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Author Topic: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE  (Read 454619 times)
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« Reply #345 on: August 07, 2011, 01:16:11 pm »

Xiggie and Fugitive must be high shcool principals in real life.

garybusey - warrior
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Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #346 on: August 07, 2011, 01:18:16 pm »

It might be a stupid name, but there is nothing "wrong" with it...  It is not racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive.


It's a direct reference to jacking off

And the dude knew this and thinks it is funny.

Using urban dictionary as a source has as much credibility has citing wikipedia as a source for a term paper.  It's funny how the server elites are the first ones to cry about someones name.  Whats wrong boys?  Can't have anyone else at your level?  Ego that important to you?  Stop worrying about other people and play the god damn game and enjoy yourself.  And if you can't enjoy yourself because it enrages you to see the guy with the name of Fapfap, then you need to see a therapist.  

How about it is against the damned rules? What is so damn hard to figure that out? Why is that so hard to comprehend? Were the rules written by or for anyone who may or may not be elite? No, they were written by Hunter for the entire server. Need to see a therapist? Wtf man I thought you had more sense than that.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 01:26:53 pm by Xiggie » Logged

Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #347 on: August 07, 2011, 01:20:17 pm »

Xiggie and Fugitive must be high shcool principals in real life.

And you must be a middle school drop out.

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« Reply #348 on: August 07, 2011, 01:33:13 pm »

It's not hard to comprehend.  It's the frequency of you and a few others around that are so quick to jump on the most trivial of shit.  It's not like the guys name was Nigger CockFaggot or anything, for fucks sake.  Hunter needs to spend more time worrying about fixing broken spells and content than worrying about all the emails of people crying over names.  Rules or not, making this shit the forefront of the issues is what pisses me off.

garybusey - warrior
umadd - pally
wayfaerer - pewpew
rondonald - cleric
obzen - monk
dongus - zerker
dorfkus - pally
ultrabeard - zerker
dopesmoke - drood
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Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #349 on: August 07, 2011, 01:42:08 pm »

I have been playing on this server for a long time. One thing I have seen for sure, and I am sure this would apply to any game, any server. When you start letting immaturity on a server go unchecked you end up with a generally immature server. This is something I am sure Hunter has seen. I am sure the rule about names is to combat such things. The rules are there for reason.

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« Reply #350 on: August 07, 2011, 01:50:50 pm »

I agree.  I just don't think something like "Fapfap Fapfapfapfap" is such a horrid offense that it should be treated the same as the more extreme cases.  Whatever, I'm done, rules are rules.  I've always abode by them, so why does it even matter what I think.  Peace.

And by the way Xiggie I didn't mean to specifically target you or anything, just something I've always felt about the naming policy and just felt I needed to get it off my chest.  No ill will meant towards you or Fugi.
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 01:53:08 pm by barrettd04 » Logged

garybusey - warrior
umadd - pally
wayfaerer - pewpew
rondonald - cleric
obzen - monk
dongus - zerker
dorfkus - pally
ultrabeard - zerker
dopesmoke - drood
djenty - chanter
Xiggie | Stone
Posts: 2119

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« Reply #351 on: August 07, 2011, 01:57:48 pm »

Roger that, see you in game.

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« Reply #352 on: August 07, 2011, 03:30:03 pm »

I like Turtles

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
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« Reply #353 on: August 07, 2011, 04:27:15 pm »


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« Reply #354 on: August 07, 2011, 09:03:40 pm »

Sigh... Cant even go one 1 day without running into this trash. See attached. I emailed hunter already. This guy should just be banned with names like that. He doesnt even deserve a rename in my opinion.

Hopefully school will start back soon and we wont have to see this as often.

One of the names is kind of blocked but here they are:

"Rubbinon Yourchildren"
"Caressing Yourchildren"

« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 09:05:46 pm by mokaloka99 » Logged
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« Reply #355 on: August 11, 2011, 01:28:22 pm »

Fapfap is my warrior! I didn't realize that his name had caused so much controversy, lol!

Fapfap, along with all my other characters, doesn't train, doesn't spam ooc, and doesn't ninja other people's mobs in pub. I am truly sorry if the name offends y'all. I personally think something like a name is trivial, and I would argue my warrior's is highly less offensive than "Rubbinon Yourchildren." That being said, totally childish. And I rolled him when I was stoned out of my mind and giggling with a buddy.

In any event, He's QVIC/Tacvi and 3.0 geared, so you're not going to stop seeing him in /whos. I'm not about to delete a toon I've put hours of work into b/c the name offends some portion of the server population. So far I've recieved 0 PMs or e-mails from other players or Hunter.

If Hunter takes serious offense to this, a name change is fine. As you all said, that name is technically against the rules....

Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #356 on: August 11, 2011, 03:28:37 pm »

Last I heard from Hunter he was not doing name changes. I believe his exact words were, best to not use it, or face a ban. Saying your excuse is because you were 'stoned out of your mind' is a pretty lame excuse.

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« Reply #357 on: August 11, 2011, 08:42:22 pm »

It's not an excuse per say. Just explaining myself. If the name is bad enough to warrant a ban of said character then Hunter may do what he wishes about it.

I personally feel that it's not super offensive especially in comparison to some of the others examples I've seen in this thread. But on a self-policed server I guess that opinion is irrelevant.

Xiggie, understand that I feel your point about maintaining a proper maturity level on the server and self-policing and such. If the language of my responses on these forums hasn't done enough to convince you all and Hunter that I can conduct myself as an adult then ban Fapfap. That being said your personal opinion about the validity of my "excuse" is irrelevant. Hunter's the only one w/ a ban stick. And I don't have to justify my naming choices either, I chose to because some of you were offended and I wanted to explain myself. 

Again, I'm sorry to any who were offended. Please don't ban me warrior Hunter! Sad

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« Reply #358 on: August 11, 2011, 09:19:54 pm »

This is some of the most childish stuff I've read since my kindergarten reading time. How about instead of all you people bitch, moaning, and complaining about some other toon's name that you see in passing to Hunter - YOU take the initiative to inform whoever in game that their name is offensive, against server policy and warrants a ban. Maybe if more people took this approach to the Naming Policy then we'd see less people that are past Tacvi with offensive names. Or if for whatever reason you find any given name, or find yourself frequently offended by what people name their characters, then turn off PC names and ignore them so you never have to see their name again. Everyone loves the ban stick, and having a GM deal with their problems instead of acting like adults.

This is the official naming policy taken from the EZ server rules - stickied in general discussion.

Offensive words in names or public chat will not be tolerated, such as anything sexual, racist, hateful, etc."

The above is extra vague, and may reference anything from genitalia, skin color, to racial slurs and sodomy.

Do not harass players thru actions or words. Let them have their mobs, and don't spam them. If try to ruin the game for others, then you'll be removed from the game." - also taken from EZ server rules, stickied in general discussion.

Depending on the interpretation the people proposing that certain names be banned that do not "violate" the naming policy may also be in line for the ban stick as you are ruining the game for others.


Players that break the rules might get deleveled to level 1, suspended, banned, or have all his accounts banned.

Users police themselves with Fraps since Hunter works a lot of hours IRL. You can find a copy of Fraps very easy on the internet.

Be sure to get your easy to use copy of fraps, and keep the hotkey ready to record people. If your going to down an important boss and feel that a player may grief you, then record the fight. I know videos sizes are huge. If the boss event goes without problems, then just delete that 500 meg file that was created to record it. Users police themselves on here. Screenshots are nice, but hard to prove that someone traveled with a train since screenshots are well, static."

This reinforces my original point - take care of the issue yourself, if you can't solve the problem in game then whine to the GMs about your sensitivity issues.


Here are my character names - please rip me a new asshole.

Sovin Nai
Skwisgaar Skwigelf_Stop_Copies_Me
Galadedrid Damodred_of_the_Light

If anyone has an issue with the names I choose for my toons then please, FOR FUCKS SAKE, have enough decency in yourself to approach ME IN GAME and express your concern/offense/bitching/moaning/complaining so that I can put you on ignore and not waste my time being a kind person to a douche bag.

And on a side note to Xiggie - if you're going to respond to someone who has an issue with source citation - cite your own source lest you appear far less intelligent then I assumed you were.

Nothing beats having the awesome reputation for being responsible for multiple bans on a free server for some petty shit. Grow up. This shit's in Rants and Flames for a reason.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 09:41:36 pm by Kylok » Logged

Just remember... no matter where you are.... how old you are.... where you were at the time you checked the forum....
When you log in, Hatin' Trolls are coming for you! Yes oh yes they are, and they're hatin' from their cubicles and Basements!
But fret not! We have a spray for this!
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« Reply #359 on: August 11, 2011, 10:37:31 pm »

Apparently Kylok speaks for me!

We do play together though, often in the same room, so I guess that explains why he's so heated about it!

I second almost every word he said!

Exclamation points!!!!!

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