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Author Topic: Screenshots of People Who Need to be Banned - POST HERE  (Read 464722 times)
Posts: 23

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« Reply #75 on: June 21, 2010, 04:54:35 pm »

Honestly, profanity is a part of life now and days. I can understand people get pised at someone who uses "fuck" or something over and over again in one sentance or something like that, but I dont understand why someone would get pissed at someone using profanity here and there. To me though someone with the name "Shithead" is like someone constantly using profanity because the word "Shithead" is always there. Someone that says "shithead" in chat is differant because it's not always there. And some of these names could also show how intelligant someone is. I know I wouldn't group with someone name Shithead. Why would you name a character something like that anyways? I mean if you play for hours and hours would would you want to see Shithead on your screen all day. lol

That is a good explanation. Thanks Smiley
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« Reply #76 on: June 21, 2010, 06:04:13 pm »

It's gaming culture.  For the most part, gamers have strange senses of humor, and find names like the ones you're all complaing about, funny.  To the low % of gamers that aren't into that, it doesn't make sense why they'd pick the name, obviously.  I have my last name on my main (Gogokogk) as Cannabis, because I enjoy smoking it.  Should I be banned? People who smoke marijuana have their own culture, so whats so bad about embracing it? Unless you're incredibly up-tight, I'm not sure how names with marijuana references offend you.

garybusey - warrior
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« Reply #77 on: June 21, 2010, 06:26:17 pm »

word of the wise:

before you intend to play on a server, ensure you read rules so you dont look like an ass

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« Reply #78 on: June 24, 2010, 11:18:19 pm »

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« Reply #79 on: June 25, 2010, 12:21:18 am »

if profanity offends you then maybe online gaming is not for you.
Can always filter bad words out.
If a character name is just so bad you cant stand it then PM the admin and just dont spend time with the player.

I know plenty of young people that are mature and plenty of old and the same goes for being immature. Age has nothing to do with it.
So find what you like and stick to it but demanding other people adjust their play style to suit your needs is selfish and greedy. Unless someone named "Phatballsack" is doing shit to grief you just ignore them.
Posts: 23

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« Reply #80 on: June 25, 2010, 12:38:02 am »

if profanity offends you then maybe online gaming is not for you.
Can always filter bad words out.
If a character name is just so bad you cant stand it then PM the admin and just dont spend time with the player.

I know plenty of young people that are mature and plenty of old and the same goes for being immature. Age has nothing to do with it.
So find what you like and stick to it but demanding other people adjust their play style to suit your needs is selfish and greedy. Unless someone named "Phatballsack" is doing shit to grief you just ignore them.

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« Reply #81 on: June 25, 2010, 12:42:54 am »

if profanity offends you then maybe online gaming is not for you.
Can always filter bad words out.
If a character name is just so bad you cant stand it then PM the admin and just dont spend time with the player.

I know plenty of young people that are mature and plenty of old and the same goes for being immature. Age has nothing to do with it.
So find what you like and stick to it but demanding other people adjust their play style to suit your needs is selfish and greedy. Unless someone named "Phatballsack" is doing shit to grief you just ignore them.

Sadly someone with an offesnive name could be "griefing" people by having that name
Posts: 47

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« Reply #82 on: June 25, 2010, 12:53:42 am »

So if "Phatballsack" is corpse camping you: is it considered teabagging?

Alhbie Eurhuckelberry <Brans Flakes> -- Erudite Paladin
Branlenio <Brans Flakes>-- Gnome Mage
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« Reply #83 on: June 25, 2010, 01:00:42 am »

if profanity offends you then maybe online gaming is not for you.
Can always filter bad words out.
If a character name is just so bad you cant stand it then PM the admin and just dont spend time with the player.

I know plenty of young people that are mature and plenty of old and the same goes for being immature. Age has nothing to do with it.
So find what you like and stick to it but demanding other people adjust their play style to suit your needs is selfish and greedy. Unless someone named "Phatballsack" is doing shit to grief you just ignore them.

Sadly someone with an offesnive name could be "griefing" people by having that name

How so?
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« Reply #84 on: June 25, 2010, 01:40:45 am »

if profanity offends you then maybe online gaming is not for you.
Can always filter bad words out.
If a character name is just so bad you cant stand it then PM the admin and just dont spend time with the player.

I know plenty of young people that are mature and plenty of old and the same goes for being immature. Age has nothing to do with it.
So find what you like and stick to it but demanding other people adjust their play style to suit your needs is selfish and greedy. Unless someone named "Phatballsack" is doing shit to grief you just ignore them.

Sadly someone with an offesnive name could be "griefing" people by having that name

How so?



1. intense sorrow: great sadness, especially as a result of a death
2. cause of intense sorrow: the cause of intense, deep, and profound sorrow, especially a specific event or situation
3. trouble: annoyance or trouble ( informal )
Xiggie | Stone
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« Reply #85 on: June 25, 2010, 01:42:09 am »

if profanity offends you then maybe online gaming is not for you.
Can always filter bad words out.
If a character name is just so bad you cant stand it then PM the admin and just dont spend time with the player.

I know plenty of young people that are mature and plenty of old and the same goes for being immature. Age has nothing to do with it.
So find what you like and stick to it but demanding other people adjust their play style to suit your needs is selfish and greedy. Unless someone named "Phatballsack" is doing shit to grief you just ignore them.

Sadly someone with an offesnive name could be "griefing" people by having that name

How so?


See the part about written or verbal insults. You can try denying it but the mass majority of people do consider it insulting to have to constantly look at the vulgar choices of names people are making here recently. It is really getting out of hand.

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« Reply #86 on: June 25, 2010, 02:04:53 am »

Aye, a lot of people do consider it an annoyance etc... I personally don't care, I even laugh at some of the names, but people need to grow up sometimes and respect the rules of the server and others. I mean if you had a boss that didn't want you to use profanity while working would you be like "fuck you" and do it anyways? Think of this like Hunter is your boss and everyone you play with is other employees. He set the rules and telling him to fuck off would result in a loss of job + most of the the emlpoyess don't want to hear/see the profanity. Sure some don't care but the majority don't wanna see it.
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« Reply #87 on: June 25, 2010, 07:17:42 am »

Aye, a lot of people do consider it an annoyance etc... I personally don't care, I even laugh at some of the names, but people need to grow up sometimes and respect the rules of the server and others. I mean if you had a boss that didn't want you to use profanity while working would you be like "fuck you" and do it anyways? Think of this like Hunter is your boss and everyone you play with is other employees. He set the rules and telling him to fuck off would result in a loss of job + most of the the emlpoyess don't want to hear/see the profanity. Sure some don't care but the majority don't wanna see it.

Personally, I dont care what someone calls their toon. But, server rules are rules.
If we do not at least try to make an effort to stem the influx of immature names then it gets worse.
Posts: 23

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« Reply #88 on: June 25, 2010, 08:04:57 am »

if profanity offends you then maybe online gaming is not for you.
Can always filter bad words out.
If a character name is just so bad you cant stand it then PM the admin and just dont spend time with the player.

I know plenty of young people that are mature and plenty of old and the same goes for being immature. Age has nothing to do with it.
So find what you like and stick to it but demanding other people adjust their play style to suit your needs is selfish and greedy. Unless someone named "Phatballsack" is doing shit to grief you just ignore them.

Sadly someone with an offesnive name could be "griefing" people by having that name

How so?



1. intense sorrow: great sadness, especially as a result of a death
2. cause of intense sorrow: the cause of intense, deep, and profound sorrow, especially a specific event or situation
3. trouble: annoyance or trouble ( informal )

Get off your high horse.

You really let someone's name cause you "intense sorrow"? That is sad.
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« Reply #89 on: June 25, 2010, 08:28:49 am »

Lol, high horse?

You ask how so and are provided a deffinition.
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