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Author Topic: What do ~YOU~ want to see in EZ?  (Read 83885 times)
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« Reply #15 on: July 17, 2014, 04:54:10 pm »

Mostly with the IP limit I'm talking OPTIONAL CONTENT for groups...stuff you couldnt do boxing anyway (no way in hell a box tream could do Vish, for example....I dont care how good you think you are). Talking optional encounters that are slated for people who want to work together, and with rewards that are either unique or nice enough to encourage people to group up and give it a go.

I am not talking about putting IP limits on progression content. Again, unbunch the panties, this is optional crap for people who want to group.

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #16 on: July 17, 2014, 05:59:41 pm »

lol kwai nailed it on the stun resist. Its maddening sometimes getting stunned by content that can't even take 1% off your health if you are afk and get jumped by a roamer...

Honestly i love this server. a lot. I can't really think of much i would change. The biggest atrocity was the dminor spawn rate and apparently that's being addressed, so yay!

Umm.. as for an idea to throw out there:

Instead of a dbl loot weekend (which probably takes the national GNP down a couple percentage points on the weekends they entail), how about just a freaky friday type of thing every other week or so.

How it'd work is either one of two ways:

1. ) Hotzones.. Every two hours there's a new global hotzone.. That zone is flagged dbl loot and it's up to us to figure out which one it is.  It could be something glorious like t8, something we all could enjoy like Postorms or HoH or jaggedpine... Or something groan worthy like CT or Abyss.. Or Something totally bonkers like gukbottom.

2. ) IP Specific madness: Each person logged in (IP) has their own designated hot zone they must find. Kruciel might find he's got a friday worth of Anguish DBL loot... Krincle would find a friday worth of HOH dbl... etc.. etc.. Maybe this could randomize every other hour or something.

Basically.. something new and different that isnt as all encompassing and OP'd as a true double loot structure. And we could all laugh when Fugi draws Qvic.


Ponzi Scheme - Monk
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« Reply #17 on: July 17, 2014, 09:48:52 pm »

I was thinking something like that, but I thought it'd be a pain to program. But yeah, that'd be a blast.

I do like the idea of Kerafrym awakening, and randomly rampaging across the world. Something SO nasty that it takes many high level characters (more than someone's 24 box team) to take it down....with rewards for everyone in on the kill (similar to BU during Halloween, but nastier). Something that randomly rampages for 10 mil, for example....or has an AE that erases 99% of your hps in one shot.....something overland, never in the same zone twice....something that travels across zones (which is why I said Kerafrym, because when awakened it'd go all over), so you cant predict where you'll have to kill it. Maybe combine Sleeper and Vish, so when you engage an event starts.

Just an idea.

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #18 on: July 17, 2014, 11:20:01 pm »

Gonna beat that dead horse laying over there for a minute, but when we earn something, let us keep it. The End.

Krinkle Sprinkle
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« Reply #19 on: July 18, 2014, 05:56:29 am »

cmonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn T-10

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« Reply #20 on: July 18, 2014, 06:51:06 am »

As someone who gets to play maybe 3 hours a week right now due to kids, wife and work.  I would love a way to work through T-5 more effectively.  AKA Allow a mechanism to spawn the boss you need via a quest or turn in item.  I know that T-5 is supposed to be the great equalizer here and I am not going anywhere because of it even if it takes me a year or more to get through T-5 but grinding in Illsalin to hopefully get a spawn in 1.5 hour increments is impossible. 

If our intent is to be more player friendly we have to make T-5 more managable.  I would be happy to trade in say 5 God Majors to spawn a really rare T-5 Spawn at a random point in the zone.

(as a side note I would buy the flags if donations were up but that doesn't solve the issue of not having armor pieces to move on to T-6.)

I don't want the server to be easy mode but allow me an alternate grind to T-5 would go a long way for people.

Krunkley, Gimble and Co.
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« Reply #21 on: July 18, 2014, 06:54:25 am »

I would strongly disagree with making it "easier." T5 is the first "Gut check" and everyone before you had to go through it. It is VERY manageable for your playtime and with everyone that advertises spawns that they get T5 is even easier now.


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« Reply #22 on: July 18, 2014, 09:13:39 am »

Krunk, I'm helping some guildies through T5 lately, you're more than welcome to suck up a few kills.

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
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« Reply #23 on: July 18, 2014, 10:20:42 am »

I agree with making t5 a bit faster
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« Reply #24 on: July 18, 2014, 01:12:28 pm »

Guessing you're in T5 too?

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« Reply #25 on: July 18, 2014, 01:28:46 pm »

Dont know......maybe while I was in it I'd have agreed, make T5 faster....but two things changed my mind: first, learning to deal with T5 will help you a lot later....and once you figure out how T5 goes a lot quicker (that and copious use of the free instance maker).

"When any government, or any church for that matter, undertakes to say to its subjects, "This you may not read, this you must not see, this you are forbidden to know," the end result is tyranny and oppression, no matter how holy the motives. Mighty little force is needed to control a man whose mind has been hoodwinked; contrariwise, no amount of force can control a free man, a man whose mind is free. No, not the rack, not fission bombs, not anything — you can't conquer a free man; the most you can do is kill him." R.A. Heinlein
Nullyn Void
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« Reply #26 on: July 18, 2014, 03:19:12 pm »

Two small things that I think would be a good addition to the server.

1: Add a new type of essence, that has the same drop chance as the current essence in that tier and call it Ultimate Essence I, Ultimate Essence II etc.  Then use those essences for UW, and double current essence drop rates.  That way you can still limit how fast UWs are able to be acquired, still make people do the exact same grind, but also allow people to progress on the "mandatory" items at a faster pace without also speeding up UWs.

So for example (random numbers picked out of the air for easy math):
Qvic would drop - Ultimate Essence 1 5% of the time and Qvic Essences 10% of the time
CT would drop - Ultimate Essence 2 5% of the time and CT essences 10% of the time
and so forth up through all of the tiers .. this could also even allow you to lower the drop chance of Ultimate Essences to make UW grinding harder and still let people progress on Augs, SoA, etc.

2: Make a zone (I think The Void would be perfect for this) where it is faster to grind tokens/crystals to spawn bosses.  This zone would be for more advanced toons just wanting to go back through t1-4 in order to grind essences or gear up a new toon.  The Void is broken up into different islands, have each island contain a boss that has hp roughly equivalent to the total hp of all mobs you would kill for a specific type of drop, and have them drop the average amount that would be expected during a clear.

So for example (again... random numbers just to illustrate my point):
Island 1 would have Big Dragon with hp equal to about the same amount as all the T1 dragons in PoD and 20 mini bosses health and would drop between 10-15 Fire/Water Crystals
Island 2 would have Bigger Dragon with hp equal to about the same amount as all the T2 dragons in PoD and 20 mini bosses health and would drop between 10-15 Earth/Ice Crystals
Island 3 would have Big Avatar with hp equal to all the Avatars and little minions in Hoh and would drop between 30-40 t3 tokens
Island 4 would have Bigger Avatar with hp equal to all the Avatars and little minions in HoH and would drop between 15-20 t4 tokens

The damage on these named could be set high, about the same as OMM or a t7 boss since the whole point is to just allow people who could already steamroll the zone a faster way to collect the crystals/tokens.

Instance cost could be set to the cost of 2 HoH instances and 1 PoD instance since if you cleared all 4 bosses thats essentially the same thing, maybe slightly higher to account for the convenience, perhaps instead of 160k have it be 200k or something like that (not exactly sure on cost of a PoD instance).
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« Reply #27 on: July 18, 2014, 03:30:50 pm »

I think that making older content easier is a great idea. There are a lot of people out there willing to help people through this content, but its super annoying farming for hours in Qvic to get that piece of gear that just wont drop. Rot Bot for Qvic would rule.

CT is pretty good as it is.

T1 is fine as it is.

T2 is fine.

Tokens for T3/4 still drop much too rare.

I wouldn't change anything from T5 on.

More random bosses like the ancient dragon and gem collector would be great. Or adding a rare spawn boss in each tier that drops gear, then after killing it will spawn a harder boss that drops gear and an essence, then spawns a harder boss that drops gear + essence + SLS or something, then spawns another boss that might drop Halloween type cool drops or whatever.

Implementing an actual epic item quest for each class would be cool. Something that takes a considerable amount of farming or camping and a huge quest chain that results in a cool item for each class. I don't think it should be a weapon or armor piece, maybe just an inventory clicky item that supports that classes role somehow.
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« Reply #28 on: July 18, 2014, 04:52:52 pm »

Being someone who's finishing up T4, couple of things I've spoken to other players around my progress about.

The waypoint situation. The vendor waypoint is great, and a very important item to make your progress easier early on. The main issue being the cost of instances/repops once you get to about T5 onward. "Get a FWP" you say. Sure, when that becomes an option again. However some might not be comfortable, or simply cant afford to drop the 100$ for a single item in an otherwise free game. I'm all for donating for support, but for some it might be a little much.

I noticed someone else mention a different type of FWP that only lasts for a limited time. Great idea, mine was somewhat similar, and it's pretty much FWP Lite. A item that lets you create your free instance, however repops aren't free, but are also cheaper than a regular waypoint item. Or just another WP item that has cheaper creation/repop costs all around. This could cost less credits for those those not quite willing/able drop the cash for the regular FWP.

Bottom line is, newer people gearing up and breaking in to t5+ shouldn't be forced to choose between being able to afford instance costs, and getting necessary things like strike augs. And no, going and farming SLS just to make money, only to have to go farm more SLS when you need them for your augs is not a good option, that isn't fun for anybody. You're already going to have to do it enough just for your own augs and other items, let alone having to do it for money too.

I know there are probably some vets out there who think " Well thats how I had to do it, so it shouldn't be easier for anyone else." Great job, but that's not the kind of attitude that going to keep any new people around besides the occasional person that pops up with tons of free time and doesn't care about the extra grind.

I can't really comment on anything UW related, because I'm not focusing on that yet myself, besides noticing that yes, dminor seem to be the biggest pain to get out of any of the other essence, but that's been talked about already.

Anyways, for NEW STUFFS, I stopped playing live seriously around omens or that xpac with the dragons and stillmoon.. anything involving zones after that I'd enjoy seeing. I've messed around with some void zones on a couple other servers, and some of them feel like they would be great with an EZ flair.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 05:13:58 pm by Quarg » Logged
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« Reply #29 on: July 18, 2014, 05:25:45 pm »


I'm all for a lot of what was said here so far..

-The FWP needs to stay on the "Special buy me item list" (see below 2 line items before blowing gaskets)

-The waypoint from the ingame vendor should be free (even though only takes a few SLS to buy).(It was off and on Free multiple times already)

-The cost of repops and instances should be cut in at least half of what they currently are there are enough money drains in the game.

-Let's get away from all these 1-4 expansion zones.. I know everyone wants to rekindle the feelings they had when they were mauled by Giants running through Kael, or the the Sleeper event where most players where never part of the original crews that keyed themselves for the zone. SSRA... awesome zone horrible layout.

-There are like 100s of awesome zones where Hate can do his magic without level layout restrictions.

-I hope for some "endless" dungeon crawl event.

-I want to see low end essences ( which are not game changers Q-T2 ) drop more often will help the young players get $ from the mid/end guys since going back to square one to farm something over and over is becoming .. a grind that is zero fun.

-More Special in-zone bosses that spawn WAY more often then say like  the Qvic beholder or the T1/T2 Dragon currently do.. ( they are not game changes.. the loot tables are mehmeh at best..)

-Someone said rare chance of EoFS dropping in Tiered zones. I like but the % has to be super low or these would flood the market (be nice to get on maybe naturally as you spend excessive time in the zone not just farm armor and leave).

-1.0s restored to previous prior to the Level 60 PVP stuff.. Have you seen new guys get fuckin raped by the 1.5 boss.. its funny... even with full grps they normally need outside help ( all those spiders popping blam.. wipe.) I like its funny but rather freaking hard. (not saying 1.0s will fix.. but can help somewhat)

-Special T9 Boss on some timer (2-4hrs) no matter what (2nd generation MCP..hell I dont know)

-Hotzone ... with whack ass bosses that do whack ass stuff ... no idea here .. will edit with more thought.

-HoH randomly spawns a T3/T4 boss very low chance on kill of mob

-UW 2Handed Bladed weapon (axe, sword.. something sharp.. wielding a twig is weird and demeaning as a warrior/pally/sk)

-UW H2H weapon BL and Monks be praised.

-T5 Spawn chance up'd a little ( I don't think Hunter ever made these which he intended to do via posts on forums )

-T8 $

-T7 Mob HPs .. look at the difference between T7 and T6 mobs.. it's what 600%

-Getting T8/T9 guys out of Qvic-T2 zones ... most of has had to revisit these zones.. WAY to many times over and over for this that this that.. very mind numbing and sets the picture for burn out.

-Caster EoA

-AA per hour on /say stats

-HP/Mana Regen on /say stats

-Halloween HP buff should stay with you when zone

-It's time for a Cleric HP/AC Buff upgrade Crabs2 isn't cutting it anymore. (specially since he just upgraded all the hardware)

-More AE/AoE Damage all classes. (cept zerk hahaha)

-Get rid of all the damn illusion red drake green drake stuff out of T8 ... every spell drop seems to be one of those .. like they are set 99% or something rofl.

-More Clear the whole zone get bonus boss (example t5)

-More NPC attitude hahah.. DT BAM!

-PP bags stackable all versions

-V1 Charm upgrades stackable

-V2 of the spider in Dreadlands.... seeking revenge or something

-Black unicorn type event (not the crazy npc loot fest though)

-Make LDON Pleasing again.. seems like this place became the ghetto of EZ lately.

-Add some daily invasions to all Tiered zones (i.e. T9ish)

I can't wait to see the battle arena event
UW Augments

side note comment.. I was in nexus during buffing party it was awesome to see so many different weapons equipped on so many different players.. not as cookie cutter as it once was..  Grin
« Last Edit: July 18, 2014, 06:38:41 pm by Fugitive » Logged

Quoted for the Brotherhood of Warriors
"I want my wizard to cast Fugitives instead of fireballs.
We can't always get what we want. ;-)"
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