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Author Topic: Post-T10 Grocery List! 12-2-15  (Read 89335 times)
Rent Due
EZ Server Admin GM
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« Reply #15 on: December 03, 2015, 12:12:47 pm »

I wanted to address Bard issues

Bards have a lot of great songs to offer the group, one man band, temptest, etc

I would like to see something that bards could have that is totally unique to them and move them into more of a "needed" role, vs a "good to have around" role.

One thing I can think of, and thinking of T10 would be a Melee Mitigation Song. A group only song version and an AOE song version. Clearly the group only version would be the better of the 2 songs.

Something along the lines of 10% group only song and maybe 5% AOE song, noting that both songs can NOT stack.

Another song that comes to mind would be a group only and AOE song that actually raised the resist caps, a song that would take you from say 3500 resists to 3800 resists when played. I think a fair value would be along the lines of 750 group song version and 400 AOE song version.

Another thought is spell damage boosting song, a song that would affect the spell damage of the casters as well as our striker melee hit. Again, group and AOE versions with a low value of something like 6% group only and 3% AOE.

IMO these would be some ideas to fool around with that would actually bring our bard back into the core raid groups. Clearly the bard will never be as important as the tank or healers, however some defining songs that would make people thing seriously about adding a bard to that 2nd group or even the core group.

The bard has historically been the Jack of all trades class. However in our world I think Bards have lost their luster to really bring NEED to the raid and lost even more luster to be in our core groups.

Clearly we have bard songs atm that do some of these things already, but they just dont seem to actually do a great job at doing it

Just something to think about

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« Reply #16 on: December 03, 2015, 12:26:03 pm »

Not to kick your legs out from under you, but bards already have most of those things. The group damage reduction would be too powerful imo, pushing them in the bracket of being 'required' rather than preferred. I would really like to see the Nillipus song put back into the old scaling it had. It really never was "omg overpowered" so I don't follow on why it had to be nerfed. It was the only thing letting my melee attack bosses in t8 during the Rampage era. Sure, the 1 million HP rune was a bit over the top then, but that was before tier and Ult Weapons had their HP values swapped out, allowing boxes to have more than 1 million HP. Back then, the Nillipus song was effectively doubling the HP of your entire group and prevented many many many many many many many rampage deaths.

To recap on Rent's post:

Elemental Acapella and Purifying Acapella both increase heroic resists. The t9 resist song does not for some reason and has always been a waste of a song. There is a new rank of Purifying Acapella in t10, haven't found Elemental though. These songs are raid wide.

As for spell damage, their epic click provides that to a degree. It seems to just buff non-magic type damage though (fire ice poison disease) whereas the enchanter line VT buffs magic type. When One Man Band is up, all Firestrikes and Mistress of Flame procs see a significant boost in damage. Also, having 2 bards in my raid I've never had a caster or healer go oom from this song spamming even the most expensive instant cast spells.

Mitigation song: Nillipus was once a beast of a song, now it's just crap. Maybe just remove the AC if that was the part scaling out of control, but restore the physical rune because it will be amazing for a rampage buffer once again.


My turn  Cool

Ranger epic click is neat to play with, but the % chance to root may as well say "% chance to randomly kill somebody at least once a day if you use this"

The Ranger epic has hidden procs baked in: chance to snare, chance to root, chance to make mob take 10% more physical damage, and 1% chance to death touch. The snare really doesn't matter, the root is awful, the Trickshot Crushing Defeat (10% more damage taken) is AMAZINGGGGG, and the 1% chance to death touch I don't even notice because mob hp is massive. Even making all 18 characters use Voice of Cazic death touch on a crushbone juggernaut his HP barely flinched.

Also the ranger spell line: Rain of Arrows seems to hit for physical damage and be unresistable. What this means is the rangers pegs himself in the head everytime he casts it for 400k to 1.5 million damage (rank IV). It is a really cool spell though, but I can't use it because he keeps killing himself vs rampage mobs.
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« Reply #17 on: December 03, 2015, 12:43:14 pm »

Clerics ---

With the stonewall changes in the future, I'm scared my cleric will lose his most valued spell at the moment (tower of vie III). I'd like to see a few mega changes thrown at this class.

First: Get rid of Amplify Healing altogether. It's nothing but a headache when implementing new spells to make them all multiply to be roughly the same result, not to mention it isn't really doing what it's supposed to right now, which is leaving cleric heals doing pathetic amounts. To accomplish this, let them use Focus Healing once again, change their base heal amounts on the custom spells to be in line with other classes, and add them on to the SHM DRU range item in ToV, the one that provides an upgrade to Focus Healing.

Benefits to this: adding spells later on becomes less of a headache, easy way out of fixing Amplify Healing which isn't multiplying properly for some reason, and it'll be easier to compare and contrast the heals once they're all on equal footing.

I can't use my full team in t10 because my cleric couldn't keep a melee alive in his group if his life depended on it, so I have a melee riding the bench for now.

Also, perhaps the Vie line could be changed to a Divine Intervention line instead. The old Divine Intervention spell really isn't going to do anything with how much HP our warriors have these days. I know the custom DI clicky Hunter built for the rewards (which has since been removed) proced a 100 mil heal or something on proc. So here are my thoughts:

Tower of Vie: Divine Save (75%) + proc 1 million hp heal - 7 minute duration - 20 minute recast
Tower of Vie II: Divine Save (80%) + proc 2.5 million hp heal - 7 minute duration - 20 minute recast
Tower of Vie III: Divine Save (85%) + proc 10 million hp heal - 7 minute duration - 20 minute recast
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« Reply #18 on: December 03, 2015, 02:19:36 pm »

small side note...

can all yellow buffs (self buffs) be made permanent?

recasting is a pita

just my thoughts! Smiley

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« Reply #19 on: December 03, 2015, 02:50:39 pm »

Druid -

Trash the epic - Redo with Skin like Drake - The GROUP version. 1 minute timer - 3 minute recast. Add bonus proc of healing by 20%


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« Reply #20 on: December 03, 2015, 05:06:24 pm »

Druid -

Trash the epic - Redo with Skin like Drake - The GROUP version. 1 minute timer - 3 minute recast. Add bonus proc of healing by 20%

Redo skin what? It's doing just fine keeping me alive thru the worst pulls imagine-able right now even with its post nerf version. Sure it only a few seconds with tons of mobs hitting you, but with only 6 or 7 it's pretty sick.
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« Reply #21 on: December 03, 2015, 05:59:24 pm »

yea skin is cool as is...


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« Reply #22 on: December 03, 2015, 06:16:21 pm »

Read it wrong. Redo the epic. Make it group sld. Sorry was in a rush.  Redo WITH.... should have put replace with.

Rent Due
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« Reply #23 on: December 04, 2015, 07:55:36 am »

return druid drake to pre nerfed, not destroyed status  Shocked

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« Reply #24 on: December 04, 2015, 08:43:28 am »

return druid drake to pre nerfed, not destroyed status  Shocked


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« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2015, 11:21:36 am »

small side note...

can all yellow buffs (self buffs) be made permanent?

recasting is a pita

just my thoughts! Smiley

Lol, I just made a mini-self buff button and added it into my Druid regen button. So every other pull, when i tell the druid to regen me, this is what happens:

/bct healers //tar =Kruciel
Druid casts Regen 5 @ Kruciel
Shaman casts Champion @ Kruciel
Pally 1 casts KHH2
Pally 2 casts KHH2

As for Gift of the Avenger, that's covered by my "bards start your twists" button.
/bct melee //keypress 2
--Bard 1 /twist 1 2 3 4 10
--Bard 2 /timed 250 /twist 1 2 3 4 10 (bard #2 starts the twist 25 seconds later, so the epic clicks are separated and I have double uptime on them)
--Pally 1 /cast Gift of the Avenger II
--Pally 2 /cast Gift of the Avenger II
--Zerker 1 2 3 4 5 /cast Over Raided Zerker Haste
--Monk /cast Crab Fu
--Rogue /dance (i should add that)
--Ranger /cast Secrets Rangers Secrets

With how often my dumbass bards die in t10, I can promise you these other classes never have an issue of not having those buffs up at all times  Cheesy
« Last Edit: December 04, 2015, 11:28:41 am by Kruciel » Logged
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« Reply #26 on: December 04, 2015, 11:35:23 am »

Druid -

Trash the epic - Redo with Skin like Drake - The GROUP version. 1 minute timer - 3 minute recast. Add bonus proc of healing by 20%

If the druid epic was made into a targeted AOE, I would actually use it. But the fact that it's PBAE takes it out of the equation for me. I don't have a 3rd viable group healer, so my 5 ranged classes are told to stay far out of rampage range of whatever I'm fighting. If I could simply have the druid click the epic and cast the aoe off of the warrior, I'd love it. But yeah, I'm not putting my druid in melee range to use this at the moment.

So that's my advice for it, change PBAE to targeted AOE (the green spells) and up the damage a lot, because pre t10, dots are in the "who cares" category for most people.
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« Reply #27 on: December 04, 2015, 11:37:53 am »

I have a similar button but its what I hit after I make a big pull...

I get skin/manaflare(i dont know...i just cast it ok)/tower/rune/ ect ect all cast on me once I have control of aggro and my clicky is down.

seems to work well and it usually buys me time to get that first group down to a manageable size

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« Reply #28 on: December 04, 2015, 11:50:11 am »

The druid epic should currently be a targetted pbaoe, but its has a short range and is set to 4 targets max. I have mine set to cast on my warrior as part of my assist macro.

Flin is alone with the grimoire. I stab it, no wait I backstab it! You can't backstab it, you can't sneak attack an inanimate object. Why not it's prone? It doesn't have a discernible anatomy. It's got a spine doesn't it? *Rolls a 1 and stabs himself.
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« Reply #29 on: December 05, 2015, 01:33:14 pm »

Thoughts as pretty permanent noob(currently doing t3/4 for my second group now, getting close to my 3rd UC1, making my way through content at about the speed its released), just to have that perspective on the class ideas:

There are some cure problems you run into especially going into pod that could become a much larger problem for new players.   Most noticably are the poisons in POD.  Those can get pretty spammy at times and wipe even relatively well cazic geared teams until you know what's going on.  While it's easily solved by using a paladin currently, and most groups have one by then, without cure spam that will get a lot uglier.  If cleric becomes the only class that can reasonably handle AOE cures without instant group cure, I can see it being a huge turn off for newer players that suddenly have to be single target curing the whole fight.

That being said, it's not a deal breaker and a part of the server is learning to handle limitations when they're thrown in your face.  Mostly what I'm suggesting is that may be worth evaluating how often trash spams those effects when players lose the spam counter to it.  I know that until I got the resist to ignore it, it was a serious pita to be constantly curing around my second party that didn't have the paladin or rezzing like half the dps as they died every other fight to it.
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