Everyone RUSHED to T5+ as fast as they could.. neglecting the UC grind.. guess what .. jump on that treadmill.. You got to look how long most of us that have 12+ UC has been grinding them. It doesn't happen overnight..
But it still quick enough ..
I would like to see Hunter Nerf the drops even more there just to squelch the tittybabies.
This shit has become.. oh my the grind is to long lets go to the forums and QQ about it so Hunter might change it.. What else are you going to do when you get all maxxed out?!
The true problem is these damn Halloween weapons that allowed everyone to Rush Past all the content.. free God Weapon Handouts that all you had to do was hail a NPC to get them..
There is a gap between the end game players and people for a reason.... not everyone will have every item.. Not everyone gets a "Trophy". If you want it put the time in. Hunters words roughly.
bravo man ppl that got to slide past alot of the ldon grind are starting to get it glad to see .