Poonchaser/Pooncatcher is a good player who bothers VERY few people (if anyone). Hell he drug my ass through ldon to get my 2.0 while he was farming charms/coins/cards.
Good Player or not, get a name change and everything is fine. I could care less if he was an ass hat or great community helper, get a name change.
Potbowl is another fine player. If I'm not mistaken, he recently got his RoA100. (I'm detecting some jealousy here..) He is friendly, albeit a bit amusingly sarcastic at times.
Why would i be jealous, I know you are new... I have had my RoA 100 for about a month and some change now. No reason for me to be jealous.
I have a wizard named Hateborne, a druid named Wifflebat, a shaman named Alarmclock, and a shadowknight named Verlorenen.
Am I going to get banhammered for not using an "RP appropriate name"?
No the same reason Reed, or Tosser, or Scootz, or anyone else i can think of right off hand wouldn't get name nerfed. They are harmless and in no way offensive to anyone. Alarmclock can not be made to offend anyone really, unless you went out of your way to try very hard.
I am personally not offended with ANY name i have seen yet, however i am a 22 year old Marine. I have seen younger people play here, or parents let their children play here. Granted they should take responsibility for what their children see... But in the same sense, the server should be a more mature atmosphere. Meaning not naming your characters like you're a dumb ass.
Its not hard to get your name changed either, all you gotta do is make the attempt. That simple