big deal. My whole family owns ford trucks but I chose a Dodge. I also always used the mace, so...
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« Reply #121 on: December 23, 2013, 06:43:48 pm »

May want to avoid adding HP in any form to the UW or stone wall effect unless we want to run into the same situation down the road.  Or find Someone end game who Does not and Will not use a UW, and balance it around that.
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« Reply #122 on: December 23, 2013, 06:44:59 pm »

UW Aug DPS and such is far easier to balance around not having.  Just have someone Take them out or switch to a normal epic set and see how they fair when testing new content.
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« Reply #123 on: December 23, 2013, 06:48:59 pm »

May want to avoid adding HP in any form to the UW or stone wall effect unless we want to run into the same situation down the road.  Or find Someone end game who Does not and Will not use a UW, and balance it around that.

Do not see us having any more SW effects at all or any HP

If we judged them by the content of their character, they'd be begging us to judge them by the color of their skin
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« Reply #124 on: December 23, 2013, 10:12:08 pm »

Here is my thought on all of this. We are saying that the UW is OP and its effect on the game, However we hvae not seen Epic 8.0 yet, So would the 8.0 balance out the missing gap between UW and Epic? I think it would I think you should fix the Epic first revert back to hates 15% reduction set and put in the 8.0 and see where things balance out. Why not do it now? Why go through this all again in 2 months for balancing issues? Seems to me that if you want to balance things out before you get back to work give a little time to test that epic system and the Uw system design together? Add Heroic resists to tier armor add some to epic even things out.

Adding that i  think making UWXI+ really hard to get maybe do a do like a quest that you have to turn in all tier gear from qvic to t8 and get some reward. I do realize this will mean you will have to do qvic-t6 a few times, however this would be pretty time consuimg with the 50 mob train limit.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2013, 10:18:48 pm by ishallnotdie » Logged
EZ Server GM
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« Reply #125 on: December 23, 2013, 10:43:59 pm »

Hateborne and I were already discussing the new Epic 8.0+ and possibly using them as Epic Augments to be inserted into new weapons each tier, or even possibly into the UW.

Actually, we were discussing making the Epic Augs to be effects only, while new drop weapons were all stats, then combine together would be some what unique item. And by inserting them into UW you'd have your classes epic proc/click on the UW.

Only reason no Epic 8.0+ yet is cause lazy, and rushed into a new tier already. I know this would help a lot to bridge the gap if I made them. Now I'm just thinking how I want to continue the course with regular epics or Epics Augs.

Delevel to 70 and redo T1-T9 again huh? Sounds like the RoA quest we had before. Not sure if this would be a popular idea or not. Would have to be good reward for doing this.

Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #126 on: December 23, 2013, 11:06:38 pm »

No not de level just farm the gear gotta do qvic 8 times over =P ct 7 etc mayve make the new gear you put in ct required too thats a few more times added would help the lower end server eco.
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« Reply #127 on: January 11, 2014, 01:54:51 am »

Not looking to stir things up, and definitely not interested in QQ or Spam, but throwing idea out here...

I'd rather over time tweak UW to be more DPS benefit and less of HP benefit.

The DPS would be done by white damage and Ultimate Augments.

I'm holding off right now on lowering the UW HP until the Ultimate Augments are ready.

If I lower the HP on UW, then I'd also consider maybe in T6+ or T7+ lowering the mindmg and maxdmg the mobs do to players, maybe by 10-50% depending on a few variables.

Under this new system, the UW players would be able to survive just as well in high tiers, and the non-UW players would be able to survive better in the higher tiers, making the UW less "required" as claimed, and more of just a DPS benefit to kill faster, and maybe some other neat focus/click affects to be created later.

Some of asked, and yes, I've officially given Hateborne control over the Epic 2.0+ revamp into Epic Augments. Although that is off topic, I would however consider maybe raising the Epic White Damage a tad, and when I nerf the UW to make the UW HP to be equal to that tier Epic Weapons HP, so having a Epic or UW in your hand will yield the same HP, just different DPS.

For now, the T5 - T9 for UW is a sweet spot, where a tank becomes very powerful. With new future tiers, and full suits of armor adding more and more HP % per tier, the gap between UW HP and non-UW HP should be getting more narrow. Even if I don't super nerf the HP, I will at minimum, nerf all UW with over 1 million HP, to only allow +500k HP per rank more instead of double HP per rank which is current making Rank 12 to have 8 Million HP, that would have 2.5M HP instead.

The last thing I want to do is nerf UW players that make effort to get those. They still need to be special, while still allowing non-UW players to progress. The UW will stay special by having higher DPS, special effects (click, worn, focus, proc), and from Heroic Resist (Which you can get on other items and ToFS anyways).

I realize everyones concerns about UWs. Hoping to have them rebalanced and tweaked within 2-3 months along with the new Epics that will be available.

« Last Edit: January 11, 2014, 02:04:38 am by Hunter » Logged

Hunter - EZ Server GM
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« Reply #128 on: January 11, 2014, 02:16:41 am »

while still allowing non-UW players to progress

Agreed. And with that in mind.....again, hate to harp on this, but as things stand you are metering UW attainability mainly through essence drop rate.

Please understand, I agree 100% that UW's SHOULD bew hard to get! But...as things are now, when you control this through tier essence drop rate this also has a very deep impact on players getting the other items these essences make: SoA, mana necks, strike augs....damn, especially strike augs! These have become pretty much a must have for progression. They are NOT optional, especially in light of recent changes to mob regen. Levering back drop rates on these essences is making it harder for players to get out of certain tiers.

Example: I know this was fixed to an extent, but before the drop rate was revisited 2 guildies and 3 newer players I'd been helping literally spent weeks (plural) in CT getting half a dozen strike augs for their team, because the essence drop rate was low.

And yes, I understand strike augs shouldnt be candy to make, but as it stands they are harder to get now than they were before UW. Is this the intent? If not, couldnt we perhaps find an alternative to either tier essences for UW? And maybe an option to hand in already collected essences to the essence npc in the crafters guild for the new items? Just a thought.

As for the UW changes.....sounds ok so far. But....

Please dont take this the wrong way....but what they are now isnt anywhere near what I signed up for when I made my first UW. Do what you think is right, but please fix em and leave em the hell alone, or get rid of them entirely. When you have an item like this you tend to build your team around it, or work your strategy with the item in mind. Not knowing what to expect from one day to the next is unfun.

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #129 on: January 11, 2014, 07:57:24 am »

Am on board with this.  I believe I recall you mentioning allowing people with UW's to get a free UW aug or something of the sort once you create them.  Might go a long way towards easing into this nerf.  A few tiers from now, should be relatively closer to UW being OPTIONAL, as long as the mob damage gets reduced as you say.
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« Reply #130 on: January 11, 2014, 08:10:55 am »

I would think everyone would be more content if the ultimate augs got created during this burst of development before you have to travel.

The clicky missing is still a problem during certain applications, and removing it and then saying it is to be focused on dps confuses me.  The angerbomb changed help mitigate this but still hurts my groups dps.

I think a leg up when it gets implemented for current owners would help.

I'm perfectly ok with the HP changes and then readjustment of higher tier mob damage. It is my opinion that this is the unbalancing nature of the UW weapon.

Could possibly add a parallel drop in the zones ultimate essence at current droprate, and then could increase regular essence drop rate perhaps? Then give a window of time and an NPC in crafter guild that exchanges regular for ultimate.  Then change the droprates.  Just for people who are farming and close and if you have 90 god majors and you change the recipe and they have to farm 100 ultimate god majors, would be some major QQ.

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« Reply #131 on: January 11, 2014, 08:15:17 am »

Unless I missed a post, Hunter stated the UW augs would be AA based turn in
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« Reply #132 on: January 11, 2014, 08:19:39 am »

Yes.  But I suggested somewhere in here that you could get a 1 time bonus based on what tier UW you have.

HAve a rank 4 get 4-10k aa tokens

etc etc
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« Reply #133 on: January 11, 2014, 08:46:16 am »

The only thing I would like to see, because according to my calculations its gonna be close to 13-14 million in diamonds alone to go from T6 to T7 strike essences for 1 strike augs. Back track that we're talking a ton of plat for multiple characters that dual wield.

I know some people can cover that spread, but as a casual I can't. An easy solution would be to allow strike augs at rank 5 or so be put into a T7 weapon. Otherwise most toons will just stay at a T6 due to that bottle neck.

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« Reply #134 on: January 11, 2014, 08:51:08 am »

Here's an idea regarding clicky.  Would slotting an anger bomb augment into one of the UW slots (as a click) be possible?  At this point (Max Cowardice augs and FD click) my Monks and Rogue are still hors d' oeuvres for T8 bosses if I wait a tick too long to FD.  Would be nice to have that head snapping taunt without losing a bag slot.
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