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Author Topic: Drake is Fixed, EXP / SoA are...not so fixed.  (Read 54236 times)
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« Reply #30 on: October 15, 2015, 05:39:18 pm »

If you change the exp mask and those people who will basically have it maxed out and nothing to spend their AAs on. Would it be possible to add an AA item to the power source slot that way people have a reason to keep farming AA. The item can increase your base stats like AC or something that would replace the huge lose of some peoples exp masks. It is just a thought I was thinking of for the past few days.
Actually building up an aa power source would be a pretty good way to give people aas to spend. Just add items in higher tiers that get the bonuses from power sources (Power source has been in game for a LOOOOONG time) so that this is another part of building up your characters.
This could also be turned into some kind of Ultimate Power Source where you make a super time consuming quest combined with having to collect GSoA, 100 essences, and possibly the SoT stone (can't remember the name) for each rank ontop of needing like 1mil-2mil aas per rank. have it add to heroic stats and hp/mana on every piece of gear.
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« Reply #31 on: October 15, 2015, 05:59:40 pm »

My first thought on the matter, was to just make a Quest line with a very very absurd price that acted as an AA vacuum. For instance, a Belt of Awesomeness that has 1000 Ranks, but leveled even slower than the Mask, and didn't have super OP stats like the Ring. Make it hard enough to where nobody feels the need to sit in a zone grinding to skill it up. Say it catches up with T10 around the 20 mil mark, and has 2.5 x the stats of a t10 Belt by the time you're done (years and years later, even for Rymo) Additionally, this could be done for the Ring, just adding more ranks and having huge AA requirements.

That was my first thought, at least. As long as the new item isn't super OP and as long as the road to finishing it seems impossible as RoA 1000 once did, I don't see the problem with the Exp masks personally. That's just how I feel on the matter. I don't care about having a new flashy item, just wanted somewhere to deposit AA's before they roll over to 0  Grin Some other servers have a way of exchanging AA's for a sellable AA item. It would be similar to turning 200k AAs into a 10k AA crystal. I don't really like the thought of that, but it's an option on the table. I'd much rather  have it be something like Fuzzy said, spend a massive amount of AA's on GSoA, 500k sounds fair. But the downside of that would be similar to the Dranik / Bloodmoon SLS convention (i.e. players who do those every day with 2-3 groups worth of characters are earning enough SLS to craft things for the entire server) Difference being, SLS was a terribly designed bottleneck required for every crafted item on the server and I'm glad it's gone, whereas GSoA is a bottleneck for an extremely rare item, so it might not be a good idea to screw with it and make it easier to obtain.

The way I see it is:

Option 1: Make the next "Ages" quest seem endless compared to the Mask, 50 mil AA required to finish and do whatever with the stats I don't care if it's barely better than tier.
Option 2: Nuke the piss out of Exp Masks above 300, business as usual. People would just grind Anguish to complete the next Ages item even with a Mask reduction, unless the total AAs required were massive, as said in Option 1.

People can add to this if they think of anything else to fit in. Personally, I support Option 1 more than nuking the masks. Not because I have a high mask. Without any bias in the matter, I simply would enjoy just dumping my AA's into something, even if it's for an item that takes foreverrrr to become useable. If the price is high enough, people will not feel obligated to grind AA's to speed thru the item as they do now for the earring, once they set their sights on making one. They do it because it's possible.

But at the same time, in the "big picture" view of the server. Not nuking the masks would end up becoming a problem again some day. Making a super duper expensive unobtainable AA item would just be a band-aid fix and the server as a whole would continue to drift out of balance over time, making the gap in-between players larger and larger. Honestly, I don't see a way of even coming close to fixing it without stepping on some toes. It's similar to the old "UW is a requirement for tanks" problem back when it doubled your HP and t8 mobs would rip a tank to shreds without one Tongue

Regardless of how the Masks end up, I'm mostly in favor of an unrestricted, no-dumbass-rare-item-bottleneck-so-your-boxes-cannot-spend-AAs type of quest. What the reward for that is, I don't know.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2015, 06:41:46 pm by Kruciel » Logged
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« Reply #32 on: October 15, 2015, 06:28:10 pm »

Sorry to derail the serious discussion, just curious how Drake is now?  If anyone has tested.
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« Reply #33 on: October 15, 2015, 06:29:49 pm »

Drake is back to normal, scaling off Ult Charms.
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« Reply #34 on: October 15, 2015, 06:36:17 pm »

I was looking at a cap of 350% and spanning that across the 1000 ranks. This basically equates to 0.35% bonus per rank. Every 10 ranks, have a new click rank that adds the proper exp (rank * 0.35 rounding up). Rank 10 would be 4% exp, Rank 20 would be 7%, etc etc. Each new rank would stick until the next "upgrade" (like the original four charms). Ranks 10-19 would be the 4%, ranks 20-29 would be the 7%, etc etc. This gives the mask value all the way up. At rank 300, it's 105% exp bonus. At rank 1000, it would be the full 350%.

As for the Easy Experience reward items, 100% per rank. This gives the mask a small advantage to being farmed up.

Lastly, the biggest benefit to getting this under control is allowing us (Akk/Love/I) to do double exp weekends. With the values now, we would actually COST most of you AAXP as it would roll over.

The point of this is really to slow down the explosive AAXP gains. It makes it hard to add items without requiring the costs to be, as mentioned earlier, VERY VERY VERY high. EZ has a good many things that are just stupidly high (damage, hp, aaxp cost/rewards, etc). This is one of the few that is a no-fun adjustment. I've been putting it off, honestly hoping and expecting a failure at a certain point...but it never came. The newer source versions are so robust, my hope of getting this changed without a nerf failed.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #35 on: October 15, 2015, 06:36:42 pm »

Sorry to derail the serious discussion, just curious how Drake is now?  If anyone has tested.

That was the "issue". It wasn't scaling at all. Scales now. :-D


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #36 on: October 15, 2015, 07:43:54 pm »

im just worried about the exp reward item V3. it has allready seen changes. i spent 1k cred on it and now it costs... 750? if it gets nerfed in exp bonus to...
Will those with the exp reward be able to sell back for credit?

Warbash and crew <Ancient Elites>
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« Reply #37 on: October 15, 2015, 08:29:02 pm »

im just worried about the exp reward item V3. it has allready seen changes. i spent 1k cred on it and now it costs... 750? if it gets nerfed in exp bonus to...
Will those with the exp reward be able to sell back for credit?

Sure. I'll refund full purchase price and retroactively strip any AAXP gained rewards proportionate to the reward. (i.e. 1k exp bonus from EEv3, which is 100x the AAs of normal players, so ...a pretty huge drop?)

This sounds like a dick move, but if you expect to get a full refund after using it for weeks/months/years...you are hilariously mistaken. If you recently bought it, fine. Either way, the Easy Experience items are still VERY much worth the effort given that they are extremely high bonuses.


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #38 on: October 15, 2015, 08:46:14 pm »

why not put a cap on lvls that can get the xp buff have to be 71 to get 100+ 72 to get 300+ etcs ... i agree that having a huge amount of aa req for next of ages item should be what happens. i think it should be rk 1-100 like roa get it close to t7 then make it like 100k per rank and a gsoa every 25 and 500k aa ranks up to 1k
make it worth the farm but a dread to get. then you can choose to dump in mask or new item (i hope wrist). where as many have not gotten much past 350% rymo has been at it for 6+ months and he still has tons more aa's to get even with his bonus. rymo's mask may break low lvl server but you can fix that by putting a lvl require to receive the buff.
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« Reply #39 on: October 15, 2015, 09:11:48 pm »

why not put a cap on lvls that can get the xp buff have to be 71 to get 100+ 72 to get 300+ etcs ... i agree that having a huge amount of aa req for next of ages item should be what happens. i think it should be rk 1-100 like roa get it close to t7 then make it like 100k per rank and a gsoa every 25 and 500k aa ranks up to 1k
make it worth the farm but a dread to get. then you can choose to dump in mask or new item (i hope wrist). where as many have not gotten much past 350% rymo has been at it for 6+ months and he still has tons more aa's to get even with his bonus. rymo's mask may break low lvl server but you can fix that by putting a lvl require to receive the buff.

Sadly, there isn't a way to do the bonus cap without some possibly lag-adding "features". Given the current source issue(s), more lag is not quite what we want. I understand Rymo has been rocking out like a monster and he will still be a good bit ahead of the rest even after a change.

As it stands, RoA and EoA cost will need to go up or EXP bonuses will need to go down. It's simply too high. I understand this seems sudden and out-of-the-blue, but this came with me more diligently checking logs and seeing some breaking 80k AAXP a day (without crystals and with ~500-600% exp bonuses). Once some get 750-1000% bonuses, it is going to be MUCH higher. :-(


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #40 on: October 15, 2015, 09:18:35 pm »

and a gsoa every 25
If this were done, there wouldn't even be a point to adding it in the first place. GSoA is already restricting boxes from spending AAs that are done with Rings.

im just worried about the exp reward item V3. it has allready seen changes. i spent 1k cred on it and now it costs... 750? if it gets nerfed in exp bonus to...
Will those with the exp reward be able to sell back for credit?

You guys both know the answer to this. Why waste time asking? Ult Weapons were adjusted away from their absurd HP values to better balance the server. XP bonuses being adjusted would have the same effect. I've never had anything past the v1 exp clicky, but when my mask surpassed it I didn't say "Hey Hunter I can't use this anymore dawg, lemme get that 250 creds back plz". It comes down to this: Hate isn't going to add more AA item quests in a world where you can grind them start to finish in a month. And before someone says something absolutely retarded like "If you do that in a month you're some no-life nerd" Guess how long it would take a 78 Warrior using 1000% xp and UW X or XI to get RoA from level 1 to 1000 in Anguish right now? Go on guess.

About 50 hours played, that's it. You could MORE THANK LIKELY knock that out mega casually before this change even takes place if you're worried. The biggest thing separating the top players from the elite players isn't some no-life style grinding, but you're welcome to think that if it helps you feel better about yourself. It's efficiency. I almost have half of the essences to make another full UW 11 after making one less than a month ago. I haven't grinded worth a shit to get back to this spot. I've let the dailies fill my bags with essences, bought a few hoh tokens. All that's left is to grind the qvics / ct / abyss essences (takes what 20 hours played? Wow!) wait for double loot, and occasionally run thru tofs to try and get the essences I'm missing.

Now for the real kick in the nuts that is reality. What you gave was a DONATION. There have been changes to donation items in the past, albeit none as significant as this, but the non-donation version of the item would be getting the same exact reduction. You aren't some special snowflake getting your ball taken away. If they wanted to, Hate could delete all reward items tomorrow, Akka could just decide "fuck those EZ guys thinking they're entitled to this server" and just stop it from booting up every day. But they don't.

Yes, this may sound over-the-top severe, but I know me posting this isn't going to stop this fucking episode of Groundhog Day from repeating itself and spiraling into 5 pages of "FUCK YOU I PAID GOOD MONEY FOR THIS". But please, think for two seconds before you ask for a refund of a DONATION.

Time to play devil's advocate and argue from the other side of the bench, because I'm bored. Getting the occasional mgb from a high mask in Nexus isn't going to shoot people up to RoA 1k any time soon. Even with Rymo's 800% firing off once a day, the number of players EVEN CLOSE to finishing rings is still incredibly small. If the only worry of XP masks is breaking quest turnins for some noobs, disable quest XP because it doesn't make a difference anymore. If the other issue is top players maxing new items too fast, make the AA required incredibly insane and don't make the end-item some crazy OP shit like RoA 1000. Regardless of xp coming in fast or slow, the new "Ages" item is going to have to be a large step up in AA for either system. So saying people are going to attain it too quickly is not a valid argument if all you need to do is say "new item up, 50 mil AAs to finish, see you guys in 10 years"
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« Reply #41 on: October 15, 2015, 09:32:42 pm »

Kruciel, in response to your devil's advocate block:

If I scale values to the cost of expecting 500% or higher bonuses, what happens when Rymo or other extreme high level mask owners quit logging in for a bit? The stagnation and gap left by their goodies will put a very, VERY visible dent in the AAXP-based progression. :-)


I'm so sorry Hunter, I tried...
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« Reply #42 on: October 15, 2015, 10:52:35 pm »

why not put a cap on lvls that can get the xp buff have to be 71 to get 100+ 72 to get 300+ etcs ... i agree that having a huge amount of aa req for next of ages item should be what happens. i think it should be rk 1-100 like roa get it close to t7 then make it like 100k per rank and a gsoa every 25 and 500k aa ranks up to 1k
make it worth the farm but a dread to get. then you can choose to dump in mask or new item (i hope wrist). where as many have not gotten much past 350% rymo has been at it for 6+ months and he still has tons more aa's to get even with his bonus. rymo's mask may break low lvl server but you can fix that by putting a lvl require to receive the buff.

Sadly, there isn't a way to do the bonus cap without some possibly lag-adding "features". Given the current source issue(s), more lag is not quite what we want. I understand Rymo has been rocking out like a monster and he will still be a good bit ahead of the rest even after a change.

As it stands, RoA and EoA cost will need to go up or EXP bonuses will need to go down. It's simply too high. I understand this seems sudden and out-of-the-blue, but this came with me more diligently checking logs and seeing some breaking 80k AAXP a day (without crystals and with ~500-600% exp bonuses). Once some get 750-1000% bonuses, it is going to be MUCH higher. :-(


you can't use the old level spell cap system they had in place around pop. limit the spell to only hit certain levels.
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« Reply #43 on: October 15, 2015, 11:00:19 pm »

Change the recast to once per day.

Keep it silly simple.

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« Reply #44 on: October 15, 2015, 11:02:22 pm »

Change the recast to once per day.

Keep it silly simple.


I'll have 17 more Masks at 230% from 0 within the hour if that happened. Next!  Tongue
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